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Rip The Mesh

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Posts posted by Rip The Mesh

  1. 6 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

    I think Podkolzin is going to grab a spot. He’s going to lock in physically and be a force out there. 

    Love to see it!  He's a great kid and gets along well with his team-mates. If Rick can find the spot, and if Podz keeps dishing out physical play like he was really

    starting to do in Abby with their run for the championship, he might stick in Van. 

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  2. 56 minutes ago, RawkDrummer said:

    Don't feel good about Pods on this day.


    Still think Hirose is a future Nuck

    Podkolzin will probably be back in Abbotsford to start the year. He's shown glimpses since he began here but they've never (for lack of a better word, stuck.)

    He seemed to fall off a cliff when when Kuzmenko hit town. Some great chances for all the maybes the next 8 - 10 days. Who will overcome the pressure  and 

    grab a spot on the opening day roster ??????????????      

  3. 5 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:


    Yeah I'm a big fan of structure out there. I love to see when the other team breaks out we have all their players marked. When we don't have good odds, we dump it in and forecheck with speed and commitment, or change. Less high risk plays and more high percentage plays where players are in positions each other expect. Stuff like that. I can accept when a guy simply gets beat in a footrace but knows where he's supposed be and is trying 100% to get there. What kills me is the plays where they get odd man rushes and you see someone skating 80% not picking up anyone and have their open man get a give me on a broken play. Once you have structure then you have guys like Petey, Kuz, and Hughes doing the unexpected, which would make us hard to beat.


    Really hoping we put together a solid road trip out of the gate too. It does feel like we're actually going to get 100% effort and execution this year. Last year they all said the right things but it was evident shortly into the season that they were hollow words. Let's Go Canucks! 🏒

    Great post. The coach has to keep pushing on this all year. Even if the score is 4 - 0 against us, doesn't matter. Thing is; I think this group will be really good with their 

    structure and have a coach that knows all of them pretty much now. Should be good.

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