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  1. I think you'll be hard pressed to find someone actively supporting Trudeau on these boards. It's just a question of the alternative, basically in South Park's terms, we're choosing between the Douche and the Turd Sandwich.
  2. I believe the exact wording you used was "criminal activity" Anyways, we can leave it at that.
  3. That's a loaded comment with a ton of historical revisionism behind it, there's countless sects that Christians have persecuted and eliminated since the Roman times. Let's not forget the 30 years war, when Europe basically burned itself to the ground because of Catholics and Protestants. Millions have died just because they believed in the wrong version of Christianity. They took advantage mainly of the resentment from the Treaty of Versailles, which combined with the economic depression that the world was going through. Diversity, Inclusion, Equity isn't being forced on anyone. Again, in any functioning society, you tolerate folks for their beliefs and live and let live, but there is a hard line where you cannot tolerate the intolerant. I would bunch Radical Islam and Extremist Christian White Supremists here too. That mention of Islam is completely random. I thought just a line above you said Christianity accepted all creeds?
  4. If you want to go that route, one of the earliest things the Nazis did to the Jews was falsely accuse the Jews of persecuting Germans for their beliefs and identity. It's really part of that playbook to accuse the side they want to disenfranchise with the very actions they plan to implement on the group. The cynical way you use Diversity, Inclusion, Equality really just tells everything eh. I know that's the new buzz word now that 'woke' has lost its original meaning (as intended by the far right), not that they've stopped using it. And wrapping those values around a guy you support that has openly called immigrants animals, threatened to jail and kill his political opponents and essentially is planning on setting up a theocratic dictatorship to trample everyone's rights. I invite you to check your own reflection here.
  5. When you're right of Reagan, Cheney and Thatcher. Everyone is a lefty I suppose
  6. At least you've changed it from illegally fact checked to 'wrongfully'. Very itty bitty Baby steps.
  7. Its not about beating anyone. Everyone on the forum has their own views and no ones mind os being changed. it's just not letting the disinformation get a free pass.
  8. Some people just like tapping the puck into the empty net
  9. Not Politics. But some good news. Hopefully this is the beginning of undoing the damage done by the Sackler Family. https://www.npr.org/2024/09/18/nx-s1-5107417/overdose-fatal-fentanyl-death-opioid NPR Exclusive: U.S. overdose deaths plummet, saving thousands of lives
  10. That 2 minute clip posted about 'violent' democrat language was cute. You could probably find enough clips of Trump to rival the run time of the Lord of the Rings extended versions.
  11. You definitely are doing a lot of that
  12. Thank you secret Canucks Agents Zadarov and LIndholm for the cap squeeze
  13. Back to hard policy numbers. This is how the Trump Tax Cuts were paid for going by the estimates of the Congressional Budget Office while Trump was president in 2017. Anyone with a negative got a credit, anyone with a positive got an increased tax burden. The party that is worse for the pockets of the middle class is very apparent. Figures are in millions of dollars. Also notice the poison bill that extends through the entirety of Biden's term with tax increases on the poorest income brackets taking place during his term. This also represents Three Iraq Wars worth of expenditure that Trump added to the budget.
  14. Ironically even though we disagree on how the Harris Campaign is in its messaging, I'm not as optimistic with the math haha this is a smaller polling lead than what Biden had (~4%), but it's all about who turns out to vote. (he won by 1.16%)
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