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Jeremy Hronek

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Posts posted by Jeremy Hronek

  1. 11 minutes ago, Canuck Surfer said:

    We brought in two guys for size; Cole & Soucy.


    I don't want Guddy just for his upper cut, or Peeke.  We're still building. 3rd overall as hot start notwithstanding. I'd take a buy low on skilled player with speed Boqvist.  




    Unless they want Myers for Guddy. In which case I would still want Boqvist for something else. RHD Hronek, Willander, Boqvist looks awfully good to me in 2 years!


    As early as next year? 


    Boquist is a right sided dman but he's not the type of dman we need.   We need a bigger and more defensively oriented calibre d-man to play alongside Hughes on a top pairing (which would then allow Hronek to anchor a 2nd pairing with Cole or Soucy).  

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  2. 6 hours ago, J-23 said:

    It’s not all about points, Pettersson is an elite defensive player in the game now. Pettersson is the exact player that wins teams cups. 

    Putting up points is great but it’s not always a winning formula. 

    Jack Hughes also has a terrific two way game from what I understand.  


    Again, Pettersson is a better overall player than Jack Hughes, but is the difference really 4 million's worth in difference?  (assuming that Petey gets paid $12M starting next season).  For me, the answer is 'no.'  Hence, Jack having more overall value than Petey (despite being the inferior player) when you take term and money into consideration (from next season onwards).

  3. 5 minutes ago, Vancan said:

    Both are crazy talented and playing way beyond very early 20 yrs old. But different contract signing years, and way different teams, cap space, needs, etc. Without sounding to bias I truly believe they both have similar production, but Petey has the "special" advantage. By that I mean those once in a while players that come around who are typically one of the top 5 or so pts wise, but also do that Datsyuk magic which a lot of times goes unnoticed. Had quite a few celebratory Canucks win Old Fashions, not sure if that makes sense lol


    I also agree with you that Petey is slightly better than Jack but he's not 50% better than Jack either (or whatever percentage difference there is between an 8 million dollar player and a 12 million dollar player).  Hence, Jack Hughes will have higher value than Petey.   Having said that, I love Pettersson and hope he signs with us long term.  Hronek as well.   

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  4. 1 minute ago, Tusk said:

    now the logic of Petey for Jack and Luke Hughes looks a bit kinda tempting? Mathews would come if we had 3 hughes.


    Jack Hughes has far more value than Petey.  Hughes will have an 8 million cap hit/AAV for a very long time while Pettersson is going to get around 12 million at minimum.  Both men have equivalent production.  

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  5. 1 minute ago, Karma-Kazi44 said:

    That’s a stretch. Dallas played well. We were the better team and Demko played lights out. But give credit where it’s due. Dallas was far from mediocre. 


    Not only that but I just found out that this was Dallas' 3rd game in 4 nights.    


    Canucks passed the test tonight but I'm interested to see how we fare against a team with both teams equally well rested.

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  6. 6 hours ago, Rypien-Punch said:

    To Calgary - Myers, Bouviller, Willander, Woo, 2024 1st, 2025 1st 


    To Vancouver - Anderson, Tanev 



    Mikheyev Kuzmenko Pettersson 

    DiGiseppe Miller Boeser 

    Joshua Suter Garland 

    Hoglander Blueger Lafferty 


    Hughes Hronek 

    Coleman Anderson

    Soucy Tanev 


    I agree that the Canucks should probably be more aggressive in terms of making a push towards being an elite team, but giving up both a 20241st and 2025 1st (along with Willander, who is our 2023 1st) is too aggressive........and could put us in future peril (hello San Jose :-)).    


    You have to keep filling that pipeline even if you're being aggressive.   I don't see why Calgary moves two of their RD's.   


    Sorry brother but this proposal doesn't make much sense to me.  

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  7. I'm going to go against my earlier comments in this thread (i.e. wait until the 20-25 game mark).    


    I think the Canucks could be for real right now.  


    Tocchet and the coaching staff have completely changed the culture here.  


    Tonight's game against Dallas sold it for me.  


    Even back in 2019/2020 when the Canucks last made the playoffs, they looked uncomfortable playing with the lead during the regular season and would often "play not to lose."  They would become very passive in terms of challenging pointmen and 'closing the gap,' and would play a very passive and 'collapsed' style of hockey.  


    Those days appear to be completely gone if tonight was of any indication.  The Canucks continued to play aggressively and confidently even when up tonight.  


    The next "big test" for us will be to see how the Canucks play when they get some key injuries to one or more of their core players (i.e. Petey, Hughes, Miller, Hronek, Demko, Kuzmenko), but the way this coaching staff has implemented their system, I'm not even sure it would impact us nearly as much as this would have in the past.


    This Canucks team is for real.   Not quite 2010-2012 levels but we're closer than one might think (maybe the 2008-2009 team might be a good comparison).

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  8. 43 minutes ago, Nucker67 said:



    Trade targets?









    That's great in theory, but will your "trade targets" actually be able to land anything of significance?   


    For example, let's say that YOU were the GM of a team like San Jose, Calgary, or whomever.  You want to rebuild and you want prized prospects and/or picks in return for some of your in-prime assets (i.e. Tomas Hertl, Rasmus Andersson, etc.).  Would YOU want a


    -Former 10th overall pick that has struggled to make the NHL in his D+4 year

    -B' "meh" level prospect

    -decent prospect but a long shot to be a superstar

    -almost a write-off/bust at this point


    Would YOU give up a young in-his-prime asset for any of the above four?

  9. Alright,


    I'll start of this post saying that I probably wouldn't do this deal because I love Willander, and also feel that there'd be too much risk in acquiring Andersson, only for him to leave once he becomes a UFA down the road.  However - if you, as a Canucks fan, have subscribed to the philosophy of, "we need to start winning now since all/most of our core players will be UFA's/RFA's within the next 4 years," then maybe this post makes sense.  Who knows......


    Also - if 


    1. Management feels that this Canucks team, with an added #3 calibre d-man, can legitimately compete with the likes of Colorado, Vegas, and Tampa Bay

    2. It would take a LOT for Calgary to consider trading such a key piece to a divisional rival


    Then I think Willander would have to be the key piece involved if Calgary was going to hand us Andersson and proceed to begin a tear down (though with Kadri, Huberdeau, and Weegar there, would a rebuild even be possible?).     


    To ensure that the Canucks have long term depth on the right side, they sign Hronek long term (before said trade was to take place), and then they roll the dice and bank on the fact that the Canucks' strong performances over these next few seasons entice all of Pettersson, Boeser, Andersson, and Hughes to stay on with what I'd imagine to be a pretty formidable Canucks team (I haven't included Demko here just yet because if Silovs is ready to take the reigns three years from now just as Demko was for Markstrom, then I think you'd have to proceed with the younger goalie. Also haven't included Kuzmenko because if Boeser continues his current level of play + emergence of Lekkerimaki, then Kuzmenko might become the odd man out at some point).  


    Your (cup contending?) Canucks:














    Losing Willander would suck.....a lot, but would three years of prime Rasmus Andersson be enough to move the needle for this team?   


    If the presence of Andersson gave the Canucks a strong chance of finishing in the 2nd round this year, how significantly would this weigh on both Pettersson and Hronek wanting to sign here long term?  What about Boeser in a couple of seasons?  Hughes when he becomes a UFA?   Even if Andersson were to become a UFA at age 30, would he still be worth signing to a 5 year deal?  


    I'm digressing a bit but my point remains.  If you want a 'prime' piece like Rasmus Andersson, I think it's going to cost us our most prized prospect.  We can "cream our pants" so to speak about packages involving Podkolzin, 2024 1st, and Hoglander landing you a premier young right handed defenseman, but I'm not sure how realistic that would be.  


    Anyways, that's my thought on this. 


    p.s.______________It's a bit off-topic but even with the loss of Willander (for Andersson), I could still see at least 1-3 of Raty, Podkolzin, and Lekkerimaki stepping into the line-up next season on ELC's which would give us even more cap flexibility, etc.   Also, if you were to use Willander as a mini-sweetener and move out Garland's contract in the process, it would give the Canucks a lot of cap flexibility since both Myers and Beauvillier would be off the books the following season.  The Canucks could then use that money on signing both Pettersson and Hronek long term instead of needing to invest money to bring in a Top 4 d-man,.  


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  10. 20 minutes ago, ABNuck said:

    I'm not saying our window is now, but what I'm thinking here is opening up the window a bit farther down the road to allow for the likes of Willander and Lekkerimaki to begin to play a more important role. OK here goes:


    TRADE #1:

    EP40 > Buffalo for Owen Power (locked down til 2031 @ 8.350 / season) *** See note below

    TRADE #2:

    QH43 > New Jersey (I know...) for Nico Hischier (locked down til 2027 @ 7.250 / season)


    What this does is lockdown your 2 biggest stars for about the same money as you're spending now, giving much more flexibility over the next 2 years to add players that will boost the window due to cap going up and Myers off the books. Additionally you can add in the 2 aforementioned individuals on ELC's opening up even some more cashflow for rental F/a's to help win the Cup.


    *** Note for Powers...he's only going to make about 2mil this year, so that gives us an additional 5 mil RIGHT NOW. We instantly go from cap hell to cap heaven.


    OK...thoughts? I know that this guts the team's core right now, but I think for a better longer term result and a larger, longer window of cup opportunities.



    Your proposal definitely is well thought out and I definitely see the logic behind your idea but it would never happen in a billion years in the real world (I'm assuming by this proposal, you'd want this to happen now?).   


    If Alvin went ahead and did this, fans would track him down and tar and feather his ballsack and then get a German Shepherd to rip off the feathers with his teeth.  In other words, you just don't trade away your two best players when your team is 7-2-1 and seems to have finally turned a corner for the first time in almost 10 years.  Also, there would be too many conflicts of interests.  How would Kuzmenko feel about this deal?  He specifically signed here because he felt that the Canucks were a rising team.  What about Rick Tocchet who specifically came here because ownership promised that they were trying to build a competitive team for the here and now?    


    In theory, your proposal definitely has some logic to it but it will never happen in the real world (unless the Canucks were out of playoff contention at the trade deadline?).  Definitely something to try on NHL 24 however.  

  11. 38 minutes ago, Alflives said:

    Do we have any centres we would trade? I guess they would want Miller but he’s just too important for us to trade. 
    im thinking Garksnd plus a prospect? 


    Since he's still young, I think the BJ's will wait on him a bit to see if he can get out of his funk.  Trading him right now would be selling him at a low point and so I'm not sure if this makes much sense for Columbus.  

    • Vintage 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Barn Burner said:

    The entire coaching staff, including the Sedins.  


    Raising the bar and being held accountable is what's really showing. 


    Not just this game. This is a pushover. But the fact that they are developing a killer instinct, 

    and that starts with changing the culture, the team's, players perspective. 


    Not planning any parades, but this is great to see. 


    I forgot to mention the Sedins'.   🆒

    • Cheers 1
  13. 20 hours ago, Rubik said:

    Giving SJ their first win of the season would be the most Canucks thing ever... sorry, I'm still scarred by the past decade lol


    Tocchet seems to have completely changed the culture in the dressing room.  Foote and Gonchar deserve massive props here as well.  


    I know I'm getting *way* ahead of myself here, but fuck it, this is the best coaching staff that we've ever had.  Better than Vigneault and as good as the Pat Quinn days at minimum.   


    I'm wondering if Tocchet showed the boys clips of the Canucks-Sharks 2013 series before the game?  😮

    • Cheers 1
  14. 6 hours ago, HKSR said:

    Let's face it, top tier RHD rarely ever become available.  Especially ones that are south of 30 years old.  We snagged an excellent one in Hronek, now let's do it one more time to lock things down on the back end.  With Calgary in shambles, now is the opportunity.


    This is gonna hurt, but it's the price to pay for a top pair RHD.


    To VAN:

    Rasmus Andersson


    To CAL:



    1st Round Pick


    Calgary needs to rebuild or at least get a major retool going.  They need to re-sign Hanifin.  They can probably lock up Hanifin and Tanev for next season if they shed some cap.  Beauvillier is off the books next year, and they could even flip him for another pick at the TDL.  Podkolzin is still a high end prospect that is almost ready for full time NHL duties.  The 1st round pick is the icing on the cake.

    Vancouver acquires a 27 year old top pair RHD locked in for a few years at $4.55M.  Needless to say, this really provides the depth we need to be a bonafide playoff threat.


    Hughes-Andersson (I say play Hronek on the 2nd pair so he doesn't pad his stats and ask for the moon in contract negotiations lol)





    I like this proposal a lot from a Canucks standpoint but I can't see Calgary agreeing to this.  Tanev likely won't stick around next season and so the Flames will need to ensure that they have enough quality RD's (i.e. Andersson, Weager).   


    Might just be easier to sign Chris Tanev in the Summer to a short term deal.  Willander can step into Tanev's role once Tanev's contract expires (Willander would presumably be ready to 'take the reigns' at that time?)


    I'll give you props though, this is a well thought-out proposal.

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  15. 7 hours ago, LillStrimma said:

    The short term window with Hughes as anchor is now and three more seasons when we can be on top.

    After that, if we loose Hughes(and that possibilitie is quite big) we become more of an ordinary cup contender that has to deal with all the Hughes bros going forward. And that will be hard if the Devils has any brain.


    So to be on the safe side you go for it now when you know what you got. 
    Not in four years when almost everything is unknown.

    To get rid of the 2024 picks wich probably will be quite bad ones it’s better to use them as the Lighnings did. Spend all on one player that get us going even more.



    Maybe but I see things a bit differently.  


    IF the Canucks can get progressively better over the next 3-4 years (i.e. consistent playoff appearances, winning a few rounds), and IF you can start getting core players to commit long term as a result (i.e. Pettersson, Hronek, Kuzmenko), then I do think there's a good chance that we can convince Hughes (captain) to stay.  With regards to our current pipeline (Raty, Podkolzin, Lekkerimaki), I don't think it's farfetched at all to believe that all 3 guys could be ready to step into our line-up next season on ELC's.  That, combined with Myers being off the books.    


    Let things progress naturally.  Even if the Canucks start being aggressive with short term moves, they aren't going to be on the same level as Vegas, Colorado, and Tampa.  Let's build some equity first.   Make the playoffs this year, maybe win a round, and then progress from there.  If Hughes does ultimately end up walking, then you use that 7+ million on other assets.  


  16. 2 hours ago, spook007 said:

    He is really gonna cost... if Flames have to rebuild, he'd be one of the few, that would fit into a rebuild... Think the costs would be too much... they'd ask for a 1st + one if not both of Willander and Lekkerimaki... don't want to let go of these two. 


    Completely agree with this.  


    Some posters on here seem to be crazy horny about wanting to see the Canucks going for it this year and blowing up the farm in the process (or tearing off the trousers with their teeth so to speak).    


    I'm excited as the next guy over what we've done so far but slow and steady is the name of the game.   Alvin has done a pretty good job of replenishing the cupboards, and we've got guys like Raty, Podkolzin, Lekkerimaki, and Willander in the system waiting in the wings.  It's not inconceivable at all to believe that all three of the aforementioned forwards could step into our line up next season on ELC's........and that would be a huge advantage obviously.


    So, what would I like to see?


    1) Canucks make the 1st or 2nd round this year.

    2) Pettersson and Hronek sign long term deals with us in the Summer.  

    3) Kuzmenko signs a long term deal with us when his contract expires

    4) Hughes signs a long term deal with us when his contract expires

    5) Hoglander, Podkolzin, Willander, Raty, and Lekkerimaki all become long term core players for us.  

    6) Three years from now as Miller leaves his peak, he becomes a role player for us and continues to be a leader.  

    7) Silovs develops and successfully takes over the reigns when Demko becomes a UFA (or, we sign Demko to a 4 year deal).   


    -The Canucks continuously and progressively become more competitive over these next few seasons.

    -We are able to retain our core players

    -We slowly and progressively replace sub-par contracts (i.e. Myers) with more cost-effective players.    


    Even if the Canucks 'blow up the farm' and go for it this season, we aren't going to be better than Colorado, Vegas, and Tampa Bay.   


    So, ultimately responding to your post, and the spirit of this thread, I wouldn't trade promising young assets for 'win now' players from the Flames.  If it makes financial sense in the off-season, take a run at Chris Tanev.  No need to spend an arm and a leg for Rasmus Andersson or McKenzie Weeger.  

    • Cheers 1
  17. 28 minutes ago, Hogs and Podz said:

    We'd have to add a pick to get him but I agree, he'd fit here well.  I liked how Florida used him.  




    As I admitted in my initial post, I'll also re-iterate that I can't see Dallas being too enthusiastic about making this deal.    


    Just like he would for us, Marchment fills a significant need for Dallas in terms of toughness and holding opposing teams accountable for taking liberties with their "Star" players (pun?).  Unless of course, Dallas has other players that can 'answer the bell' that I'm not thinking of right now.   


    Garland has more offensive abilities and might be better suited to playing with Duchene and Seguin on that 3rd line instead of Marchment but who knows.   


    Maybe we need to hire that Volcano Insurance guy from Family Guy to convince Dallas to make this trade.  😛



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  18. 12 minutes ago, Bob Long said:

    He's a big player, but he's probably more overpriced than Garly from a production pov. 


    Oh he is definitely.  But in terms of adding a much needed element to our line-up, he'd definitely fit the bill (and perhaps for that reason and that reason alone, he'd be worth his cap hit here).


    If the Canucks are destined to make the playoffs this year, no one is going to take liberties with Pettersson and Hughes with Marchment there.   

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