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Jeremy Hronek

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Posts posted by Jeremy Hronek

  1. image.thumb.png.cc1ff76699ef922559172009674ed9b3.png


    Devil revealed (this thread reminded me of that M Shamalyn movie from 2010 when the old lady was revealed as The Devil.  Legit scared the monkey piss out of me.  Anyways.....sorry, thought I'd share.  


    Nice to see the boys finally get a win here.  

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  2. The 2022/2023 season stats seems to indicate that Kuzmenko's "dip" in play this season might have more to do with the following:


    -Unsustainably high shooting percentage

    -Not being in shape


    As opposed to Kuzmenko not being a good fit for Tocchet's system.  Based on Kuzmenko's performance last season under Tocchet, there was no dip whatsoever in AK's performance. In fact, he might have actually played even better.  


    Kuzmenko's 2022-2023 season output:   39G + 35A = 74P (81 games)

    Kuzmenko's production when Tocchet took over last season:   20G + 13A = 33P (36 games)


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  3. 13 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

    So with the Lotto Line back together again and Petey and Miller playing unreal together, it looks like we may be better off trying to acquire another centre versus a winger.  The new centre would need to play with Kuzmenko and Mikheyev, so it would have to be someone who is very good defensively and can also produce some offence.  A set up man for Kuzmenko would be ideal.  I was throwing around Buchnevich, but honestly he is not really a centre, he’s primarily a winger.


    So in comes my next choice and someone that probably can be had for a lot cheaper than Buchnevich…


    To Vancouver:

    Alexander Wennberg (50% retention)


    To Seattle:

    Nils Höglander 


    Vancouver does this because if we are keeping the Lotto Line together then we need a 2C.  Wennberg may not really be a 2C but he is an upgrade on Suter and I think given better linemates he can produce more offensively.  He is a good set up man and is a fast skater so I think he would work well with Kuzmenko.  Höglander is pretty much redundant on our team now and is a 4th liner for us but could be a 20 goal scorer on another team in the top 6.  This is why Seattle does the deal.  They get a young cost controlled winger who could break out while trading a pending UFA.


    Also, Wennberg is Swedish so he probably signs an extension to play in Vancouver.  He wouldn’t break the bank either and is still only 29 years old, so he can play with us for a few more years and even be a 4C in the future as he gets older.  He is fast, very good defensively and will also help our penalty kill. 


    Höglander still has potential but he is not a Tocchet guy and we have lots of other wingers coming up in the pipeline to replace him…


    Pettersson    Miller           Boeser

    Kuzmenko    Wennberg    Mikheyev

    Joshua         Blueger        Garland

    Podkolzin     Suter            Lafferty



    I can see Podkolzin coming up for the playoffs and playing on the 4th line….   



    Great idea and I almost completely agree with it.  Just a few things:


    1. As Alflives pointed out, Petey should be the centre on this line (with Miller taking winger draws).


    2. I'd keep Podkolzin cooking in the A.  Put PDG on that LW.  



    Miller            Pettersson    Boeser

    Kuzmenko    Wennberg    Mikheyev

    Joshua         Blueger        Garland

    PDG.            Suter            Lafferty


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  4. 5 hours ago, Miss Korea said:

    60% of the salary cap for 5 players.  That percentage will change as the cap goes up, Tavares' contract ends and Marner gets extended.  But they couldn't let a guy like Nylander walk free.  He is the main reason Toronto's in a playoff position right now.  Better to just bite the bullet and pay the man.




    This deal pretty much signifies that the Leafs will move on from Tavares when his deal is up.  

  5. 8 hours ago, Johnny said:

    I would do this


    I think the thing that is holding the canucks back from being true contenders is having someone who can step up if one of Miller or Petey get injured


    also with lindholm being defensively sound he would be able to center the third line and be able to take away matchups from Miller and Petey


    however, as much of a scapegoat myers has been i think he needs to stay for the rest of the year, Garland going the other way would be the better move even if it cost a little more


    Agreed on all accounts.  


    With the presence of Lindholm under this scenario, you could re-unite the lotto line as well.    


    As far as Myers goes, I might be open to moving him when Soucy returns because Juulsen has proven that he can play in that #6 spot.  








    Not sure if I want to move Garland because his line with Bluegar and Joshua is arguably the best thing that we have going for us.  

  6. 4 hours ago, D.B Cooper said:


    Would you do it?

    Crouse and a 2nd for Kuzmenko?   

    Considering the poor fella isn’t even in the lineup a lot of the time, I’d probably do it. 
    The 2nd would be rad. 

    Kinda doubt the Coyotes would be offering that though. 
    The younger, bigger player with better stats having a bit of a break out year. 
    Plus a 2nd….


    I would but AZ wouldn't.  


    The guy who created that rumour was born in 5 months.

    • Haha 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Elias Pettersson said:

    Well we could trade Petey and then sign Lindholm for free in the summer. Or make the trade now and trade Petey at the deadline.   

    If Chicago wants to trade their 2024 1st and 2025 1st for Petey and we can draft Celebrini then that might be the best trade we could make. 

    All interesting scenarios for sure but the Canucks should only move Petey as an absolute last resort imo since trading him during the season (or at any point) would cause too many shockwaves (and likely distract the team from what has been a very good season).  

    I like the idea of “Tyler Toffoli part II” with Elias Lindholm but that’s just me.


    ps - I’m going into EA sports territory here but do you think a guy like Joel Eriksson EK could be had?

  8. Just now, Elias Pettersson said:

    Suter is a 3C not a 2C. Lindholm would be a massive upgrade but we’d have to pay him $9 million and it would cost us Kuzmenko, our 2025 1st and Höglander. 

     Agree with you on Suter.


    With regards to Lindholm, what if acquired him as a rental like we did with Toffoli? (or as the Rangers did with Patty Kane?)  Only sign Lindholm long term in the minor event that our negotiations with Petey do not go well.  

  9. 6 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

    So Dakota Joshua and Teddy Blueger are going to lead us to the cup playing 20 minutes a night on the 2nd line?  

    I think that is an even worse lineup as now our 3rd line is expected to play over their pay grade. 

    At the end of the day, Allvin needs to bite the bullet and get Petey some wingers to play with. 

    Use the Mikheyev-Suter-Kuzmenko line as the 2nd line.  

    Or better yet, refer to my Elias Lindholm proposal idea.  😛

  10. 12 minutes ago, Provost said:

    It doesn't mean it is a 1 for 1....

    Greenway and Tuch are Buffalo players that would be the kind of targets Allvin seems to be after.

    Buffalo is near the bottom of the standings again.  If there is some deal for Tuch and Greenway (with $1 million retained on Greenway to make the money work) for Hoglander, Kuzmenko, and some futures from us (picks or prospects)... that basically finishes our roster for a run when Soucy gets back.  Buffalo gets a different mix plus futures to use themselves or as currency.


    I take that forward group with a mix of size and skill to not wear down in the playoffs.



    Tuch wouldn't come cheap.   Would definitely be a significant amount of "some futures."

    • Cheers 1
  11. 7 minutes ago, Phil_314 said:

    Folks really need to search for similar topics, not sure how many Kuzmenko for Anderson topics have been started and shut down by our resident Habs fans.



    Some of those were made by me about a month or so back but Anderson's point totals are still quite low (and yes I concede that he had a solid December).  Hence, my proposal.  

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  12. 20 minutes ago, canucks curse said:

    Anderson is doing well right now in MTL, Marty STL has been clear he really likes his game but he goes through periods of inconsistency like most wingers, I doubt they want kuzy 


    11 points in 38 games at 5.5 million?   Kuz has 19 in 32 which has caused Thomas' Drance's estrogen levels to blow through the roof.  


    If Marty St. Louis isn't atleast taking calls on Anderson, then buddy is fucked in the head.  

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  13. 1 hour ago, qwijjibo said:

    How is it apparent thst Anderson needs a change of scenery? He has 9 points in his last 13 games.  His coach has praised him and said he always believed in him,he got an emotional standing ovation from fans after a 1st star selection after a game and he was just awarded the Molson cup as Montreal's player of the month for December.  


    Montreal Is very happy to keep him.   







    Fair enough.  I was just looking at his overall stats for the season and they seem really underwhelming.  


    While Kuzmenko has looked like Caitlyn Jenner throughout large parts of the season, he still has 19 points in 32 games........and this is with 5 healthy scratches, and 4th line minutes in Michael Jackson's fun house. And all of this under a system that clearly isn't suited to Kuzmenko's game. I guess what I'm getting at, is that I don't think this is a proposal in which Martin St. Louis automatically dunks the phone.  But I could be wrong.


    Screenshot 2024-01-07 at 1.20.14 AM.png

  14. To Canucks:  Josh Anderson


    To Montreal:   Andrei Kuzmenko


    Yes we've been down this road before on here but I'm going to bring it up again. 


    Kuzmenko for Anderson.  


    Both players get a much needed change of scenery.


    Kuzmenko has a higher point total than Anderson but Anderson is bigger and more physical.  The exact same cap hit.   Seems like an even trade off to me.


    Tocchet gets his power forward up front that can play with Petey while Kuzmenko goes to a more laissez-faire system where it may not always be necessary to blow other men into the boards on the forecheck. 


    I brought up this proposal in another thread about a month ago but backed off on it because Josh Anderson was starting to heat up.


    A month later however, and I think it's apparent that both players need a change of scenery.  













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  15. 14 minutes ago, BigTramFan said:

    To CHI: Kuzmenko

    To VAN: 2024 2nd round pick (VAN) 


    To CBJ: 2024 1st round pick (VAN) + Raty

    To VAN: Boone Jenner


    To ARI: 2024 3rd round pick (VAN) + Linus Karlsson

    To VAN: Jason Zucker (50% retained)


    Jenner has 2 more seasons signed at $3.75m and would be a perfect fit with Petey. Also he is a legit top 6 center in case of injuries. Saving some cap and upgrading Kuz with Jenner is a move for this season but also for the next 2 seasons when EP40 and Hronek will need to be paid more. The cost of moving Raty and downgrading our 1st to a 2nd in 2024 is worth it imo. CJB are not going to move Jenner for less than that, and perhaps not at all.


    Zucker is a pure rental, brings speed and finish to our top 6. Hogs is not quite ready for a fulltime top 6 role. Zucker has languished in ARI this season but showed what he can do last season playing with decent players like Gino. Would fit nicely with Miller and Boeser imo.


    Lineup after moves (still cap compliant):


    Jenner Pettersson Mikheyev

    Zucker Miller Boeser

    Joshua Blueger Garland

    Hoglander Suter Lafferty



    Hughes Hronek

    Zadorov Myers

    Soucy Cole

    (Friedman Juulsen)


    Demko (DeSmith)

    Not bad.


    Was just thinking out loud though - why not make these same moves but re-unite the lotto line?


    Miller Pettersson Boeser

    Zucker Jenner Mikheyev

    Joshua Blueger Garland

    Hoglander Suter Lafferty



    Hughes Hronek

    Zadorov Myers

    Soucy Cole

    (Friedman Juulsen)




    • Thanks 1
  16. 3 hours ago, OldFaithfulcap said:


    Pettey was better last year.


    This year Miller is better. 


    Who was Petey's linemate last year?  What was his name?  Russian guy?  Last name started with K?  


    Whoever he was, we could sure use that guy right about now.  Maybe he helps Petey get going again?   

    • Cheers 1
  17. 1 minute ago, Dr. Crossbar said:


    Of course there's always ways to improve. That applies to Kuzmenko and exactly why they're working with him to improve his game and the team's game. 


    He needs to prove he can play the right way and within team system. Period.


    I know what you mean, but don't you think it's.....limiting? Self-sabotaging?  Again, I use the 1994 Pavel Bure and 1996 Alex Mogilny examples.  


    If one of those guys were available and signed with the Canucks, would it make sense for the coaching staff to cater to their strengths, or would it make more sense to pigeon hole them into a rigid system that may or may not suit their style?   


    Going into big picture mode, our overly rigid system might deter certain types of UFA's wanting to sign here if they feel that their style of play won't mesh well.  


    "Heeeeeey!  William Nylander wants to play in Vancouver!  Nope.  He can take a walk.  He ain't willing to "go the dirty areas" and "blow other men into the boards after getting in on the forecheck. Pass!"   

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  18. 2 minutes ago, Dr. Crossbar said:


    They're working with him. Kuz understands, so does his agent. We're third in the league. Two points out of first. Period.


    Kuzmenko is a proven goal scorer.


    The Canucks top line with Pettersson is struggling to score (which was not the case at the start of the season when Kuz was there). 


    There are always ways to improve one's team.



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