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Jeremy Hronek

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Everything posted by Jeremy Hronek

  1. I'll refrain from the childish name calling that you seem to be so interested in. Let me ask you a simple question. Have you actually visited Seattle within the last two years? Because I was there in September of 2022 for the Seahawks-Broncos game (Seahawks home opener). I'm not a Republican nor am I a Democrat. I'm simply a guy that believes in Police, Military, strict Law enforcement, and Science & Technology. Seriously - go visit Seattle and see for yourself as to what I'm talking about. Vancouver isn't that far off. If you enjoy seeing streets littered with homelessness, drug needles, poo, urine, open prostitution, with a beautiful scent of vape and weed, then more power to you. If you enjoy hearing about leaders of Sikh temples being assassinated and 17 year old kids being stabbed and assaulted on skytrains, then wonderful. But for me personally? I'm sick and tired of it.
  2. If it gets results then absolutely. Again, look at Singapore. They are a democratic country and yet they implement very strict laws and punishments to discourage criminals and criminal activities. No looting, no open drug use, no one "blazing up" or "shooting up" on public metro systems, no girlfriend/boyfriend violence at clubs, etc., etc. North America needs to wake up as far as respect for laws and respect for the police goes. It's that simple.
  3. The way it should be in my opinion.
  4. Canada at its core is still a democracy and so "the Saudi method" would be too extreme here. I know you're being sarcastic here but I thought I'd address this. My suggestion is that we emulate democratic countries that have a strong police and military presence and implement very strict punishments for law breakers. Singapore is a terrific example in my opinion. People there respect authority and you would never ridiculous looting like what we saw in Philadelphia. I'm not overly familiar with South Korea and Japan but I don't see things like that happening over there either.
  5. There would still be murders but it would be significantly less. Maybe 'capital punishment' isn't even the answer since a lot of criminals out there don't fear a quick death. Maybe create more Guantanamo Bay's so that criminals know that more hells on earth exist? (and hence, further deter criminals). Or, just keep it simple. Find out what Singapore is doing (a democratic country by the way), and just emulate their style when it comes to policing and the justice system. Again, I'm not saying that "they're better than us." We do many things better than them. In this one aspect of society however, perhaps we can agree that a country like Singapore is absolutely on top of things. Even China (socialist/authoritarian, yes) which has over a billion people is very on the ball when it comes to controlling the people.
  6. Max Lapierre might be my vote. Our 4th line noticeably improved when he originally came to our team. Tremendous agitator and spark plug and scored some big goals for us when it mattered most. Lapierre was a dickhead but he was our dickhead.
  7. Don't get me wrong. I'm from Canada and am Canadian - and proud. I'm extremely unhappy over what's going in North America, and am particularly disgusted by what I'm seeing on the West Coast. Seriously, take a trip to Seattle and you'll see what I'm talking about. Vancouver isn't that far off from Seattle in terms of its problems and that makes me sad as a Canadian. Yes I'm living in an Asian country right now and I'm not trying to speak from a high horse. They have their own sets of problems....many of which we are superior at. I can only comment on what I see unfortunately. If I make a statement that the Tampa Bay Lightning are better at hockey than the Vancouver Canucks, and cite concerns over our defensive depth, that doesn't mean I dislike Vancouver or am waving the pompoms of the Tampa Bay Lightning (from a high horse). Have a great day gentlemen.
  8. Follow the same system that they use in Singapore. Even China.
  9. Is South Korea a communist regime or is it Democratic? What about Singapore? Is it completely state-controlled or do they have a significant presence in certain important aspects?
  10. I feel like we're running around in circles with these arguments and so I'll post one final thought before returning to the magic world of the Vancouver Canucks. People in Canada and America do not respect authority and the police nearly as much as they should. The laws need to be stricter in all facets. There needs to be a significant change. Otherwise, you'll see more bullshit looting in places like Philadelphia. But hey - if you guys are happy with higher crimes, cities smelling like vape, weed, toilet bowls, while littered with drug needles and "tent cities," then more power to you. Perhaps it's ignorance on my part, but I don't see any of these issues going on in places like South Korea, Singapore, and China. #DefundThePolice #Weed4Lyfe Cheers.
  11. Lots of popular bands and musical talents in China and Singapore that many people over there admire. Ditto for Japan and South Korea. The Mass majority of those artists have never done drugs. Within their respective countries at least.
  12. I don't hate drugs as much as I strongly dislike many people in North America having little to no respect for the police and for the laws in our countries. In both Canada and America, we need 1) A few bigger police budget 2) Far stricter laws 3) Far stricter punishment. As for your last question, that's not a black or white issue. It's a grey issue obviously and that's something that the courts would have to decide. My only hope that is whatever the courts decide, 1) The wait for trial will be far less 2) Far less people in our prison systems wasting tax payers dollars 3) A right to a fair trial, making absolutely sure someone is guilty, and then giving them very severe punishment. Something similar to what they do in Singapore and China.
  13. Give him a fair trial. If he is found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, then yes absolutely. While tragic, doing something like this would send shockwaves throughout the country at first. In a short amount of time however, how many young rich athletes (and regular people for that matter), will dare to get caught with this white powder?
  14. Legal system needs to be absolutely sure that they have the right guy. Extreme punishment and consequences will deter a lot of the criminals from attempting to doing it in the first place. Does Singapore have any of these issues? (to the extent that we do in North America?). What about China?
  15. 1. Change the law (far less time in prison as to avoid clogging cells). 2. Yes, that is exactly what I'm suggesting.
  16. Change the law - get rid of this provision.
  17. No passive aggressive witty response to my 2nd point? I want my money back!
  18. They should change this law in my opinion.
  19. re - 2: Capital punishment (save lots of money on incarceration, free up our clogged legal system, etc.). Re-invest tax money elsewhere instead of inordinate amounts of spending on drug education.
  20. You might be right here. If that's the case, then I would strongly consider making an even more aggressive pitch to bring in a Top pairing D.......like a Brett Pesce or a Devon Toews. Normally, I would just say, "Be patient and continue to fill the pipeline," but this management group has made it pretty clear that they're trying to be competitive now (with their Hronek and Beauvillier trades, along with their UFA signings). To complicate matters, this whole plan was implemented with Pettersson in mind and so the Canucks literally do need to take a significant step this season so that Pettersson wants to stay long term. This plan is royally screwed if Petey pulls a Matt Tkachuk. That, combined with the fact that Demko, Kuzmenko, Boeser, and "prime" Miller have 3 years or less left.
  21. And so why doesn't this nonsense occur in countries like Singapore, China, etc.
  22. You can significantly curtail it by...... 1) Increasing the police budget 2) Increasing the severity of punishment so that criminals *truly* fear the consequences IF they get caught.
  23. How long do you think this is going to last with the way inflation is going? A 1BR/1B is what now? 2200 per month in Vancouver? Even our much vaunted medical system. No country invests more into their healthcare than Canada and yet while we're "pretty good," in this regard, the ROI doesn't justify the investment. Scandanavian countries, Australia, etc., all have significantly better healthcare systems than Canada. Anyways, I'm getting off track here. My bottom line here is that both Canada and America needs to step up. Big time. People down there don't respect the police anymore and this needs to stop.
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