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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    And none of you have addressed the fact that as I have pointed out science and religion can coexist. Newton I wonder if him being " delusional " contributed to him formulating the theory of gravity. Galileo, Kepler. As this article states that was then we know more about the world what about know ? https://www.magiscenter.com/blog/23-famous-scientists-who-are-not-atheists Want to tell these Nobel prize winners they are delusional ? Damn, good to be that delusional that your work in science is rewarded with a Nobel prize.
  2. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Quick google search Is is calling someone delusional offensive " To be called delusional is a real insult, generally used by a miserable person in order to discredit someone " No I don't get to determine what others do. Their actions speak for themselves as to what sort of person they are. The dictionary meaning of the word delusional " Characterising by holding false beliefs or judgements about external reality that are held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, typically as a symptom of a mental condition, hospitalisation for schizophrenia and delusional paranoia " Still waiting for that incontrovertible evidence.
  3. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    It's not the gotcha moment you think. I do take insults to people I Iove/ loved personally. You can't even come up with original thoughts. You keep posting the same quotes ad infinitum. Mocking and insults is all you add to this thread. That speaks volumes as to what sort of person you are.
  4. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Mate calling some one delusional is pretty insulting to me whatever lense I view it through. And I take it personally when that term is used to describe the best people I have ever known, my parents, who I can assure you were as far from delusional as people could be.
  5. I like our new home better. Less control. Plus we are creating this ourselves. Looks like Rick has done for the Canucks, what the medic did for Nikki's heart
  6. His story is interesting on all levels. How he came to power. Leveraging religious belief. Turkey was basically a secular state going back to the days of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. That guy gave women the right to vote back when he was elected in 1923. In a region where women had next to no rights. This article details a few of the points made in the lecture https://thewire.in/world/how-religion-still-means-power-in-secular-turkey
  7. Was listening to a good lecture on " the sultan of turkey " Erdogan. Both domestically and internationally he plays all sides against each other.
  8. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    So other people's feeling don't matter to you ? Apart from you I haven't encountered anyone who likes being called delusional. Then again I don't go around insulting people calling them delusional. Are you actually a licensed Psychiatrist that has the knowledge/ background to diagnose someone as delusional ?
  9. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    No emotions are involved on my part. Would you like me to call your ideas delusional ? Claim your ideas are archaic ? I think not, and I would not do this, because I respect you, and your right to hold your ideas. These are emotionally loaded terms. As for obsolete answers, the religious people I know believe in evolution, in the process of scientific discovery. My father was an aircraft design engineer. Like me he loved mathematics.
  10. Yeah well maybe if America/ the CIA/ British hadn't backed a coup to depose the democratically elected leader of Iran, and replaced him with the Shah who was so corrupt it allowed the fanatic clerics to take over, Iran might be a functioning democracy right now. Not ruled by a bunch of religious fanatics. Cause and effect. The Iranian people have suffered the most from America's greed for Iranian oil back then, re the consortium agreement.
  11. Really ? https://www.theguardian.com/science/2015/may/19/are-we-products-of-nature-or-nuture-science-answers-age-old-question
  12. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    I first learnt about de Chardin reading the fantasy series by Julian May, Saga of the Exiles. Looked into him a bit and found out about his stance on racial and individual Eugenics. He was also highly critical of the United Nations declaration of the equality of races. Bit of a shame really, for his day, he combined science and religion in a unique way.
  13. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    No Christian I have ever met would do such a thing. Sorry one, Father Murray. However that was well over 40 years ago and dinosaurs like him are rare.
  14. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Yes you are. Would you state this to religious people's faces ? And continuing with this religious delusion. Is it delusional to be kind, and treat others with respect ? I learnt these things from my religious parents. How do a group of people gathering in a building in Monbulk, sharing a bond, helping themselves and others have a negative impact on you or anybody else for that matter ? Why insult them stating they are delusional ? There are fellow members of this board who read this thread who I think we all respect, Joe, Petey, you are effectively calling them delusional. Have you noted how religious institutions have evolved in the last 100 odd years ? And they continue to do so. You know what true enlightenment is, treating others the way you wish to be treated. Unless you like being mocked, you don't seem enlightened to me. As for religious people hurting others, seeing as the majority of people are religious, and in any given group of people you will find good, bad and everything in-between, then of course there is going to be a lot of sh!tty religious people. And as I have pointed out before, if you take away religion, people would find other reasons to be $hitty to each other, that's what people do, find reasons to justify their actions. I have already planned my death bed conversion. After all if there is a god I have covered that base, and if there isn't then no harm/ foul.
  15. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    But that isn't the case now, times have changed and they continue to change. As for being fleeced do you have evidence of this ? The money my parents used to give to the church was mostly used in the local community. Words and specifically the ideas they convey are very important wherever they are used. As Stalin stated " Ideas are more powerful than guns, we would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas " And actually religion is not at the heart of the conflict in Palestine, it's Nationalism. At its heart it's a conflict between two self determination movement's. Both groups of people want a home/ nation of their own. One group is being deprived of freedom/ home. As for if you stated what you are saying now would get you killed in another country ? No Christian country would do this, so presumably you are suggesting a Muslim one. You haven't abused their prophet or religion so why would you get killed ?
  16. You haven't spent enough time around other human beings. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_nature https://www.britannica.com/topic/human-nature Thanks for the tip regarding Mutual aid factor regarding of Evolution and the other links. Good post.
  17. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Where did I say community is only derived from a religious belief ? I didn't. You made statements about archaic thinking patterns, obsolete answers, continue to live in a delusion. If you don't want to believe in a god, and belong to a community that does that's fine. Why mock others that do. I don't tell you to give up your stance on this subject. Why should they give up their community just because you think these things. As I have stated many times I can see the benefits of religion at a congregational level. I have witnessed them. I often hear athiests state that religious people shouldn't force their ideas on others, and I agree, sounds like you are trying to force your ideas on others.
  18. The UN has condemned the siege of Gaza https://www.reuters.com/world/israeli-air-strikes-hit-residences-schools-across-gaza-un-rights-chief-2023-10-10/
  19. I don't think he is trying to find another reason to blame Israel Roman. The matter of people being treated differently because of the colour of their skin is very personal to Nuckin. I was doing a bit of research and I found there is some controversy about the term Kushim and how it is pronounced. https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-754341 https://forward.com/culture/199824/is-kushim-a-racist-israeli-term-for-blacks/ I would like your insight on this subject.
  20. Personally I am glad we have both you and Roman in this thread.
  21. Enlightened Self Interest ? https://smallbusiness.chron.com/examples-enlightened-selfinterest-business-22880.html
  22. Try reading the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital. If we could make that system actually work how Marx intended, then hands down Communism. However it, like all the others doesn't take into account human nature. Whichever system one chooses the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. Here is the result of Capitalism for you The Top 1 percent of Americans have taken 50 trillion from the bottom 90 percent. https://time.com/5888024/50-trillion-income-inequality-america/ Trickle down economics ? It's a dirty great flood to the top.
  23. Underneath your passionate nature I believe you have a good heart as well. I to have a passionate nature. I might even be Jewish My biological mother was forced to give me up.
  24. I guess we both live by the same moral code, treat others the way you wish to be treated. Pretty simple for me.
  25. Again, imagine if we all called Terra our homeland ? Was once told the world was my oyster, I learnt that it was my home.
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