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Jeremy Hronek

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Everything posted by Jeremy Hronek

  1. It’s one game. The Canucks were 18-2-4 prior to tonight’s game while Boston lost to an inferior team in the previous game. They were clearly more hungry tonight. Canucks lost to San Jose and Columbus earlier this year. Did the sky fall afterwards?
  2. In that case, I wouldn’t go for Dumba. Juulsen has done enough to earn the #7 spot and fill in. Canucks have enough depth from 4-7 in my opinion. Where they lack is in a true #3 dman. You have Hughes and Hronek as legit #1 and #2 dmen, and then a #4 as the teams’ 3rd best D. That’s dangerous imo.
  3. He’s entitled to his (misinformed) opinion I guess. One thing is for certain however - the Oilers will not be an easy opponent come playoff time.
  4. Well said. Speaking of that Kesler deal, people hated it at the time, but in theory, the deal was actually pretty decent for the Canucks all things considered. We landed Jared McCann and he would have been a good player for us had we developed him the right way.
  5. Off the top of my head, I don’t think we’ll be able to move Mikheyev for futures. My guess is that Lindholm ends up being the 2020 version of Tyler Toffoli. Lindholm comes here for a cup of coffee, helps us in the playoffs, and then signs elsewhere on July 1st. The good news? We have an extra 5.5 million since Kuzmenko is no longer on the books. All of our extra money will be used on Pettersson, Hronek, Bluegar, etc. (retaining and preserving what we’ve built).
  6. Fair enough. I guess what I’m saying is that if you’re half expecting someone from the Canucks to go after Marchand from an event that took place 13 years ago, you might be in for a let down.
  7. That’s not what I said man. All I said was that Demko, Pettersson, and Hughes, at current, have among the best cap hits in the league…..all of these contracts of which were signed by Benning.
  8. Do we even have any Vancouver-raised Canadian players on our team? I was a better hockey player than Conor Bedard in 2011 and could probably beat Carlos Alcaraz at tennis. Times change. Are you still upset with the 1994 Rangers? I mean, I appreciate your fire and your passion but we’re just fans. Here’s to the Canucks making some noise in these coming months.
  9. In fairness to Benning, Gillis left almost nothing in the pipeline when JB took over in the Summer of 2014 (although this isn’t Gillis’ fault entirely. Gillis went to ownership in both the summer of 2012 and 2013 asking permission from ownership to rebuild and was basically told to fuck off both times).
  10. I always wondered what would have been in 95/96 had Bure been healthy? I remember just how good Mogilny was that season for us (107 points that season during the peak clutch and grab era). Letting Ronning walk in that off season just may have been the kiss of death for that core. Pat Quinn attempting phone sex with Wayne Gretzky at midnight was an absolute no-no.
  11. Weren’t we only .500 in 94/95? (I can’t be arsed to look up our record from that time)
  12. I always drew a parallel between our 2020 bubble season and 2007 season, in that, we both had flukey 2nd round appearances with our core players, followed by a more natural emergence. In theory, -2008 should have been our 2021 -2009 should have been our 2022 -2010 should have been our 2023 -2011 should have been our 2024 (but with a Lady boy Thai massage happy ending ;-)) While our 2008/2021 lived up to its billing in terms of the expected setback year, I think we got a bit unlucky in both 2009/2022 and 2010/2023. Especially in that 2022 season, Petey was in the worst slump of his career while Boeser was going through his personal stuff. We also had some key injuries to the back end in Poolman and Hamonic. Sutter also had HIV (Covid19). In other words, that 2022 season probably should have gone a lot better than it did. Ditto for 2010/2023. Thankfully, the Canucks appear to have skipped a few steps and are back on course for their version of their peak.
  13. True but keep in mind that neither Demko nor Hoglander were first rounders. Boeser was also picked at the #23 spot.
  14. With respect, I disagree. The current Canucks have absolutely zero ties to 2011 other than Ownership. The Canucks will be "up" for Boston because they are the two best teams in the league at current - that's it. For the handful of Canucks fans still hanging onto 2011 (13 years ago), they really need to let it go. Having said that, it would be very interesting to see a Canucks-Bruins cup rematch.
  15. With respect to Benning bros, this thread isn't about that. Pettersson, Hughes, and Demko (non-high pick) currently have some of the best value cap hits in the league. Garland and Miller have been significant impact players for us, while Hoglander has also taken a bit of a leap. Pettersson, Demko, Miller, Boeser, and Hughes were all brought in under Benning's watch.
  16. True but consider the following: -He still managed to sign Pettersson to a 7.35 million dollar cap ht (which benefits us this season). -Hughes was signed to $7.8 million (arguably the best cap hit in the league right now) -Demko is at $5 million (also one of the best cap hits in the league..........and Demko wasn't a "high pick" by the way). So yes, as many faults as Benning had, we can't completely ignore the positive impact that he's had on this current team.
  17. Current Canucks are on pace to surpass the 2011 team in terms of point totals.
  18. Why are we talking about Brad Marchand in 2024, lol. Who cares. 2011 was 13 years ago. With respect to Marchand and the Boston Bruins, I don’t see how they are relevant to us unless we play them again in the finals (edit - actually, I just realized that we are playing them next game and so perhaps this explains the relevancy of your post and thread).
  19. Suter-Miller-Boeser Mikheyev-Pettersson-Lindholm Joshua-Bluegar-Garland Hoglander-Aman-Lafferty Hughes-Hronek Cole-Myers Zadorov-Soucy Demko DeSmith With Podkolzin in the system. Demko, Pettersson, and Hughes are on sweetheart contracts (although Pettersson’s will obviously change next season), while JT Miller was brought in a few years back despite many local hockey pundits being against the idea. With the exception of Hronek and Lindholm, all of our current core players are a result of Benning’s draft picks and trades. Now - please don’t get me wrong. Benning made some significant mistakes as a GM as well. However, despite the mistakes, our entire core and their subsequent “sweet heart cap hits” cannot be ignored can it?
  20. This is actually what scares me to be honest. Probabilities state that we are likely due for an injury to a core player at some point. While I think the Canucks are protected against any one long term injury to Pettersson, Miller, Boeser, Lindholm, and Demko, I still contend that this team is in significant trouble if Hughes goes down (maybe not significant trouble, but trouble to the point where we’d go from being elite to a 10-13 team). Hopefully, I am underestimating the impact of what Hronek would be able to do for us.
  21. My guess is that the Canucks will be more inclined to walk from Lindholm rather than move Brock. Lindholm might be this year’s version of 2020 Tyler Toffoli for us (with the only notable difference being that Thomas Drance and JD Burke won’t constantly go on and on about Judd Brackett’s “pee pee” and “wee wee” and how he was the real mastermind behind everything). Boeser has been a core player right from the start and so I suspect that management will continue to try and build around him, Petey, Hughes, Demko, and JT Miller.
  22. Bonino was a half decent player 7-8 years ago but that time has passed. At current, Bonino’s calibre dictates that he should be biting boners on the farm.
  23. Something around PDG for O’Brien would be something that I’d be interested in. How has Matt Dumba looked this year? Would he be an upgrade on Myers?
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