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Jeremy Hronek

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Posts posted by Jeremy Hronek

  1. 12 hours ago, ABNuck said:

    Most pundits have us finishing low and out of the playoffs...so our 2024 1st is at its most valuable right now.


    Garland + 2024 1st for Jiricek.


    Anyone who knows me from the old message boards knows that I am a HUGE proponent for Jiricek...my gut tells me he will be one of the top 5 NHL defenceman once he hits his prime. Hughes and Jiricek would be Vancouver's version of Seabrook and Keith...and that combo seems to have been quite fruitful for the Hawks.


    Right now Jiricek is progressing slightly faster than expected, so even a scoring winger and a potential lottery pick might not even be enough.


    Alas, if we could just replay the 2022 draft...send JT to CBJ for that pick...then in 2023 focus on Benson.


    [Benson & Jiricek > Lekkerimaki & Willander]


    Garland and a 1st ain't getting you Jiricek.



  2. On 10/4/2023 at 11:46 AM, BigTramFan said:

    Trade #1 is one I saw on Capfriendly proposed by a CBJ fan. Trades #2 and #3 are ideas of my own.


    These are all targeted at increasing the size and grit of our lineup.


    Trade #1

    To VAN: Peeke + Roslovic ($1.8m retained)

    To CBJ: Garland + 2025 2nd round pick


    No cap change for either team. Peeke slides in as Hughes' new partner. Roslovic (6'1", 200 lb, who can play center and can PK) slides into 3RW, he has 1 year left and could be resigned for a reasonable deal if he fits our roster needs. CBJ do this to upgrade offense compared to what Roslovic provides and get some futures in return for Peeke, who is an extra RD on their roster. 


    Trade #2

    To VAN: Crouse

    To ARI: Lekkerimaki + Beauvillier


    Lek fits better with Arizona's age and Beau fills a roster slot in the interim (very little cap difference for either team). ARI can retain and trade Beau at TDL if they want to. VAN gets someone that can score and play top line minutes while beating the snot out of anyone that touches Petey. Crouse is signed for 4 more seasons at $4.3m.


    Trade #3

    To VAN: Sam Carrick

    To ANA: McDonough


    Again McD fits better with the Ducks age range and has potential as a goal scoring winger. Carrick is 31 and has only 1 year left on his contract. VAN gets a tough 4RW who can also fill in at 4C and can PK.


    Opening Night Lineup:


    Crouse Pettersson Kuzmenko

    PDG Miller Boeser

    Hoglander Suter Roslovic

    Joshua Blueger Carrick



    Hughes Peeke

    Cole Hronek

    Soucy Myers

    (Wolanin McWard)


    Demko (De Smith)


    *Mikheyev returns as 2RW once ready, pushing PDG down the lineup, and Aman back to the minors





    I'd rather just roll with Ethan Bear when he comes back instead of trading for Peeke (who I was think is a bit overrated).  


    I'd strongly consider your Trade idea #2 with Crouse but would AZ?  They could probably get better offers for Crouse.  



  3. 17 hours ago, Breadnbutta said:

    Mike Gillis in one off season got Ehrhoff, Hamhuis, Malhotra and Torres.


    I think so anyway, it's been a while, that might be spread out over 2 years 


    My answer as well.  Nod to Quinn obviously for his Courntal, Momesso, Running, etc. moves.  


    I thought Benning's Bonino, Vrbata, and Ryan Miller moves in 2014 were also pretty good (at least in terms of getting us to the playoffs for 2015)

    • Cheers 1
  4. 21 minutes ago, Jeremy Hronek said:

    -Linden replaces Mikheyev (4)

    -Smyl replaces Boeser (1)

    -Williams replaces Joshua (1)

    -Tanev replaces Myers (4)

    -Edler (4) replaces Wolanin

    -McLean (3) replaces DeSmoth














    I think the above is a 2nd round calibre team at minimum and pretty much addresses all/most our current weaknesses in my opinion (without changing its current core players).

  5. 2 minutes ago, Baratheon said:

    Even one simple move makes a huge difference.  It’s fun to think about!


    For sure,  


    p.s. - I created some more ad-ins for the fantasy team above.  I decided to keep our current core for the most part but added in 17 points worth of players to "round out the edges" so to speak.  

    • Cheers 1
  6. 55 minutes ago, Baratheon said:

    Props to @Jeremy Hronek for resurrecting one of my favourite talking points. Let’s look at it another way and use the exact same chart!



    You may remove anyone on the current roster and replace their value with anyone on the list.  The maximum value that you can acquire by removing every player (Pettersson, Hughes, Demko and Miller) is interestingly $17. 

    What does our current roster look like once you’re done tinkering?  Can we win the cup this year with it!?



    Great game my friend.  :-).   


    My only thought is this.  What if you removed Tyler Myers and simply brought in bubble Chris Tanev?














    As uncreative as this sounds, I'd probably just run with our current team and see how they do with an added Tanev.  Don't get me wrong - I love Henrik, Bure, Linden, Daniel, Naslund, Bertuzzi, etc., but those guys had their hey-day for us and god bless em' for that.  Put prime Tanev on our current team and then build from there.  That's what I'd do!


    Going a step further into fantasy however, I'd add some more leadership and grit to this team and get rid of some deadwood. Boeser's body and mind are too far gone from the game while Mikheyev is rarely healthy.  Tiger Williams, Linden, Smyl, Edler, and McLean get nods from me. 


    -Linden replaces Mikheyev (4)

    -Smyl replaces Boeser (1)

    -Williams replaces Joshua (1)

    -Tanev replaces Myers (4)

    -Edler (4) replaces Wolanin

    -McLean (3) replaces DeSmoth













    • ThereItIs 1
  7. 45 minutes ago, Provost said:

    Green was a good coach and wasn't the problem, glad to see how get another chance.

    You can only do so much with the horses you have in the barn.  It is interesting to listen to Tocchet candidly speak about how close he and Green are and how they see the game the same way and call each other about hockey regularly.

    The team just hasn't had the right players to put into the right spots.  It leaves coaches with few options and putting guys in positions they are likely to fail in.  OEL and Myers are not a shut down, minute munching pairing... they were just the best (of a bunch of bad) options to do it.  Same with Tocchet coming in saying he didn't like to see his star players on the ice so many minutes... a few games in after seeing the train wreck the rest of the roster was, he started playing the wheels off them just like Boudreau did before.

    If Tocchet has more success than Green, it is because the brass are actually listening to him and trying to get players that fill holes in the roster rather than whatever random shiny object strikes their fancy at a given moment and ignoring actual team composition.



    I just hope the Canucks get off to a good start this season so that you don't start making posts about how the Canucks have a 12.2% chance of making the playoffs 7 games into the season.  😕

  8. 10 hours ago, Snoop Hogg said:

    Jake Virtanen is an innocent man and woke angry feminists with an axe to grind after having buyers remorse following one night stands with him decided to tarnish his reputation and derail his NHL career.


    Agreed.  What makes this even more damaging and proof that our legal system is completely broken, is the fact that this female accuser of Jake Virtanen told a very detailed and accurate story with regards to what happened.  The story had absolutely ZERO holes in it and/or contradictory statements and the facts were as clear as day. The female in question was actually forced to spend the night with Jake against her own free will.  This case should have been a slam dunk guilty charge against Jake but the lawyers and the legal system clearly were on the side of Jake.  Bastards.  All of them.  

  9. 16 hours ago, Curmudgeon said:

    No. Violence only begets more violence. Better to require him to serve 250 hours of service working for a Jewish operated charitable organization. The idea is to change hearts and minds, not cause further hatred. But that is just my opinion as I am a believer in restorative justice.





    I understand your point of view, but believe that following the above policy still wouldn't deter other criminals and delinquents from repeating similar behaviour in the future.


    So in this example, let's say that there's a 50/50 chance that the shithead in question realizes the error of his ways.  


    What's stopping another man in an entirely different part of the country/continent from doing something similar?   After all, the penalty, though harsh (i.e. school expulsion + community service) still won't install fear and respect amongst the people to the point where they TRULY respect the laws, the police, and their fellow man.  


    The degradation and decline of Vancouver right now is a direct result of lax penalties and laws and quite Franky, I'm tired of it.  I've been tired of it since the 2011 cup riots where those two shitheads from Australia started making out on the streets.  Things gotta change. Fast.  

  10. 15 minutes ago, Maninthebox said:


    Should the female student involved also be physically beaten?


    Yes. She committed a heinous hate crime against the people of Jewish faith.  She absolutely deserves to have the living shit kicked out of her (by female police officers).  The only way leniency should be shown in this case, is if the Jewish community, in their entirety, caused deliberate harm and suffering to this woman (and her piece of shit male accomplice).  Obviously, this did not happen and so I stand by comments.  

  11. 5 minutes ago, AriGold said:

    Not having Sedin - Sedin  - Burrows on the above teams is criminal.


    Line 1 of every team should be Sedin - Sedin - Burrows


    True.  Would also say the same thing about Naslund-Morrison-Bertuzzi.


    For the intended spirit of this game however, I encourage posters to think of new line combinations and *only* have 1st line calibre players for their 1st lines, etc. (for example, Morrison and Burrows, god bless them both, probably wouldn't be considered actual first line players, just like Steve Rucchin wouldn't actually be considered a first line player in Anaheim by virtue of having been fortunate enough to play with Selanne and Kariya).  

    • Cheers 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Kevin Biestra said:

    Brian Glynn had a hot body.


    Isn't this thread about bad takes instead of gay takes?  😮 [edit - hope no one is offended by this comment, I'm just "Mess" ing around ;))

  13. 8 hours ago, Canuckle said:


    Perhaps you'd split between on and off-ice Canucks staff, but I would say that torch has been very much passed to the one, the only, James Elmer Benning.




    I said it.


    Jim Benning was not the hero we deserved but the hero we needed!..........until the 2020 post bubble off-season.  😞


    #TanevInsteadofSchmidt #ToffoliInsteadofHoltby #MarkstromInsteadOfDemko #DemkoFor1stRounder #1stAsSweetenerToMoveSutterAndVirtanen #SignCheapBackUp #TradePodkolzin&FirstForHampusLindholm

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