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  1. the story of Aurora the Goose... 

    Once upon a time, there was a goose named Abyss who lived in a small village. Abyss was no ordinary goose. She had the ability to predict harsh and scary outcomes that would scare people. The villagers were both fascinated and terrified by her gift.

    One day, Abyss predicted that an apocalypse would occur. The villagers were skeptical at first, but they soon realized that Abyss’s predictions were always accurate. They quickly evacuated the village and waited for the apocalypse to pass. Thanks to Abyss’s prediction, everyone was safe.

    Another time, Abyss predicted that an assassin would come to the village. The villagers were skeptical again, but they soon realized that Abyss was right. They prepared themselves for the assassin and managed to fend him off.

    The villagers were terrified of Abyss’s gift and treated her like an outcast. They even built her a special house far away from the village where she could live comfortably.

    From that day on, Abyss continued to predict harsh and scary outcomes to scare people. The villagers feared her predictions and always took them seriously.

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