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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. The history of this conflict is what is on people's minds on both sides of this conflict. Someone's parent, child, other close relative was killed the better part of 100 years ago and the circle of hatred has continued since. It's the Hatfields and the McCoys on a national scale.
  2. This article deals with these questions. https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/israel-may-decimate-hamas-but-can-it-win-this-war As it states in the article, cut the head of the snake, something worse may replace it. The example they give regarding al Qaeda that morphed into ISIS.
  3. I was waiting for you to bring that up. It's BS that terrorists like Begin and Arafat and Rabin as well as a mass murderer like Kissenger were awarded the Nobel peace prize.
  4. All my friends are human beings. I don't ask them their ethnicity. I couldn't care less. To paraphrase MLK Judge a person by the content of their character not the colour of their skin.
  5. Guess what, Isreal elected an ex terrorist, leader of Lehi as their 7th prime Minister, Yitzhak Shamir. Another ex terrorist, Menachem Begin, leader of the Irgun, was the 6th prime minister of Isreal.
  6. I shouldn't have to say it, it's bloody obvious, however I totally condemn that $hit. That is effectively hate speech and we have laws against that as well as racial hatred /vilification. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_speech_laws_in_Australia#:~:text=The Act makes it "unlawful,of the other person%2C or https://humanrights.gov.au/our-work/racial-vilification-law-australia Going back nearly 40 years ago when we would scrap with skinheads and the police themselves, they used to beat the $hit out of us, the first police to arrive had cameras. You would be fighting and flashes would be going off. Next day they had photographic evidence of the $hit that went down. Why aren't they identifying the people who are breaking the law with today's technology, then tomorrow go to their homes and arrest them ?
  7. Yes the Irgun tried to pass the blame on to a very distant family relative, Sir John Shaw. He sued the ass of a Jewish London newspaper who did not fight the case and gave a public apology. A few months later he was appointed High Commissioner of Trinidad and Tobago. The Irgun sent him a letterbomb however it was intercepted. My family has other ties to this conflict.
  8. I am surprised you haven't brought up the Irgun, the Stern Gang. To a lesser extent the Haganah. What is considered by many to be the first modern act of terrorism, the bombing of the king David hotel. Freedom fighters/ terrorists, I guess it's which " side " you are on. I am reasonably certain the Palestinians used the template of these organisations after they lost their homes and were displaced.
  9. You do realise that Isreal " helped " Hamas get elected by assassinating some it's leaders. https://www.theguardian.com/guardianweekly/story/0,,1699719,00.html And support for Hamas, among the Palestinian people was actually bolstered by their agreeing to a ceasefire. As for it's 2023, $hit shouldn't be happening now ? What makes it worse than the $hit that happened 80 years ago ? Even before that ? This circle of hatred basically started with the Balfour declaration.
  10. Easy answer to the problem, stop calling and treating it like sacred ground. It isn't. And no I don't believe it will stop. As I stated right at the start of the Ukraine thread the better part of 2 years ago, we were/ are at a crucial point in history/ world geopolitics. I can see the China - India conflict escalating at some point. China and Taiwan. Tensions in the middle east are rising. The war in Ukraine has no end in sight. Economically, here in Aus so many people are in " mortgage stress ", there is actually talk about the fact if a large amount of people default on their home loans we are all in the $hit. I have always been concerned about the state of the world, however now I am a parent with a 10 year old beautiful boy I live in fear of what the future holds for him.
  11. I know I keep banging on about this and I will continue to. We are all our people. We are all human beings. What's so special about being a Australian ? What's so special about being a Jew/ Isreali ? What's so special about being a Canadian ? We all be traced back to the same place in Africa. We all want the same things, food on the table, a safe environment for our loved ones. Again F#ck Nationalism.
  12. Just out of interest, are you secular ? If you don't mind me asking.
  13. See this is the problem right here. BS sacred ground. How many people have been killed over the centuries because they consider " the holy land " sacred ground " Like I respect you Elias but this sort of BS is the root cause of human beings killing other human beings for stupid ###### reasons.
  14. More Jewish people live outside of Israel than within it. Just over 7 million Isrealis live in Isreal. Over 8 million live outside of Isreal, the bulk of them, 6 million, live in the US.
  15. Talking about the existence of Isreal and Zionists groups. A non Zionist group, The Freedom League For Jewish Territorial Colonization was offered 16,500 Square Kilometres in the north west of Australia. It was called the Kimberly plan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kimberley_Plan Our government eventually canned the idea. Imagine if this had gone through. The amount of lives saved. 8 less wars, a couple of Intifadas.
  16. You used the word solution in regards to a group of people, all I stated is that it always reminds me of the final solution. Which it did.
  17. I merely replied to your comment that is Putin re teaching the world to execute war starting with civilians. Putin is not re teaching, the world has been doing that since WW1. As I stated, my father lived through the fire bombing of Coventry. When he took me there over 30 years later I could still see damage that was done. Of course missiles will be thrown back. The circle of hatred will continue. We are a stupid species that continues to make the same mistakes. There always seems to be a certain sort of stupid human being that can be convinced to kill his fellow human being for a stupid reason.
  18. Pittsburgh places a claim on Scott Wedgewood.
  19. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    I really respect your input my friend, this thread is better for your presence. Your posts are informative and for the most part on point. However you make some assumptions that are simply not true. Not all religious people have " conflict going on inside when presented with evidence " There is no evidence, only the arguments that are used in this thread. Evil, because evil exists god cannot be all powerful and good. Pain, because pain and bad $hit in all its forms exist,he ain't a all powerful and loving god. Injustice, much the same, a loving god would not allow injustice. Multiplicity, lots of gods, all different, which if any are the one God. A real rary that no one has brought up Simplicity, God cannot have any spatial or temporal parts. God cannot have any intrinsic accidental properties. There cannot be any real distinction between one essential property and another in gods nature. There cannot be any real distinction between essence and existence in god.
  20. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Here you go He actually lives in the same place my oldest friends son lives, Byron Bay.
  21. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    No worries my friend.
  22. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    You are indeed correct, Abu Bakr is credited by many Muslim scholars. Ali ibn Abi Talib is credited by Shia scholars. The council of Nicea in AD 325, was where the council established the equality of the Father, Son and the holy spirit. The 66 books of the bible was decided at the council of Hippo, in AD 393. It was affirmed at the council of Carthage in AD 397.
  23. Many thanks to Theo for being a very kind person.
  24. Why do you think we will ever change ? As I keep banging on, until we start viewing each other as fellow human beings instead of a group of disparate societies, nothing will ever change. F#ck nationalism
  25. Like C'mon brother, Putin didn't invent war or targeting/killing civilians. My father lived through the firebombing of Coventry, a deliberate act to kill civilians. The British retaliated later in the war, fire bombing Frankfurt. Between 1965 - 75 he America dropped over twice the amount of bombs on Vietnam- Operation Rolling Thunder. Estimates of between 30,000 to over 180,000 civilians killed. Civilians have always been the real casualties of war, however WW1 they became actual targets.
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