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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Thats the problem with some people Joe, they see a philosophical/ existential discussion as a fight, or a means to belittle others. Some of us love to ponder and discuss these things. Bottom line
  2. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Human brains have not evolved over billions of years. Our human ancestors first appeared sometime between 5 - 7 million years ago.
  3. Same here Phil. Also have never reported anyone or used the negative " emojis ".
  4. The Detroit Redwings set their Front office budget for 2023 - 24 $25,000,000 Player Relations $30,000,000 Minors Budget
  5. By his own admission that was attempted murder. He should have been tried as such.
  6. Upon the seat of a bicycle built for two
  7. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    But don't you see that's the beauty of Catholicism. You f#ck up, say you're sorry and it's all good. Plus you get a matchbox car from your parents after confession. We didn't have many toys. Seriously I while I don't believe in rituals, I acknowledge that we make mistakes. We have to own our mistakes, that is the first step on the path to not making the same mistakes again. Confession is just a religious persons version of this. I do like Alexander Pope as a satirist and Poet. His quote " To err is human, to forgive is divine " When the meaning of the word divine is as an informal adjective, Very pleasing, delightful
  8. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    First off takes a honest person to apologise, and do it publicly, big time respect. As for the rest, my mother's congregation has divorcees as members. One girl had an abortion according to my mother when she was alive.
  9. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    This is my Ex's sister https://www.wehi.edu.au/news/missing-key-could-overcome-drug-discovery-barrier/ We used to have some great discussions.
  10. Good article in regards to the JWST being able to help us understand how quickly the Universe is expanding. https://bigthink.com/starts-with-a-bang/triple-lens-supernova-jwst/
  11. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    As I have stated, I have studied comparative religion/s for over forty years and this encompasses spiritual beliefs such as reincarnation and Karma. When I was younger Buddhism kinda appealed to me, especially the idea of Karma. However as I have grown older, the idea of Karma in this particular incarnation is a crock. Bad Sh!t happens to good people, good things happen to bad people. I used to believe that bad Sh!t happened less to those who I define as good. The experiences of the last decade of my life has diasbused me of this belief. As for reincarnation, is there a suitable punishment for a person like Hitler regarding reincarnation ?
  12. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Should we apply that line of reasoning to the Authors of the various Gospels ?
  13. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Most historians/ scholars state the gospels were not eyewitness accounts, written by eyewitness. Having studied comparative religion for over 40 years, I am willing to accept their conclusion.
  14. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Which branch of science do you specialise in, if you don't mind me asking ?
  15. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Whether a god exists or not I ask myself these questions about the suffering of children. Just F#cking why
  16. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    Picture or it doesn't exist ! I hope you realise this is in the " spirit " of the thread......
  17. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    You are indeed correct in stating that the gospels, the four that were chosen, Mark written sometime between AD 66 - 70 Matthew and Luke AD 85 - 90 John AD 90 - 110, were indeed written in Greek. Koine Greek was the language in a Jewish Christian community in the territory occupied by Roman forces that we now call Syria. Most historians agree they were not written by eyewitness. And these were the gospels that were chosen at the Council of Nicea AD 325, and later confirmed at the council of Carthage AD 397. Many were discarded.
  18. Ilunga

    The God Thread

    You asked me to directly answer the questions you asked in this post. As has been pointed out to you by several people now, only 121 of the 1,763 wars had religion as their primary cause. So no religion is not the cause of the majority of wars and atrocities against people. God and his disciples completely eliminated indigenous Canadians ? As of 2021 there were 1.8 million indigenous Canadians. The indigenous population actually grew by 9.4 percent between 2016 - 2021. Have you ever read the collection of Allegories that is called the bible. If you have you will realise that the people who do what we define as bad things aren't following the meanings of those allegories. If you have studied comparative religion you would know that the big religions are much the same. They carry the same common themes. So in reality Monotheism is really the belief in the same same god.
  19. @Cerridwen These band has a history with one of your favourite bands
  20. One of my all time favourite record covers
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