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Jeremy Hronek

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Everything posted by Jeremy Hronek

  1. I was originally onboard with a Seth Jones acquisition but I'm not sure if it would work from a cap perspective given OEL's ugly cap penalty in 2/3 years. Pettersson will probably get around 11 million AAV from us as well and there's definitely going to be some cap challenges for us. But yes, if the Canucks could make all of the work even with Seth Jones being on the books, then I'd definitely be for it. Hughes-Jones Cole-Hronek Would be a monstrous top 4. The other thing to bear in mind is that we have Willander waiting in the wings and so a lot of our moves will depend on how long we think it will take Willander to become an elite NHL defenseman. As far as Kuzmenko goes, I think he could be a perfect case for selling high on. Dude's coming off a 40 goal season and is now playing under a structured Rick Tocchet system. Kuzmenko should be able to land one that #3 calibre RD to play with Quinn Hughes (which would allow the #2 calibre Hronek to carry the 2nd pairing).
  2. Unfortunately, this would likely put teams like Chicago, New Jersey, Philadelphia, and the Rangers at a disadvantage and so I'm not sure if Bettman would be on board with this.
  3. This is a really good point. Our window with our current core is a lot shorter than people might think. -Pettersson is an RFA at the end of the season. What he decides to do at year end, we don't know. -Demko has 3 years left (Can Silovs be an adequate replacement?) -Kuzmenko = 2 years -Boeser = 2 years -Peak Miller before age related decline = 3 years -Although Hughes, American born, has four years left, his younger brothers both play on the same team and they have a VERY tight-knit family. American players aren't exactly inclined to sticking around in Canada (although there are exceptions obviously). Both Jack and Luke have already indirectly engaged in tampering to which the league has chosen to ignore. And to add further complication, we have peak OEL buyout cap penalty 2 and 3 years from now. My gut feeling and thoughts on the above is as follows: 1) Pettersson will re-sign with us with the Dahlin contract. 2) We will walk from Demko at or before 3 years with Silovs successfully taking the reigns. 3) Podkolzin will be a bust but Hoglander will surprisingly figure it out and become a Mason Raymond type player for us.....maybe even more. 4) Both Kuzmenko and Boeser will be gone at contract expiration. 5) Raty will be our Puis Suter replacement at some point. 6)I *think* we will be successful in re-signing Quinn Hughes (knock on wood) but I'm being biased here.
  4. I'd do it as well, but why would Boston at this point? Has Boston announced that they intend to go the rebuild route?
  5. One other thought - Lafreniere could be a good Kuzmenko replacement in a couple of seasons if we eventually walk from Kuzmenko (age). Does Myers, 2024 1st, Podkolzin, and Hoglander get you Carlo? Carlo would be a significant upgrade on Myers and would also come in at a lower cap hit. Carlo would be a more ideal fit for Hughes than Hronek (although Hughes-Hronek have looked really good together), while Hronek would probably be a better stylistic fit with Cole or Soucy. On the flip side - I actually like the fact that we've got some legitimately good prospects cooking on the farm (i.e. Raty, Podkolzin, Lekkerimaki, etc.). We will need a lot of these ELC contracts to become impact players when OEL's cap penalty reaches its peak.
  6. Still *way* too early to entertain these thoughts. It would be like if I began a marathon and was ahead of a few guys from Nigeria or Kenya after 600 meters and started having "fantasies" about qualifying for the Boston Marathon. If we are still killing it after 20-25 games, THEN I would start "warming up the boner" so to speak. p.s. - As far as your package goes, would a guy like Tom Wilson fit the bill? (assuming that Washington starts shitting the bed and choose to rebuild). Brandon Carlo would also be of interest to me but would Boston part ways with him? Maybe this regime targets Paul Coffey?
  7. Gonna be completely honest. I didn't see us winning today (well....Saturday night for most of you). Glad we pulled it off. This Canucks team looks a lot tighter and more cohesive on the ice and even the Rogers announcers pointed this out. Their gap control and attention to detail is on a different level than what we're usually accustomed to seeing.
  8. I'd rather eat Hippopotamus shit than have Erik Gudbranson back.
  9. It's too bad with Virtanen. Say what you will about him but the guy netted 18 goals and 18 assists during the 2019/2020 season with mainly 3rd line minutes and very little PP time. 15-20 years from now when hockey pundits look back on it, Virtanen's 100 point NHL production will likely qualify him as a being a 3rd round calibre hockey player. So - a bust yes, but not a complete ball sniffer like Olli Juolevi per se. It's extremely unfortunate that his game took a complete 180 during the covid lockdown but it's the way she goes I guess.
  10. Although these guys aren't a good fit on paper, I hope they make it work. Having any combination of Cole, Myers, and Soucy as a 2nd pairing isn't completely ideal, but it's somewhat passable (probably a 2nd and a half pairing calibre as opposed to a 2nd pairing calibre). But still - this above set-up is much better than having any one of Soucy, Myers, or Cole playing with Hughes on a top pairing.
  11. Bure is still my favourite but after last night's game, I think Elias Pettersson has definitely entered the conversation. Head says Henrik, Heart says Bure,.........inner groin says Petey? Who knows......
  12. If we truly are destined to become "The Vancouver Penguins," then who knows.......maybe one of Crosby or Malkin signs with us as a 39/40 year old?
  13. I know it's just a one-game sample, but what if we truly have seen the return of elite Brock Boeser? Kuzmenko's value is sky-high right now given his production last year. Would I trade Kuzmenko right now? Probably not but the idea is intriguing......to me at least. What defenseman out there could you get for Kuzmenko? Would Kuzmenko + Myers in "a hockey deal" warrant some interest? (obviously, we'd have to take cap back our way).
  14. While a guy like Mark Messier took a giant poo the size of Squamish on the chest of Wayne Maki, a guy like Ian Cole goes out of his way to show respect and empathy towards the fallen Luc Bourdon. "The Mark Messier leadership award."
  15. Seems like a pointless move to me. Trading an underachieving winger for another one. Look at Columbus' Andrew Peeke if you're entertaining thoughts on moving Garland. (Would probably take Garland++)
  16. Hopes: We duplicate the 2014/2015 season where all/most of our players still healthy and we make the playoffs. Expectations: Fighting for a wildcard spot Realities: Fighting for a wildcard spot but a lot of our success will depend on the overall health of our team. Ethan Bear coming back could help us.
  17. Don't be quiet. Rub his nose in it. That would be an alpha move and he'll actually respect you more for doing so.
  18. An understatement if I've ever seen one. -Can Demko stay healthy for all/most of the year? Has his career track record suggested this for the most part? -Can all 6 of our current defensemen stay healthy for all/most of the year? If not, how many #5 calibre and below defensemen will be playing on our top two pairings? -Will Kuzmenko be able to produce like he did last year under Tocchet's more structured system? I hope we're able to make the playoffs but I'm still seeing too many question marks on defense.
  19. Exactly. This is one thing that I do not like about our current management. They have a tendency to make these 'weird announcements' and/or let this kind of crap go public which potentially leads to distractions within the lockerroom. We all saw what happened last season. I also don't understand this Garland hate. The guy is a good hockey player that just needs to play in a structured system. He was good in Arizona (under Tocchet), and was good under Travis Green. If Philly is looking to take on salary, Boeser or Myers is the guy you move.
  20. No to Guddy. Too expensive and not enough value for that contract. If the Canucks are looking to address their toughness issue (or lack thereof), why not just claim Ross Johnston on waivers? ~edit, never mind, Ducks claimed him.
  21. It's the reality of a Canadian market not named Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal. It will be difficult to retain core players unless you overpay on both term and money. Teams like Ottawa, Calgary, Edmonton, and Winnipeg don't bring out the knee pads and lipstick because they're stupid. It's because the GM's of these teams understand the realities of the Canadian market and player retention.
  22. Victor Soderstrom: I would but the Rangers wouldn't. If you want Lafrenniere, it would cost you Podkolzin AND ???? at minimum in my opinion. There's only so much Jesus Juice available at Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch so to speak. Laf *might* be a decent replacement for Kuzmenko in two years if/when Kuzmenko departs for a contender. I do have another thought: If we're thinking about exchanging reclamation projects, then why not take a flier on Victor Soderstrom? Would the Coyotes be willing to move him for Podz? (a.k.a. the poor man's Artem Chubarov)
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