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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. just be careful lumping all of them into one bucket is all im pointing at... i have 4 vaccines, and thought the protest was complete bs... bur most people might consider me a conservative, even though i Support the LGBTQIA+ fight for equality, even if i dont agree with everything they say, i couldn't say much against it because im not a member myself, and could be ignorant of the the truths behind those messages so i shouldn't have a say
  2. and when the pc party wins, if they decide anti facists are terrorists? be careful what you wish for, people remember how they are treated...
  3. that answered nothing about conservative political parties but did answer whether you think its appropriate to be violent against facists. thanks, for lengthy response i guess...
  4. hey i might deserve it... sorry you did great thanks for the article... im unforunatly a alberta resident... i do not have a representative that federal representative that supports my views, so i refuse to vote in federal elections... this central ice party might be something maybe when im 50, they might gain some traction
  5. did this person call anyone a climate terrorist about a pipeline? that is not cool if true...
  6. hey did you even read what you are stating before associating me with some hate mongrel... pathetic and gross statements with no basis
  7. well i stand corrected... i can make mistakes... but the other two were most likley from left leaning agendas unless you have proof otherwise.
  8. so ad hominem's, dogmatic arguments, moving the goal posts, ignorance, fallicious rebuttals? to prove what? that the left can do no harm? another winner!
  9. no sorry try again, the people delivering the violence were from the self proclaimed anti hate group... again try to make me belive the right wing extremists were planning to murder a group that was associated with the right... please do your research before spreading misinformation
  10. please dont tell me you actually believe right wing political parties are fighting against the pipeline? are you just playing dirty pool or you looking for a second award?
  11. well thanks for joing in the discussion... what was asked of me was to find people protesting against the political progressive leaders... what i agreed to do was find that left leaning agendas were violent because there were a few claiming they did not exist... so i did exactly what i wanted to prove, that left leaning protests can be violent outside of extremist or facist protests... so congrats i award you the ignorance badge
  12. what are you making up now? about these courts? here since you still cant seem to understand let me explain it for you, what was reported... one article stated groups protesting at the the alberta border with a group called the Anti_hate group bringing guns to the border after making 13 death threats online, the protest was shut down just in time, as 4 people were arrested at the border with weapons and one even crashing through a police barcade... the second was a group protesting against the pipeline where Upon police attendance at the 41 km mark, the roadway had been blocked with downed trees, tar covered stumps, wire, boards with spikes in them, and fires had been lit throughout the debris. As police worked their way through the debris and traps, several people threw smoke bombs and fire lit sticks at the police, injuring one officer the third was A demonstration took place in 2019 in the city of Montreal. The May Day demonstration occurs every year at this time to protest against the capitalist. An anti-fascist and communist group was present. Nearly a hundred people participated in the event. Protesters made various grafts and violent gestures before the demonstration was declared illegal. Tear gas was used by the police to disperse the protesters. According to the SPVM, five arrests were made.
  13. listen you are being very disengenous with your arguments, i did what you asked but you keep moving the goal post whenever i do my part... congrats on silencing me from speaking from the center... good job!
  14. .this is a Authoritarian view he is representing, that is very controversial, but i would not consider it facist or extremist by definition. This group however shown in this clip was very hateful and violent. I have no proof this was performed by anti facist agenda, this may be groups that are LGTBQIA+ and the video didn't articulate entirely what happened. im not sure but it sounds like this billboard chris protests often? idk, there may be more to the story
  15. they were all in canada, i guess it proves you are dogmatic and dismissive if you didn't even bother to read what you asked me to post... interesting
  16. well i gave three examples... so well yeah it happened... and its serious, because we are an extension of the USA... what happens there tends to make its way here if not stopped. there is many examples of this in the united states...
  17. anyways still waiting for someone that would consider themselves antifa to answer if we should be violent and hateful at conservative political rallies? or just at extremist rallies?
  18. These Canadian Protesters Became Very Violent But It Wasn't the Truckers (townhall.com) 'Threat was very serious': RCMP provide update on Coutts arrests after blockade ends | CBC News many of the anti vaccers might be uninformed but dont deserve to be threatened with their life from the "Anti-Hate" group Now , just because i gave examples does not mean i agree with or disagree with the message of any of these protests, the point was to show that yes the left can become violent
  19. gonna keep treading around my question?
  20. okay fine... i will find left authoritarians using violence they may or may not include specifically poiliverre or o'toole or even scheer in canada... but the questions still remains should we be using violence against left political parties or just extremist rallies?
  21. not my responsibility... but i wouldnt want to waste my time proving that the left authoritarian protests get violent anyways... lets not pretend they don't exist...
  22. in the us there is many instances of it... in canada we are likely to form protests, but violence is less prevelant, would you agree?... but the question remains should we be using violence and hate at conservative rallies or just extremist rallies?
  23. im sure your personal experience is proof enough for everyone to agree with you...
  24. oh using dogmatism, hmm interesting....
  25. so are you a left authoritarian? should violence and hate be demonstrated at conservative political parties or just at extremist rallies?
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