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Jeremy Hronek

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Everything posted by Jeremy Hronek

  1. How much would you be paying Guentzel? For me personally? I don't trade for Guentzel and I walk from Lindholm at the end of the season (Lindholm being our version of 2020 Toffoli). Walk from Myers and Cole, + sign all of Bluegar, Hronek, Joshua, DeSmith, etc. to long term extensions. Preserve our newly built depth on the farm and look for ways to slowly bring in Hirose, Podkolzin, Lekkerimaki, and Raty into our line-up. Willander as well.
  2. Here's what I'm thinking: -IF the Canucks are willing to trade for Guentzel, and -IF the Canucks fully intend to have BOTH Guentzel and Boeser here for the long term (i.e. signing Guentzel right away + signing Boeser when his deal expires) -Then using Lekkerimaki as a trading chip would make sense. -Personally speaking? I think trading for Guentzel has too much risk associated with it since he's a UFA at season's end, and we've already given up a number of assets. -All we (the media) are doing with these constant trade rumours is making our current players feel nervous and unwelcome. -Lindholm is excellent at Face-offs and is one of the best defensive players in the league and we want to move on from this guy? Really? How about actually using him in the correct manner? I still say it even now - Mikheyev-Lindholm-Suter as a line would be one of the best shut down lines in all of hockey. Get this line to take on tough defensive assignments and free up more offensive deployment for the Lotto Line and Bluegar/Garland line (when Joshua comes back). Hoglander continues to dominate on the 4th line. If someone from the Lotto line gets injured, Lindholm moves to the top line + Hoglander moves up to the Bluegar/Garland line.
  3. I see your point but Kuzmenko also has 5 goals in 10 games for the Flames.
  4. @CaptainQuin - you got something you wanna say Sonny boy?
  5. The problem with DeSmith is that he’s been playing like Corky Thatcher from Life Goes On in his last few starts. Buddy needs to step up.
  6. Pettersson-Lindholm-Boeser Miller-Bluegar-Garland Mikheyev-Suter-Hoglander Podkolzin-Lafferty-PDG -You emulate the Lotto line by having 3 of your 4 best forwards on one line. -You reward the Bluegar/Garland line by giving them a winger that would probably be the closest thing to an effective Joshua replacement. -Realistically, JT Miller is probably the only forward on our team that doesn’t need to play alongside a fellow superstar in order to be effective offensively (I think a line of Mikheyev-Lindholm-Suter would be an outstanding shut down line).
  7. The 1993 Super Bowl half time show popped up on my YouTube suggestions and so I gave it a gander. I then googled MJ and so him grinning ear to ear as he stood beside Macaulay Calkin with his arm wrapped around him.
  8. Pettersson has definitely shown an ability to do so (i.e. first 10 games of this season + second half of 21/22 season as examples), but he needs to be more consistent in doing so. He tends to lose confidence too quickly and then disappears for large stretches. Hopefully, this changes over time. The talent is clearly there but the grapefruits are not from what I see. Just keeping it real.
  9. Thing about Pettersson is, when he's not with Miller, he's not a superstar forward, so giving him $11.6M+ is a mistake.
  10. I'd pay Hronek. We kind of do need to commit to him now since we gave up so much to get him. All of these years of looking for a good RHD and we finally got one. I'd sign all of Hronek, Bluegar, Joshua, and Zadorov. Walk from Myers, Cole, and Lindholm.
  11. I actually wouldn't mind Toffoli since he had previous chemistry with Pettersson and Miller and is familiar with our core players (i.e. Pettersson, Miller, Hughes, Myers, Boeser, and Demko). Rumour has it that him and Boeser even crossed swords a few times so to speak. You could play the Lotto line together and then have Lindholm and Toffoli, or switch TT and BB. Some nincompoops have reported that "the deal" would be Mikheyev for Toffoli but it would probably cost significantly more than that. Why would Jersey agree to that deal? (i.e. taking on a bad contract for multiple years for a guy that could help significantly in the playoffs).
  12. Fair enough, I just wanted to get in my Michael Jackson line because I thought of it while eating dinner.
  13. Is Toffoli a playoff performer? He didn't do much in the bubble before he got injured. He went down faster than Michael Jackson at a Chuck-E-Cheese when the going got tough.
  14. During the 2011-2012 season in the November that season, two fans behind me kept badmouthing Luongo…..the point where some of the comments became personal. Finally, I had enough. I turned around to the two teens and told them that if they badmouthed Luongo on a personal level like that ever again, I would beat the shit out of both of them and gladly go to jail for it. Needless to say, they didn’t say anything after that.
  15. If this idea where to come to fruition, I’m wondering if it would be better if we saw Hughes-Roy Zadorov-Hronek But, it depends on Roy’s calibre. Is Roy a #4 guy or is a #3 calibre dman? Would he look out of place on a top pairing?
  16. Oh ok, fair enough. I thought you were talking about this season and the trade deadline. Yes for Matt Roy, no for Tanev (too old).
  17. Tanev already went to Dallas. Why would the rival Kings give us Matt Roy?
  18. Maybe not a superstar kid (McTavish was an unrealistic ask on my part), but perhaps someone that is just..........solid? (i.e. someone in that 20-23 range that is NHL calibre, but likely won't become a 1st line forward or top pairing defenseman). What I'm asking is probably too unrealistic...........ehh....was worth a shot?
  19. Lawson Crowse? Rasmus Andersson? (I wouldn't give up Willander and Lekkerimaki for either of those guys just for the record, since I think the combined value of Willander and Lekkerimaki is greater than those players). Maybe Columbus would make sense? (they have some players in that 20-23 range, who while solid NHL'ers, likely won't be 1st line players or 1st pairing d-men).
  20. It's definitely an unrealistic idea but in theory, I think it would be worth exploring. We give up two very good prospects but get a young guy, aged 20-23, that is on an ELC and is proven, but doesn't have the upside that both Lekker and Willander have. We give up two prospects with a higher ceiling (but higher volatility obviously since there are no guarantees), but we get a 'sure thing' asset right now that could help us both short term and long term even if said player has little to no chance of being a 1st line player or a top pairing defenseman.......with the trade off being that he would help us in the playoffs this year (which could possibly be this core's best chance at a cup?). Who would be fair and equivalent value for a combined package of Willander and Lekker? (obviously, not Guentzel because JG is a UFA at season's end).
  21. Agreed. McTavish would very likely be an unrealistic ask but getting back to my idea, would there be a hypothetical scenario in which a team accepts both Willander and Lekkerimaki? (of whatever equates to equivalent value........and someone that could help us now, but wouldn't just be a rental obviously). Just wondering which player out there would be the equivalent value of my proposed package (if it's not McTavish), and if it could possibly be worth it from our end (I absolutely loathe the idea of blowing up our prospect pool but would it make sense if an asset came back our way that could help us both short term and long term?)
  22. Right? So I’m not *completely* insane for thinking along these lines right? Yes - we lose two amazing prospects (who will likely turn out to be great players…..but no guarantees) but we get one long term asset back that would help us both short term and long term. Especially in the case of our short term, this core’s peak just may very well be this year. We need to find a way to be aggressive this year without technically blowing up our prospect pool and so in an indirect way, my proposal from above would cater to this.
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