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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. That looks like my friend Aladeen, with a funny hat on.
  2. As I have always stated, I never make it personal and I don't get why people do. Never had a warning point, never reported anyone. Never used a negative emoji. On the old forum one of my last posts was to apologise to anyone I had offended.
  3. You betcha. Like face it, the US wouldn't be losing much. And Hawaii should be given back to the Hawaiians. Blatant land grabs. There is more talk about invading Mexico https://www.vox.com/politics/2023/4/21/23686510/mexico-invade-bomb-trump-republicans-cartels
  4. Roman is not a kid. I struggle with this idea however both his homelands are being invaded right now. He has ties to Ukraine as well. He has family in both places.
  5. No it doesn't. A few Muslim Isrealis heading off to battle refutes what so many other people/ organisations both within Isreal and outside of it state, that Isreal practices arpartheid on the Palestinian people. This has to be taken seriously.
  6. What justifies the existence of Isreal is their right to have a home to call their own. But so do Palestinians. And around and around we go.
  7. I agree, Petey has the one thing I respect the most, a good heart. People say that is my saving grace. I am a bit nutty.
  8. I have changed my mind. I believe in a one state solution. Where all are equal. Where everyone has a voice. " And would it hurt to live in comfort, if you found someone to trust If you knew that you were with us, if we shared a common goal " Joey Cape
  9. Like really brother ? Are you serious ? You do realise that the people who resided for hundreds of years in what is now known as Palestine/ Israel were peasants of the Ottoman Empire. Sigh.
  10. I am aware of the the roots of all these " organisations" on both sides. I to have been trying to find information about Russian involvement. No concrete evidence as yet. After the meetings Hamas had in Russia one would have to believe there is something going on.
  11. Which I totally agree with. Also both sides are doing bad things now. I will state that what some of the Hamas supposed " fighters " are doing is so f#ckin wrong. I am not for the death penalty however if the Isreali soldiers kill them in battle I am totally behind that.
  12. So that's an excuse for all those acts of terrorism ? Because that's what they are. This is why this circle of hatred keeps going around. Each side can find reasons to justify their extreme acts.
  13. Wouldn't you agree that most societies are made up of people like this. I believe you stated the problem with the Palestinian people is not with them, it's Hamas. Why do you think Hamas exists ? I would suggest Hamas exists for the many of the same reasons the Haganah existed. Give people hope, and you take away their reliance on a group like Hamas. I hope that Isreal does take them out, though I do wonder what will replace them.
  14. There is not much I trust these days. There is the British series, The Capture. While it is fiction it details how video footage can be manipulated. You literally can't trust your own eyes these days.
  15. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    100 years ago life for " average" people like us was a struggle. We forget how good we have it. My father told me stories about growing up in the depression in England, living on a few spuds a day for periods at a time. Getting some bread and cheese was like a powder day. Mum, who lived in Australia, while her family was dirt poor, they lived on a farm, they could grow some food.
  16. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    When I first read the the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital as an ideological teenager I thought this is the answer. Later I came to realise that it, like most other economic/ social theories doesn't take human nature into account. Wolves and sheep my friend.
  17. Yes that's what the Irgun claimed when they committed what is considered by many to be the first modern act of terrorism, the bombing of the King David hotel, they rang up and warned the British. There is no evidence to back this up.
  18. So the 750,000 Palestinians that were displaced from their homes when Isreal kicked them out should have been compensated, yes ?
  19. Even one is to concede they don't do it now, they used to do it before their nation was founded. https://thepalestineproject.medium.com/notorious-massacres-of-palestinians-between-1937-1948-ae4f4d1f61d0 Women and children dude. What people will do in extreme to found a nation eh.
  20. In my experience Colombia is a great place to get coked out of your mind. So is BC for that matter.
  21. Alright just for arguments sake, I am a first nations person, a deal has been struck that gives them back their land , and you have to give up/ leave your home ? Are you going to leave. They have inhabited that land for 10,000 years, a lot longer than Isrealis or Palestinians have inhabited Isreal/ Palestine.
  22. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    That's all fine and good however what replaces the community that a shared sense of belief brings. After my father died there was a number of women in mums congregation whose husband's had died, they all looked after each other, support network. This is only one of the good things mums congregation did.
  23. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Coming around ? I have realised this since I first gazed up at the stars.
  24. As you know Roman, I care about all people. Isreali/ Jewish people have suffered for centuries, I couldn't believe the holacuast happened when I first learnt about it as a kid, who would treat people that way. In my early teens I started reading books by Leon Uris, one of which Mila 18, a fictionalized account of the Warsaw ghetto really shocked me. I researched the factual accounts, that was a lot harder back then, no internet, I was horrified. My father told me about stories he was told by fellow British troops who liberated the Belsen concentration camp. He actually didn't speak much about the war however he felt I should now about that. While I am not totally equating the treatment of the Palestinians with that, there is an element of persecution. As I have posted, many prominent Isrealis agree with other international bodies that the Palestinians are victims of arpartheid. There is only wrong when women and children are suffering. My heart goes out to both Isrealis and Palestinians who are victims of this conflict.
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