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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    I know you, like I, have some background in the study of comparative religions. You state that if born in a different place people would believe in the " religion" of the place they were born. When you cut to the core of them all they are really all the same. The tree of life has been represented in Ancient Egypt, Christianity, Buddhist, African, Turkish and Celtic cultures. " Horus similar to Mithra Attis analogous to Krishna Jesus different name same story All based on an ancient Egyptian Allegory " Mike Burkett And yes I knew this before I heard the song blasphemy. They contain the same major themes, virgin Birth, Resurrection, " good/ bad " place afterlife. These allegories are universal. What does that tell you about the innate need the majority of humans have to believe in a creator being/ after life. Is it the allegories fault that humans twist their meanings to suit their own ends ? If those allegories did not exist, humans would create other reasons to justify their actions. That is what humans do. It's called human nature. Humans will always do things that the majority define as bad, just as they will always do what the majority define as good. As for indoctrination, many people question their faith during their lives. Some lose it, some gain it.
  2. Thanks my friend. Going through a bad time ATM. Hard to focus on the little things, got my details wrong in regards to his waiver eligibility. Sorry to my AGM.
  3. I believe this BBC article touches upon the major points that have been brought up. As the title states Russia warned EU not weary over war support https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66981381
  4. I am slowly collecting that series, second hand bookshop buyer. Against a Dark Background written by Iain is a great read.
  5. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Of course you don't. It was an opening for those that do to take it up with Steph. Gong down to see her fight again in a few weeks. She is a machine. I was with her dad on grand final day,last Saturday. He told me she told him on his birthday that all she ever wanted, was to be like him, play footy and fight.
  6. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Got a problem with lesbians ? Tell it to one of my oldest friends daughters, Stephanie.
  7. Thanks brother. 4 years in the courts and 100k later I thought I had this sorted nearly 2 years ago. She is telling him I am not his dad just because he is an IVF child. Apart from breaking the court orders that is a form of child abuse, Parental Alienation Syndrome.
  8. I agree with you Ari. While this a game, and a game has rules, some of us have important $hit going on in our lives. My ex is breaking the court orders in relation to time spent with my son. I haven't seen him for 6 weeks. Getting my dates right and all the stuff to do with my fantasy teams has taken a back seat.
  9. The Redwings place a claim on Pius Suter.
  10. The Redwings place Axel Jonsson Fjallby on waivers with the intention of sending him to our minor league team.
  11. The Flyers will slide Christian Kyrou's contract for the 2024 season.
  12. On August the 7th the Flyers set their Front Office Budget on page 10 in the thread on the old forum as the following PLAYER RELATIONS $40,000,000 MINORS BUDGET $20,000,000 SCOUTING DEPARTMENT $20,000,000
  13. I was unaware that it had to be done by October the First. I have been extremely busy at work. Is the budget I posted months ago in the old thread applicable ? Also does that mean Zacha isn't my assistant captain ?
  14. The Flyers set their Front office Budget. Player Relations $40,000,000 Minors $10,000,000 Scouting Department $30,000,000 Second Assistant Captain Pavel Zacha
  15. I know this is Boxing however very happy that Canelo smashed Charlo around the ring last night. Big mouthed seppo. Calling Tszyu a paper champion. Won't fight him. Take the fight and we will see who is the better fighter. Same thing is happening with my friends daughter, the Aussie champ is ducking her, stating Steph hasn't done enough to warrant a shot. 3 weeks time Steph is fighting another Thai girl who has 44 fights under her belt. Whole bunch of us going down this time, including one of our friends who used to be a World Champion, Dave " the destroyer " Russell
  16. If you liked Rabbit Proof fence I recommend Sweet Country. Great cast, well written, and filmed up north. We have our stolen generations. The original Australians 1910 - 1970 https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/timeline-stolen-generations/m4y91u344 The stolen generation I belong to. https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/white-mothers-of-stolen-children-also-deserve-an-apology-20101207-18o7t.html Up until 1982, 250,000 babies were forcibly taken from their mothers. Some of the mothers were drugged, chained to their beds.
  17. Yes, while we are improving, there is a strong undercurrent of racism in this country. Neo Nazis have been popping there heads up. This is in may this year. Earlier this year https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/mar/20/victoria-to-ban-nazi-salute-after-anti-trans-protest-melbourne-australia The far right nutters are using the same old dog whistles for the upcoming referendum.
  18. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Everyone is missing the answer to biggest mystery of all.....
  19. Here in Aus we have a long way to go to catch up to you guys. We are having a referendum in a couple of weeks, about and indigenous voice to Parliament. Funny, well not really, using the word indigenous to describe the people who have been living here in Australia for over 60,000 years. The oldest continuous culture on this planet. I note people have posted a couple of songs. This one best illustrates the vicious cycle " our mob " how they described themselves, are caught in.
  20. I am happy with whatever you choose MR.
  21. You have your own book shop ? Awesome. I am lucky to have a couple of great second hand Bookshops close by that I frequent. Books and CD's are the only luxuries I really indulge in. I am currently struggling through Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams, for the second time.
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