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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. hmm are you asking if i know about ww2? and that the nazis were the bad guy? wow thanks!
  2. you disagree completely with what? everything i said? can you be a little genuine and be specific? all people on the right are bad...? what if you are are just on the right like a sliver? you have a right view for economic values but not social?
  3. from what i understand people that are left wing authoritarians share these type of views... “I should have the right not to be exposed to offensive views” “Getting rid of inequality is more important than protecting the so-called ‘right’ to free speech.” “The rich should be stripped of their belongings and status” “We need to replace the established order by any means necessary.” “All political conservatives are fools” “The ‘old-fashioned ways’ and ‘old-fashioned values’ need to be abolished.” Those who scored higher on the measure of left-wing authoritarianism were also more likely to have used force on behalf of a political cause within the last five years. they score much more higher in on measures of neuroticism, and willingness to ban opposing views(ie segregration). they are much more likely to use dogmatism and prejudice against political rivals well im not sure, but how many of you would consider yourselves antifa? cause i have a pretty strong feeling there is some of you here. anyone care to standup and explain why antifa violence is wholesome and justified? and if so, where does the line stop? should we become violent and loud at conservative rallies? or just at extremist rallies?
  4. i dont know how true that is, why does it happen like that? the easier path? i think in the last 3 years the whole society has been help divide the groups into the extremes, the more protests the more division. and the banning of voices didn't work either... what happened after all the twiiter and youtube bans? these individuals flooded another platform, and took ownership of it were they could speak whatever they like without any prejudice, im not sure thats better, could likely be much worse... this is just like the 90's were bush and clinton fought the war on crime... instead of investing dollars into schools and after school activities and boosting the long term economic outlook they just created a mass divide in wealth and class and people growing up without both parents. except in this situation its the people that are creating the mass divide and encouraging violence and hate.
  5. doesnt matter what they are fighting for, both idiots in my book
  6. i think that doesnt describe the nature of their authoritarian nature... and is more like a form of government than a group of protestors
  7. no it doesnt, because i am not a authoritarian, i can dislike these groups silently and without violence and hate
  8. i think anyone coming to a group to disrupt someone with violence and hate speech no matter your intentions is just plain old goof... just like the loud and violent right the loud and violent left is not doing any side any favors
  9. from my understanding you cannot call them a fascist, because its described as a right wing authortian and nationalist group... where someone that comes from the left does not have a word but i believe its just antifa now... and the way to describe violent mobs of antifa would be a left wing authortian and nationalist group
  10. silencing your political opponents even the crazed didnt accomplish what people expected. The people that were banned found away to share their voice to their followers, so what does it even accomplish?... banning peoples voice in this manner is the equivalent of putting in earplugs so you dont hear the rats running through the walls of your house... if your argument is sound, respectful and can be proven with facts why not just let your opponents bury themselves with their own lies? with this strategy people in the mushy middle will side with the people that make sense... coralling all your opponents putting a dunce cap on them, and then let them free to tell all their followers how they are just scared of the truth and trying to silence the truth from getting out... better to let your opponent to punch themselves in the face if the basis of their argument is built upon lies and deceit, the truth always comes out.
  11. 1. fast strong defensive player but first line scoring skills even if just average 2. top notch shooter/scorer and gritty, need to be strong to fight for the open ice, Brock and miller are great playmakers 3. you could go a couple ways here depends what the identity of the offensive structure wants to look like... but someone that can grind the boards winning battles and pass well. Garland and Blueger are great at popping goals in, just need to feed them the puck... 4. defensive/gritty 4th line players often have really good tools but lack in certain area's either gritty or defensive would be fine.
  12. ian mac surely takes a stroll down these threads
  13. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    how many cookies do i get if i say yes?
  14. true... i have no issues with him, he handled about as good as anyone could, Other people have also forgiven too... his youtube account gets reasonable views, Super Gms that reach that level are almost all geniuses, and you can tell he has something special about him... for a genius he is pretty personable...
  15. oh this is priceless its 3 weeks old now, but if you havent seen it and followed the whole chess scandal last year, this is a must watch... Hans villian arc starts phase 2
  16. detroit fans think they have a chance to make playoffs this year.... they are in for a rude awakening when they realize how much they are going to miss all the players they traded last trade deadline.... Hey Stevie thanks for your number 1 defenceman! we got the best defenceman from all the trades last deadline!
  17. myers is an enigma, one moment he will make the most amzing play you have ever seen, the next moment hes lying down on the ice sliding for no real apparent reason... its like a parasite has taken host of his body and is making him do random plays... i also cringe every time he has the puck he is not graceful
  18. im not sure how to embed the tweet on phone, but with pc open the tweet and then copy the link, then just paste it in the comments and it will auto load
  19. good point, that 10 million in cap could be turned into anything, hopefully not two rentals but i would be ok with 1 low end rental if it meant we got a top4 RD on a decent contract... we may have to just trade our way out of this mess every year, trading picks for college players and trade upgrades
  20. that is what im hoping for but not a rental, surely we can find a defenceman with a amazing cap with term, it will cost us but we must try soon or we already have to rebuild again ... but like many have pointed out we are going to get option 3...
  21. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    the more i listen to neil degrasse tyson, the more i realize that these outcomes are possibilities that are real... the tear in the 4th dimension is being debated about how realistic the probability is through tons of math... the story the man tells is just so full of details that would make sense, the vessel to travel through the dimension and the directions to make sure not to look over the edge. there was a video were NDT explained to a child how someone could pass through a black hole, is it possible these are naturally ocurring "windows/doors" into another dimension? of course all theory and nothing proven, but fun to think about...
  22. im really hoping we sign Bear, i think this is our chance to go for it this year... the boys have all the tools, they have proven we can be a great team. they just need to be consistent, really hoping the vets we added are going to be a big impact for our young team...
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