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Jeremy Hronek

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Everything posted by Jeremy Hronek

  1. To Colorado: Spencer Martin To Vancouver: A bag of shit Lets get errr done.
  2. The NHL is a corrupt and garbage league. As a Canucks fan that watched the Canucks get constantly screwed by the refs between 2009 and 2013 (and even 2015 was quite fishy with Ferland allowing to perform actions that would have been called charging, boarding, and roughing in most instances), I have no reason but to assume that the NHL is very corrupt. Do you think Bedard going to Chicago is just coincidence? Lafrenniere to NYR? So yeah......I'm not surprised at all that the league is trying to cover up 2018. I only follow the NHL because of the Canucks, but my passion for the sport isn't anywhere near what it was 10-15 years ago.
  3. It's like I said in the other thread. I really like Carson Soucy and what he will be able to bring to this team, but he's not the type of guy that should be playing with your best defenseman on a top pairing. Can it work? Yes. As it did with Schenn. Is it risky? Yes. Soucy needs to be a #4 at best. The Canucks are mis-using Hughes in my opinion. Instead of trying to acquire "the Brent Seabrook to Quinn Hughes' Duncan Keith," the Canucks don't seem to mind placing Hughes with non-Top 4 calibre d-men in an effort to artificially create depth with their other pairings (i.e. Edler-Schmidt, Schmidt-Myers, OEL-Myers, etc.). Since Tanev left, we never once saw Hughes play with Edler, Schmidt, or OEL. And now we aren't going to see Hughes play with Hronek (and yes, in all of these cases, it's due to stylistic incompatibility). The point remains however - the Canucks are missing a HUGE opportunity by not pairing Hughes with a legit Top 4 calibre guy. As good as Hughes has been for us, imagine how good he'd be (and that pairing in general would be), if he had the Brent Seabrook to Hughes' Duncan Keith.
  4. Disappointing to hear about Podkolzin but I'm happy to hear about Hoglander and Woo. The media and fans have to be careful with their expectations on Carson Soucy. Soucy is a solid defenseman in a particular role, but he should NOT be playing alongside the teams' best defenseman in my opinion. Could it work? Yes. Will it be risky? Yes. One of my pet peeves with the way we have handled Quinn Hughes, since the departure of Tanev, is that we often play Hughes with sub-par partners. Instead of saying, "Lets try and find the Brent Seabrook to Quinn Hughes' Duncan Keith," the coaching staff seems to be more content in playing Hughes with non-Top 4 calibre d-men so that they can artificially create depth on their other pairings. A developed Willander cannot come some enough.
  5. I should have phrased it better. Kuzmenko and Myers as part of a 'hockey deal' in which we bring in another Top 4 calibre defensemen to play alongside one of Hronek or Hughes (which then allows Soucy to be a #4 while pushing Cole onto the 3rd pairing.......ultimately resulting in more ideal roles for them). We then take a calculated gamble that 1) Boeser has a rebound year due to him being leaner and coming to terms with his father's passing 2) Garland returning to form due to Tocchet's more structured system (Garland looked good in AZ under Tocchet and also looked good playing under Green) and also playing consistently with one center (Suter?). 3) Hoglander and Podkolzin benefitting with more ice-time. Yes it's a calculated gamble but sometimes that's what it takes......and given the above, I could definitely see things having a reasonable shot at working in our favour. The general feeling that I'm getting is that many fans are overestimating our current defense. -Soucy shouldn't be playing with your teams' best defenseman. Yes, Schenn played with Hughes last year and that pairing was half decent, but it's still risky. -Cole shouldn't be on your Top 4. And this is with a completely healthy defense!!!! How many times during the year are all six defensemen completely healthy? So from where I sit - our defense is one key injury away from being one of the weakest defences in the NHL. Even without Kuzmenko up front, I think the Canucks could have a reasonable chance of being solid up front.
  6. Sorry I might not have worded it correctly. I would strongly consider moving Myers and Kuzmenko in a "hockey deal" as opposed to Kuz being used as a sweetener to move Myers. 1) Kuzmenko had an excellent season last year under Boudreau's system, but will he able to duplicate that under Tocchet's more structured system with a heavier emphasis on two-way hockey. We saw a little bit of dissension between Tocchet and Kuzmenko last season. 2) Does Kuzmenko really fit into our long term plans? He's only signed for two more years here and isn't too far off from being 30 years old. So the way I see it, it wouldn't necessarily be "giving up Kuz for one year of Myers," but rather, making a legit hockey deal in which we move Myers' contract AND bring in another top 4 calibre defenseman to play with one of Hughes or Hronek (which could then allow Soucy to play on a more ideal 2nd pairing while also pushing Cole to a more ideal 3rd pairing) . You're right that taking a gamble on Hogs and Pods might not pan out but at least they'd be given more ice-time to prove themselves. It's just a thought.
  7. I think both Garland and Boeser will have strong seasons for us. Garland was pretty good for us under Green and I think he'll thrive under Tocchet's more structured system (as well as playing with a half decent center in Puis Suter). Boeser also looks leaner this year and seems to have come to terms with his dad's passing. One guy who I'm not completely sold on in terms of having a good season is Kuzmenko. I'm not sure if his "laissez-faire" attitude towards the defensive side of things will sit well with Tocchet. If we're looking to move Myers with a sweetener, then Kuzmenko is a guy that I'd consider moving. With Kuzmenko gone, you can give more opportunities to Podkolzin and Hoglander while also using that added cap space to bring in another Top 4 defenseman.
  8. Technically speaking, Benning allowed us to win the Kesler to Anaheim deal (Bonino, Sbisa,.....and McCann) so there is that I guess.
  9. I don't mind Hughes on a top pair but Hronek doesn't mesh well with Hughes stylistically. In my opinion, neither Soucy nor Myers should be on a top pairing. Hence, my suggestion of Hughes with Soucy on pair #2. But having said that, if we got a guy like Pesce then I'd absolutely roll with Hughes-Pesce at the top pairing. With regards to Chris Tanev, Tanev does not look out of place at all on a top pairing. Hence, no problem with Hughes playing with Tanev. Could Soucy play on a top pairing? It's possible but he hasn't done this to date, and he's 27. Soucy has good underlying numbers but these impressive advanced stats came primarily on a 3rd pairing....and as a #4 at times. Maybe he works out with Hughes on the top pairing but it could be risky. So that's just me. I think penciling *both* Cole and Soucy on our Top 4 is very risky.........and this is at 100% health! Teams rarely have all of their top 6 dmen at full health and so what happens if we get 1-2 key injuries back there? So for me personally - I think we need another Top 4 d-man if the Canucks are serious about making a significant leap this season (and hence, keeping Petey happy).
  10. Pesce has been taken off the market apparently but I am curious about what the Canucks would look like with another Top 4 calibre defenseman. Option #1: LHD-Hronek Hughes-Soucy Cole-[Hirose, McWard, Wolanin, etc.] Option #2 Hughes-RHD Soucy-Hronek Cole-[Hirose, McWard, Wolanin, etc]. With Option #1 or #2, I think the Canucks would have a pretty solid team that should be able to punch a ticket to the playoffs (with possible upset potential to make the 2nd round). My problem with the current Canucks' defense is that both Soucy and Cole are slated to play above where they should/would normally be. Hughes-Soucy (Soucy should not be on a top pairing) Cole-Hronek (Cole should not be on a 2nd pairing) Whoever. Under normal circumstances, I'd advise the Canucks to just ride this year out and wait for Myers to come off the books but how we perform this year could have a significant impact on Pettersson's long term decision-making. In other words, we pretty much need to guarantee ourselves some significant progress this year if we want Pettersson (and Hronek?) to stay here long term. With Wallinder (RD) waiting in the wings, I would strongly recommend that the Canucks look for another top 4 calibre LD. Have said LD form a top shut down pairing with Hronek, and then have Hughes and Soucy form another pairing. p.s.___________No to Pesce because we already have Hronek and Wallinder is waiting in the wings. p.p.s._________Hindsight is 20/20 but in retrospect, we should have ponied up more assets to trade for Hampus Lindholm instead of OEL. Even now, if Boston decides to move towards rebuilding, I would strongly consider sacrificing the penis of my own father if it meant bringing Hampus Lindholm to the fold. Lindholm-Hronek Hughes-Soucy Cole-Whoever Which would ideally morph into..... Hughes-Wallinder Lindholm-Hronek Soucy-Whoever At some point in the future.
  11. I wasn't but will also concede that the deal made perfect sense given what this management group (and ownership) are trying to accomplish. For better or for worse (probably for worse but I'll be honest and say what I would have done), I would have traded ALL of Pettersson, Hughes, Horvat, and Demko for 2023 1st round picks and elite prospects. I would have moved Kuzmenko for a low 1st. I would have then brought in additional 1sts by weaponizing our cap space with bad contracts and would have tanked hard for a 2023 lottery pick (which likely would have put us in a position to draft Bedard, Fantili, or Carlson). But again, that's what I would have done and there would have been some massive pros AND cons to my plan.......but I digress. Here is our current Canucks team: Forwards. Defense: Goaltending: -My initial prognosis is that 1) We are solid up front 2) We are solid in Net 3) We need another Top 4 LHD on our team if we truly want to be a playoff team this year......with a good chance of making the 2nd round. -Soucy needs to be a #4. Not a top pairing guy. -Cole needs to be on the 3rd pairing and anchor that 3rd pairing (whether he's playing with Hirose, Wolanin, Myers, or whoever). I don't know if it's feasible or not (or even advisable), but I'd try and package one of Hoglander or Podkolzin with Myers to bring in a top 4 calibre defenseman that can play alongside Hronek. Make a legit "hockey deal" so to speak. For example, would Hoglander and Myers bring you a solid "stay at home" youngish LHD that could play alongside Hronek and take on our toughest match-ups? (said defenseman would need a cap hit of $6 million or less to make it work from a cap standpoint). My guess is that a Hoglander/Myers deal would not land you said piece but maybe a Podkolzin/Myers deal would? (although I have reservations obviously about moving Podkolzin). New Defense: [NewLHD]-Hronek Hughes-Soucy Cole-[Wolanin/Hirose/McWard, etc.]
  12. I don't anticipate a fight happening for the starter job. They'll give Silovs the ball unless he completely falls on his face.
  13. Agreed. My only thing with Silovs is that he needs to develop in the A as opposed to being a back-up for us (i.e. similar to Markstrom in the 2014-2015 season). This DeSmith trade will now allow for that. Props to Alvin here.
  14. Looks like this issue has been addressed with the Tanner Pearson trade. DeSmith is a clear upgrade over Spencer Martin and should allow the Canucks to have semblance of stability in net if Demko goes down with injury. This deal also allows us to comfortably develop Silovs in the A. Very solid deal for the Canucks and it's made me a little bit more excited for this coming season. What we really need now is another top 4 left-handed defenseman in my opinion. [LHD]-Hronek Hughes-Soucy Cole-Myers / Hirose-Cole / Wolanin-Cole
  15. Super shouldn't be on a Top 6. If Raty is NHL ready this year and is ready to take ownership of the 3rd line, then Suter moves to the wing.
  16. Myers being traded with a sweetener would make the most sense for the Canucks given what they are trying to accomplish (i.e. being a competitive right now + polishing Pettersson's nutsack in order to keep him happy). Use Myers' cap space to bring in a top 4 d-man. I know many fans are down on Garland but I think he'll do well for us this year under Tocchet.
  17. I think Myers will stay here for one final season for the following reasons: 1) Moving Myers would likely require too big of a sweetener even with one year left. 2) One of the biggest concerns for this current Canucks squad is a lack of depth on defense. If Hronek gets injured, there will be a lot of questions on the right side. Can one of Soucy or Cole fill in as the top RD? (they've had good underlying numbers as 3rd pairing d-men but would that translate at the 1st pairing level?....keep in mind that Cole is also 34 years old now). This team has to stop bleeding picks. Even with a massive upgrade on Myers on the right side (for example, Pesce....just as an example), do you really think the Canucks would be able to compete with teams like the Golden Knights, Avs, Lightning, etc? Canucks should probably be a little bit more patient in my opinion. Myers comes off the books for free next Summer and so the Canucks could just put that cap to more efficient use at that time. I'm going to go into EA Sports land right here and loosely hope for the following later this season (and at the end of this season). 1. Sign Pettersson at max term. 2. Trade Hughes and Demko to Buffalo for Dahlin and their goalie and sign Dahlin at max term (won't happen obviously but still).. 3. Sign Hronek to a long term deal. 4. Trade Kuzmenko for a 1st at the trade deadline. Perhaps my vision for the Canucks is a little different than Management's (or most fans for that matter), but what I want to do is find youngish core pieces and lock them for the long term. Similar to what the Sens are doing now.
  18. At what cost? Top 4 two way guys are not easy to acquire. Boeser and Garland won't fetch you that piece. Do we move yet another 1st for said piece? p.s. - I agree with your arguments on Demko.
  19. While I agree with the article, the more concerning matter is Demko's ability to stay healthy. Demko has missed very long stretches of hockey these past 2-3 seasons. Even throughout his formative years (pre beastmode bubble Demko), he struggled with injuries. If Demko gets injured again, will Silovs be able to step up to the challenge? We already know the answer for Spencer Martin.
  20. January 2023 Canucks Outlook: Don't agree with plan, The Canucks should have rebuilt, Neither here nor there,
  21. It's great if EP wants to stay here but when will the Canucks truly be elite again? I think that's the thing that doesn't quite have me sold on our current plan. By the time the Canucks actually become a 2nd round++ calibre team again, 1) Will Kuzmenko still be on the books? 2) Both Demko and Hughes would likely be at or near contract expiration (Demko will be 30 when his contract expires). Quinn, an American, is VERY tight-knit with his family and brothers. How likely is it that both these guys extend with us at that time? So, I don't know.......like I said before, I like the energy, accountability, and structure that Tocchet is building here but post bubble 2020 is when this team and core really needed to take off in my opinion. Unfortunately, that post bubble 2020 off-season was extremely disastrous. I hate to be a downer but I can't see us being anything more than 1st round fodder this season at best, and I can't see us *possibly* being elite again for another 3 years (at which point, all/most our current core will either be gone or will be close to contract expiration).
  22. You're probably right but again, time will tell. The Canucks were playing with more structure but it's also entirely possible that other teams weren't taking us all that seriously at that point. I will completely agree with what you're saying here if the Canucks have a strong season.
  23. It's a typical "new coach" bump but we'll have to see if it translates to long term success. We saw what happened with Bruce B during his first 60 games here and then what followed with the 22/23 season. My personal feeling is that the Canucks should have blown it up in January by moving all of Pettersson, Hughes, Demko, and Kuzmenko for 1st round picks and prospects. Tank naturally for a Top 3 2023 1st, bring in elite prospects on top of that (which Petey and Hughes would have gotten us), and weaponize cap space by bringing in more picks/prospects. I know my above idea won't be popular but the truth of the matter is that keeping Petey is risky given his stance on whether he wants to re-sign or not. If the Canucks aren't competitive this season, his chances of signing long term are not high. Will Kuzmenko be here long term after two seasons? Even though both Hughes and Demko have some term left, how many years will actually be left on their contracts once the Canucks become an elite team? Looking at our current team, I'm not feeling kind of..........'meh.' While I like the depth we have up front, I think our defense still has a lot of questions. Can Hronek stay healthy? Can Soucy be more than a #4 if we have some injuries? He had good underlying numbers as a 3rd pairing guy and as a #4 at times, but what will happen if he needs to play higher up? Ian Cole is solid but he's 34 years old now. What happens if he needs to play higher up? And then of course, you have Demko. Demko is an elite goalie when he's healthy, but we've seen how he's been the past 2-3 seasons....and if we're being honest, the majority of his career. Demko is quite injury prone. What happens if he gets injured again? Will Silovs be ready or does he need more time in the A? We saw what Spencer Martin did last year when became our #1 for an extended period of time. So in conclusion - while I like the structure, accountability, and energy that Tocchet has brought to the position, I think our team will be in a bit of trouble with injuries to the back-end and goaltending..........which will ultimately leads us to either narrowly missing the playoffs or being 1st round fodder......which ultimately means Petey exploring other options. I hope I'm wrong here and will gladly eat shit on here if I am.
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