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Jeremy Hronek

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Posts posted by Jeremy Hronek

  1. 2 hours ago, aGENT said:



    We should add refined sugars to that list as well, which probably costs our health system more per year than all the hard drugs combined.




    You're subtly trying to imply that I'd have a problem with the above but I actually wouldn't at all.  


    I'd agree with this wholeheartedly actually.  

    • Cheers 1
  2. 25 minutes ago, aGENT said:


    You were funding police, court and prison costs before (on top of medical ones)....

    Fair enough.


    My solution is then this:  


    If society (in Vancouver) wants to take a more liberalized and laxed approach to drug use, then go ahead.  


    They should privatize healthcare in that case so that their behaviour doesn't hurt/waste tax payers dollars. 

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  3. 13 minutes ago, qwijjibo said:

    He's a class clown without the class.

    He has his schtick phrases like bustaroo and puck sucker....


    He makes up juvenile nicknames that key on whatever he thinks is a flaw. Bald? Lets make fun of that, older? Let's key on that, short? That's a bonanza for him. 


    Fine. Whatever. The buffet issue is you can't have an actual hockey concersation with him because he's too busy doing his routine.  


    Want to discuss a trade rumors or proposal? His response is who cares what rhe other team wants or needs, it's a Canucks forum.  Want to discuss another teams players? They're all puck suckers and bustaroos. 


    When Jack Hughes signed his contract he insisted that Hughes is a bustaroo who wasn't even worth $3.5m 


    He adds no value to any actual conversation or discourse. 


    If you're entertained by him. Cool.  For me his act got old FAST.  I had him on ignore on the old site, gave him a few weeks here before I got annoyed and put him on ignore here.  It has nothing to do with being easily offended, his opinion means less than nothing to me and I can't be bothered with his idiocy 



    The way I see it, CDC is a community.  


    I think it would be a bit boring if everyone just talked hockey and we had no colourful characters. 


    I've seen Alflives give some decent hockey thoughts.   


    But whatever to each his own.  Everyone's different but they add something I believe.  



    • Cheers 3
  4. 17 hours ago, Miss Korea said:

    He does.  I've called him out on it before.  He's gloated about Cale Makar getting hurt.


    It's just classless.  Rooting against literal kids just because they're not on your team.


    I haven't been here long but I enjoy Alflives' postings.  


    I don't he's being serious when he makes those kinds of comments.  He seems cool to me.  


    I hope Brad Marchand gets HIV but he's not a kid.  That's neither here nor there however. 

    • Cheers 1
  5. One should not have to pay $2200 CAD per month for a studio apartment in Joyce-Collingwood, lol.  


    C'mon man.


    I will always love Vancouver and will always want Vancouver to be the #1 city in the world one day, but the city has gone to hell in many respects.  The city needs to find a way to


    1. Significantly reduce cost of living

    2. Triple and maybe even quadruple its police budget

    3. Get rid of Neo-liberalism and radical left policies

    4. Address the homelessness problem

    5. Significantly tighten up lax drug policies.     

  6. I'll have to say......


    Aren't the Canucks lucky to have Rutherford, Alvin, Tocchet, Foote, Gonchar, and the twins all on our payroll?    




    I know it's slightly off topic but just look at our organizational structure and prospect pool now.  Elias Pettersson (D), Lekkerimaki, Raty, Hirose, Silovs, Karlsson, Bains, Podkolzin, Willander, Hunter B, etc.  


    In January of 2023, who would have thought that we would have had the type of 2023 that we did?  


    Never ceases to amaze me.  

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  7. On 12/22/2023 at 2:42 AM, Rip The Mesh said:



    I didn't realize that Elias Pettersson the defenseman was that big!   


    But yes, to the earlier comments, I'd cream my pants and then inhale them if EP became this generation's version of Mattias Ohlund.  

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  8. 5 hours ago, Bob Long said:


    I'd consider something around 2024 1st, Lekker, Kuzy, and some other lesser picks/prospects. Willander has to be an untouchable tho. 


    But that's the kicker right there.  Sens likely wouldn't give us Brady for anything less.  You also have to take into account that OEL's cap buyout penalty will spike in a couple of seasons.  The Canucks will have to be careful with their cap management.  


    Realistically, Brady would probably cost us Pettersson.   Like maybe Pettersson and Kuzmenko for Brady Tkachuk and Tim Stutzle or something.

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  9. 4 hours ago, Blue said:

    This is looking like the worst ever. 

    I wonder what the worst ever as a percent of the cap actually is. And that is saying something in this league. 



    So what would you do ? Let him play and hope for an injury ? It is only a matter of if, not when he gets bought out. Is there any way a Horton for Clarkson type deal could be made ? 


    Or maybe a mega trade and buyout. A non cap team could trade for him and demand a ransom from Calgary to do it. 


    Id play him for 2 more years and then buy him out  


    Try and move him to NJ for Timo Meier (with some slight retention) and sell NJ on the idea of Huberdeau killing it with Jack Hughes. 

  10. 5 hours ago, MidKnight Ego said:

    i see youre making friends again... youre a real go getter


    Fair enough but I don't understand the intended spirit of his post.


    As I was reading his post, he reminded me of someone that wants to play football but is afraid of breaking a fingernail.


    Hockey doesn't work like that.  Life doesn't work like that.  


    You give it your best and welcome all challenges no matter what they are.  


    If you're looking for safety and security, the doors of Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch kindly awaits you.   


    The Canucks need to be prepared no matter who they face and they'll need to "bring it."

    • Haha 1
  11. 7 hours ago, CanuckFanForever said:

    I have been watching the standings very closely this whole season as I bet most of you have and now that they sit 1st in their conference Tied in pts with Vegas but with the tie breaker of regulation wins 21 to 15 (which is just outstanding) and leading the League in points with Vegas @ 47 ( keep in mind that both the Rangers and Bruins have 4 games in hand with point % .750 and .733 respectively). 


    As impressive as all this is it is what is happening below them that make the Canucks position in their conference get dicey. Which will beg the Question Is it the worse case scenario?


    Let me explain?


    So far it looks like no team in the Pacific is going to catch Vegas, Vancouver or LA. Which means the Canucks are going to be 1st, 2nd or 3rd in their division. That means the Canucks path through the playoffs works out in 2 ways. Either the Canuck place 2nd or 3rd (2/3 chance of this happening) and they play LA or Vegas in the first round. If they get through to the second they play LA or Vegas in the 2nd round assuming no great upset 8th place team knocking out the 1st place team in the Conference. If the Canucks make it to the 3rd round they than end up playing Dal, Col or Winn to get through to the final (those 3 teams currently lead the Central division and have the best odds at this point).


    What makes this the worse Case Scenario is, Just to advance to the Conference final the Canucks would have to play the 2 best teams other then themselves in the in the western conference. 


    The Facts, here are the Pt % of the top 5 other then the Canucks so you don't need to look them up in the western conference. Vegas = .691, LA .690, Dal .677, Winn .661 and Col .636.


    Let me just show you one other thing that I noticed.


    The Canucks have a very small chance of dropping to 7th place and yet if they where this would be their path instead. Currently the 7th place team Nash with a pt% of .576 would play Dal in the first round and if they beat them, Nash would then have to play Col or Win never seeing LA, Vegas or Canucks until the Conference Final. This is a far easier path then having to play Vega and LA then the top remaining team in the western division. That means if the Canucks dropped to 7th they would play Dals and then 1 of Col or Win and then what ever seed still remained in the Pacific LA, Vegas or other.


    Just to show you that the Canucks have almost a zero chance at 7th place currently Nash and Ari currently hold the wild card positions (both central division teams) so either 1 of Cal, Sea, or Edm would have to come back to knock the Canucks out of the top 3 position in the pacific. However if they did do this yes the Canucks at this point would take the first wildcard 7th position. But as it currently stands Cal pt % is .500, Sea is .456 and Edm is .483. 


    The Glimmer of Hope.


    Canucks place 1st in the Pacific (which would essentially place them first in the Conference) The Canucks would then play the 2nd wild card position or the 8th team in the western conference  (currently Ari) and then the Winner of LA or Vegas.


    Disclaimer there're is scenarios 3 as well. Ari Knocks out let's say Vegas and the Canucks beat LA and the Canucks Play Ari in the 2nd round. Less likely but sill a possibility.


    Why is Playing Vegas and LA the worse case scenario other than having to play both teams?


    The Canucks are not playoff hardened yet. As impressive as this season has been for them it is still the regular season and the playoffs all together is a different beast and the Canucks are currently staring down the hardest playoff schedule of all division leaders. 


    As you all know, I have been hard on Coach Tocchet and will remain pointing out the flaws of this team and it's structure exactly because of what I have written here today. Tired can not be and excuse not being prepared to start games, Their PK being close to the bottom of the league their PP now faltering can not happen to a team that wants to succeed in the playoffs that is currently looking down a great possibility of having the hardest playoff schedule in the league. These flaws are just the recipe of a 1 and done team and I know that most Canuck fans do not want to see this happen.


    Forever A Canucks Fan who one day wants to see a Canuck team bring home a Cup.






    With respect,


    All of this talk of "glimmer of hope" reeks of cowardice.  


    The bottom line is that the Canucks are going to have a tough 1st round opponent no matter who they play.  If they finish first in the Conference, you're likely looking at St. Louis, Nashville, or Edmonton (I think the Oilers will climb the standings while Arizona will drop just as Anaheim did a few seasons back).  


    And if we finish 2nd or 3rd, it's Vegas or LA.     


    For better of for worse, there's lots of parity in the NHL, and the Canucks will need to bring their A game regardless of who they play.   



    • Cheers 2
  12. 3 hours ago, HKSR said:

    @Bob Long gave me this idea with talking about Petey playing perimeter instead of down the middle of the ice.  I think we get another centre and move Petey to the wing to play like Stone/Marner.


    To VAN:

    Elias Lindholm


    To CAL:

    Andrei Kuzmenko

    Aatu Raty

    1st Round Pick


    VAN does this to solidify the 2nd line.  Allows Petey to play the wing, which is where he has naturally played throughout his entire career before arriving in Vancouver.  Lindholm is a fantastic 2-way centre already, so having him with Petey and Mikheyev would make for an extremely capable 2-way line to complement the shutdown ability of Miller's line.

    I think we could re-sign Lindholm to a $7M AAV deal.  He's about a 70 point player.


    CAL does this as Zary has clearly come into his own.  With Kadri and Zary down the middle and Backlund on the 3rd line, Lindholm is no longer needed.  Instead they add firepower to the wing in Kuzmenko, and pickup a centre prospect for the pipeline.  They also acquire a 1st round pick out of the deal.


    Canucks lines after this:










    I'm not the biggest fan of this deal.  


    Lindholm is 29 and there would be too big of a risk of him walking at season's end.....especially for what we'd have to give up.  


    While Raty likely won't be a superstar at the NHL level, he looks like he could be a legit replacement for someone like Bluegar should we need a bit of cap space.  I'm also not a fan of giving up a 2024 1st.  We saw too many 1sts and picks being moved during the Benning and Gillis era.  Jim Rutherford, all psychopathic and Adolf Hitler-esque behaviour towards Bruce Boudreau aside, has done a really good job of replenishing the prospect pool and creating organizational structure.  I for one am looking forward to seeing guys like Raty, Podkolzin, Hirose, Lekkerimaki, and Silovs step into the line-up one day and make a significant impact.....similar to around 08/09 when we saw guys like Burrows, Hansen, Raymond, and Kesler really emerge.  



  13. 1 hour ago, Sativika said:



    Okay. You've read it. You've given it some thought. So let's talk about it..............Do y'all think Jannik Hansen be correct, or do you think he's off base. I'll start.


    I listen to a lot of Canucks oriented. sports talk type of programs. I especially reserve a spot for Jannik. Dude has a lot to say and doesn't hold back. I like that. As to what he has to say regarding Kuzy? I agree with him.


    Kuzy, In my mind, still holds much value for our team. Ya' cannot in any way discount what he's done for us. As to what he's done for us lately? Obviously that's up for debate.


    Dude is not a PDG, Blueger, or a Hoggy. Dude's not the tenacious checking type. Nor is he a Garland, JTM, or Petey. Dude's not a driver of plays. However, he's a net presence winger, who has good hands, and a talent for scoring goals. It's baffling that RT doesn't use Kuzy as such. 


    I certainly don't profess to being more knowledgeable than NHL coaches. Cuz' I'm really, just a Fanboy. I love my Canucks. But really?!?!?!?!? Kuz has sat long enough. Let 'em play I say!!!!!!!🥺


    Go Canucks Go!!!!!




    Agreed with Hansen.  


    Although I love Tocchet in terms of his structured system and holding players accountable, a truly elite coach knows how to cater systems to players' individual strengths (i.e. Scotty Bowman, Joel Quennville, etc.). Even Alain Vigneault and Pat Quinn had the ability to do this. Kuzmenko might not be a 40 goal scorer with a non-inflated shooting percentage, but he'd still likely be a 20-25 goal scorer.  What we're seeing with Kuzmenko is Travis Green/Nikolai Goldobin all over again but on a larger scale.  


    I love Tocchet and what he's done for this team but they really ought to move Kuzmenko instead of trying to fit square pegs into round holes. There's a reason why Michael Jackson and Elvis Priestly's daughter were a mismatch.  

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  14. 2 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

    To Vancouver:

    Sammy Blais


    To St. Louis:

    Aidan McDonough


    I’m tired of seeing the Italian on the 4th line and missing open nets.  He doesn’t hit much either.  Sammy Blais is a hitting machine.  He’d look great in Tocchet’s lineup on the 4th line.  His salary is only $1 million so we can send PDG down to Abby and easily fit Blais into the lineup.  Blais also has playoff experience.  He would complete our 4th line. He’s a pending UFA so there is no long term commitment with him as well.


    St. Louis gets a prospect that they can develop.  I’m not high on McDonough at all.  He’s too slow for the NHL game. But maybe St. Louis will like him.  McDonough also gets to play closer to his buddy Rathbone.  Maybe one day they will both be playing in Boston…


    I like this proposal a lot for the same reasons that you mentioned.  


    If possible, I'd combine this proposal with your other St. Louis idea (for Buchnevich) if St. Louis is out of playoff contention at the deadline (although my gut says St. Louis sneaks in while Arizona starts to drop like a sack of shit).  


    I'd *really* like our chances with both Buchnevich and Blais in our line-up.  Physicality would not only no longer be a weakness for us but it could potentially be a strength.  

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  15. 1 hour ago, Outsiders said:




    The other thing I'll say is, we have lots of UFA's. This management group doesn't let assets walk for nothing....


    I think this is where guys like Raty, Podkolzin, Hirose, and Lekkerimaki will make a difference (which is why I'm far more reluctant to move these guys than some others). We'll need those guys if we move on from Cole, Bluegar, etc. for cap reasons.  


    One other thing I'll mention - Tocchet needs to stop messing around with Kuzmenko.  Although I love Tocchet as a coach in terms of his structure and holding players accountable, one thing that guys like Pat Quinn and Alain Vigneault did was cater systems towards players' strengths (not the other way around).  Granted, there are pros and cons to both approaches but this almost feels like Travis Green-Nikolai Goldobin again (but to a grander scale). Either find a different approach with Kuzmenko or move the guy.   

    • Like 1
  16. 6 minutes ago, RJCF96 said:

    To Carolina: Andrei Kuzmenko

    To Vancouver: Martin Necas


    Both players can use a change in scenery. Necas is making $3 million and is a RFA at the end of this season. Kuzmenko has 1 more season at $5.5 million per. Both team may have to move some minor parts +/- draft picks to make the trade work. Necas is in the same 2017 draft class as Pettersson, and had shown in the past that he can produce in a top 6 role or be a solid contributor as 3C.


    The risk with this trade is we add another player who will be up for extension next summer along with Pettersson & Hronek. Base on his production, his next contract would likely be a 2-3 year term at around $4.5 million.



    Carolina says no.  Necas is younger, is an RFA at the end of his contract (unlike Kuzmenko who could just walk), and is only one season removed from a 28 goal 71 point campaign. Necas is a potential long term asset and can also play Center.   

    • Cheers 1
  17. Just now, Bob Long said:


    yea its not ideal, just don't see anyone coughing up a 1st or top 4 RHD for him either. I love our new scouting staff, I bet they could find a couple of gems with those picks, or Allvin does his thing and flips then for that final top 4 d we need. 



    I think something around Josh Anderson could possibly work but maybe I'm wrong.  Maybe even an aging Chris Tanev....

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  18. 1 hour ago, Alflives said:

    He’s not worth that much. Rather go after Brady Tkatchuk if a first is involved. 


    Brady Tkachuk would cost an arm, a leg, and my grandmother's penis if we're being completely honest.  


    No joke.  


    I would love to have Brady here but that's probably going to cost you Kuzmenko, Willander, Lekkerimaki, and a 1st.  Or something bat shit insane.  


    I would absolutely LOVE to have Brady Tkachuk here but I can't see Ottawa ever moving him.       


    If we're thinking Ottawa however, your buddy Jacob Chychrun might be someone that could realistically be had.  

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