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Jeremy Hronek

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Everything posted by Jeremy Hronek

  1. I'd probably think more deeply about this if it was 2019 but too much time has passed. It's 2023. Who gives a fuck?!?! (although given how much I've responded in this thread, maybe I still do? lol. I don't know). Fun trip down memory lane regardless. I wish both Linden and Benning the best of luck in life. Bring on the Senators.
  2. Lol, I don't know bro. Who gives a fuck in 2023? I wish both Linden and Benning the best of luck with whatever they are doing in their lives right now and am thankful that we have Pettersson, Hughes, Demko, Garland, Hoglander, and Miller all playing for us whether that's due to Benning, Judd Bracket, Judd Nelson, Caitlyn Jenner, or whoever. Alvin is an awesome GM and we have the greatest coaching staff in our franchise history imo (yes, even better than the Pat Quinn days imo).
  3. Meh, fair enough. But again, why is this relevant in 2023? I was a "BenningBro" and fully admit defeat. I predicted that the Canucks would "arrive" in 21/22 (this core's equivalent of the 08/09 season) and I was off............by two years. 23/24 seems like it's shaping to be our 08/09 season right now (followed by bigger, better, and blacker things to come over the next few seasons?). Excluding Pettersson, guys like Hughes, Demko, Miller, Boeser, Garland, and Hoglander are all a part of the current Canucks squad. Is that because of Benning? Judd Bracket's ball sack? Thomas Drance? Who gives a fuck. The bottom line is that this Canucks team looks poised and ready to take the next step. I'm thankful for some of what Benning did for us, but am absolutely ecstatic that we have Alvin + what I think is the greatest coaching staff (Tocchet, Foote, Yeo, Gonchar) that this organization has ever had. Lets focus on the now. Let the past be the past.
  4. No that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that Benning probably wanted his scouting team (and himself for that matter) to do a more comprehensive analysis before fully committing to Petey (even though Benning himself probably loved Pettersson). I'm guessing that Linden may have misinterpreted Benning's intentions here (I will admit that Linden had good reason to 2nd guess Benning due to the 2016 drafting fiasco.........something that I fully blame Benning for by the way..........so you can get it out of your head that I'm emotionally and spiritually invested in Benning's genitalia and what have you).
  5. [quote]There have been so many people attached to the organization and left that have effectively called Benning a snake that I think any right minded person can figure it out. [/quote] Like who? Linden has indirectly implied this but who else has done this? [quote]Heck, with the Brackett firing he said that Judd wanted 100% autonomy and control over every pick. [/quote] Was Benning lying here? [quote]Benning was a terrible GM and an average at best scout. [/quote] Letting Tanev walk in the Summer of 2020 was absolutely unforgivable in my eyes and may have singlehandedly cost us from taking that 'next step' post bubble. Benning seemingly got it ingrained in his head that guys like Schmidt, Myers, and OEL would be suitable replacements from Edler and Tanev in terms of being those 'two-way minute eating defensemen' that could take on tough match-ups, etc. But again - Why is this relevant in 2023? I was a BenningBro and I got knocked on my ass. I predicted that this team would 'arrive' in 21/22 (this core's version of 2008/2009)..........and now it's happening two years later. Let's enjoy the ride my friend. p.s.________________And yes, I'll be counting on you to make a 'probabilities' post in a few games if we keep our current solid play.
  6. I don't think Linden deliberately threw Benning under the bus as much as he did in simply expressing his thoughts to a question. Hilariously enough, I think Linden was subtly far tougher on Boudreau in the interview than he was with Benning or ownership, lol. But fuck it - who cares now. It's 2023. Linden and Benning are about as relevant to the Canucks as my uncle's breasts. Yes, I was a BenningBro back in the day, and I predicted that 2019/2020 would be our 06/07 (surprise 2nd round appearance), 20/21 would be our 07/08 (small step back), and 21/22 would be our 08/09 'we've arrived' party. I was two years off. This year looks like it's our 08/09 year with bigger, better, and blacker things to possibly come. Let's celebrate what's in front of us instead of dwelling on issues from 5+ years ago.
  7. Maybe.....maybe not. But do you think it's possible that you're reading too far into this?
  8. So then what actual evidence do we have that our scouts (other than Judd Brackett) were at odds with Benning?
  9. In Garland's defense, he'd probably be able to beat the shit out of my sister-in-law if the two ever came to blows.
  10. Which other scouts claimed that Benning *clearly* wanted someone else (Glass?) over Pettersson?
  11. I'll have a listen right now (just going to be my usual self and go to 7/11 and get some soda, candy, and chips first. :-p............it's a little later in my part of the world than it is in good ol' VanCity [good morning btw]).
  12. Because, you always need to be sure. Even if you really love one prospect and are 99% sure that you're going to draft him, you still need to do a comprehensive analysis on other picks and prospects just to be sure. For example, what if Pettersson had been drafted earlier? Then what? Doing a comprehensive analysis and proper due diligence is the smart thing to do.
  13. False. Benning also loved Pettersson but wanted to do a more comprehensive due diligence on all of the prospects.
  14. Benning also wanted Pettersson.......he just wanted to do a more comprehensive due diligence on all of the other prospects as well.
  15. Benning was also wanted Pettersson but wanted to do a comprehensive due diligence before definitively moving forward with him. Sounds to me like Linden is full of shit.
  16. I've always liked Garland to be honest. Sure he has his warts but I've always liked his work ethic. No idea why so many Canuck pundits don't like the guy.
  17. I dunno man......One year old version of me was pretty pissed off over that loss.
  18. What about a 42 year rematch between Canucks and Islanders..........with the return of Bo Horvat.
  19. In all seriousness, this would have been an excellent question back in 2012 but the Canucks aren't quite at that level in 2023. We are probably closer to 2008/09 than 2010-2012 Canucks. We are on the right track but not quite there yet. Slow your horses. You have to learn how to fart before being able to take a crap without mommy and daddy wiping your bum for you.
  20. I will admit that I wanted to completely blow it up this past January. -Pettersson for a 2023 1st + elite prospect -Hughes for a 2023 1st + elite prospect -Demko for a 2023 1st + elite prospect -Kuzmenko for a 1st and a B prospect -Miller for two 1sts (Pens deal that was offered at that time) And then weaponize cap space for more pics and prospects. I would have tanked harder than Michael Jackson at Neverland Ranch in order to land one of Bedard, Carlsson, or Fantilli. I would have kept OEL, Boeser, Schenn, Myers, etc. as part of the veteran leadership while grooming the elite prospects with other vets that we would have signed (which likely would have been to unfavorable term and money since they would have had all the bargaining power). Thankfully, we did NOT go this route. I honestly didn't anticipate this coming season turning out like this at ALL. And I'm pleasantly surprised.
  21. I tend to agree with this. Hence, my preference to bring in a guy like Rasmus Andersson if it's remotely possible. Let Andersson come here and give us some more insurance on the back-end just in case one of Hughes or Hronek go down with injury (knock on wood). I still don't like the fact that there's too big of a drop off in talent between Hronek and whoever is our 3rd best defenseman (Cole/Soucy/Myers). Bring in Andersson, have him here for 3 years, and then that in itself could serve as a transition from Andersson to "Top 4 NHL calibre" Willander once Andersson's contract ends.
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