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John McClane

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    John McClane

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  1. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Dak J get a chance at a top 6 roll on the Petty line, during camp. Seeing if he can take his game up another level.
  2. 6f2in 195lb from Langley. Had 17g and 19a in 74 games last season. And a +16
  3. This all just seems weird to me. If teams went weeks without analyzing every position, then I wouldn’t blink at a report like this. But from end of season to as of last week, the Canucks were set to go. Now all of a sudden a 180 pivot and they want an experienced backup. Does that mean Demko’s rehab is not going well? Did he have a setback? Is there an intriguing trade on the table? It’s fun to speculate. It would be hard to believe that the brass was just sitting around and one of them said, “you know, I think maybe we should have an experienced back up”. And everyone else said, “Yeah, that’s a good idea! Your right”. Because it’s a sudden change. I believe that it’s 1 of the 2. Either Demko is having an early offseason set back, or the team has been given a tempting trade offer that are making the Canucks consider a change in goal. Let’s see where this goes.
  4. How many time can Chris Cuthburt verbally embarrass himself in 1 mini game with stupid commentary.
  5. I’m not sure if Casey D is just one of those guys that is always happy. But it was awesome to see how he just couldn’t stop smiling during his interview after the game. I kind of get the feeling that he might be a little “buddy the elf” “I just like smiling “ “smiling is my favourite”. Great add for the room, and he played really well too. A little all over the place at times. But stopping the puck and calmly things down when the coilers were finding so flow. He deserved the win.
  6. 1st period No! 2nd period YES! What team do we get to watch in the 3rd?? I’m going to say, the team we watch in the 2nd period.
  7. Canucks are finally playing some hockey where it doesn’t look like they are trying to think their way around the ice. It looks like they are just playing. Hopefully that means the systems and expectations are just becoming natural.
  8. I was hoping to see a little something out of Bloom. But he’s been pretty low key and ineffective.
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