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Salacious Crumb

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    Salacious Crumb

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  1. Elon jumped the shark a while ago, complete garbage human being.
  2. We are the presidents of the NHL’s Sad Club with over 50 years of futility cred. Last season we overachieved - we can’t win it all, that would destroy our loveable loser mystique. I suspect some regression this season. Canucks finish with 96 points. Demko is never the same and enters the goalie graveyard. Edmonton wins the Cup and millions are turned off hockey for life.
  3. Insomnia sucks. Cutting out alcohol was a game changer for me on that count. Exercise can help and so can a steam room or a sauna after dinner.
  4. Love Podz. Hope he ends up in Chicago, he can grow into a cup winner with a young team.
  5. Ima saving this quote for mid season. Coach is old school and sees our window is the next 2 seasons. No kids, no Commies and especially no Commie kids for Tocc.
  6. Thank you for your unsolicited opinion. Nobody loves you and it shows.
  7. Petey needs some Weight Gain 4000 and ACME strength ankle tape.
  8. He is so. Zadorov too. I dreamt it so it must be in the future.
  9. Biggest question mark for me is Demko. He’s been a glass cannon the last couple of years and we only go as far as he carries the team.
  10. Bertuzzi. His ‘roid rage on Moore cost the Westcoast Express its best chance at a Cup. Honourable mention to Cloutier
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