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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. how open are you to making a big splash and making a real run for the cup this year?
  2. I have 100% belief that podgoalzin will play better... wouldnt doubt if miller boeser podkolzin is a thing in pre-season
  3. i doubt it... i think that was a old forum privilege...
  4. can anyone point me to good pages about day 1?
  5. Reading way too much into Canucks lines at training camp - Vancouver Is Awesome From Höglander and Podkolzin getting a real chance in the top-six to shuffling partners for Quinn Hughes. Daniel Wagner J.T. Miller, Quinn Hughes, and Akito Hirose rest between drills at the Vancouver Canucks 2023 training camp.Canucks/Twitter Listen to this article 00:11:25 On Wednesday, Vancouver Canucks head coach Rick Tocchet warned against reading too much into the forward lines and defence pairs at training camp. “To me, it’s a fluid thing,” said Tocchet. “There’s nothing set in stone right now. That’s what training camp is for. You want to give everybody an opportunity but you also want your main guys ready too, so you’ve got to find that sweet spot.” In other words, things could change significantly in the coming weeks ahead of the Canucks’ first game of the 2023-24 season on October 11. He’s looking to develop some chemistry in his lines but also wants to mix things up to give players a chance to prove themselves. At the same time, it’s hard not to read into things. The lines at the Canucks’ first two days of training camp seem to pretty clearly show some of the combinations we’re likely to see during the season. Pairs of forwards It’s become standard around the NHL for forward lines to feature a set duo with a rotating third member of the line depending on who’s hot at any given time. “Scotty Bowman was a big ‘pair’ guy,” said Tocchet. “I like putting pairs together and then you can put people with them. We’ll see how that shakes out.” The Canucks initial forward lines at training camp seem to feature some distinct forward pairs. The following four lines remained unchanged from day one to day two of camp: Andrei Kuzmenko - Elias Pettersson - Nils Höglander Vasily Podkolzon - J.T. Miller - Brock Boeser Anthony Beauvillier - Teddy Blueger - Phil Di Giuseppe Arshdeep Bains - Pius Suter - Conor Garland The pairings seem clear: Pettersson and Kuzmenko, Miller and Boeser, Blueger and Beauvillier, and Suter and Garland. If those pairings stay the same while the other wingers rotate, then it looks like the Canucks’ intention this year is to roll four lines, rather than having a distinct top-six/bottom-six or even top-nine/fourth-line approach. At least, that’s the impression given when two top-six wingers in Garland and Beauvillier are matched with two bottom-six centres in Blueger and Suter. Another possibility is that the bottom-six pairings are actually Blueger and Di Giuseppe and Suter and Bains, which would definitely be more of a bottom-six look. That would also allow the top-six wingers in Beauvillier and Garland to rotate onto lines with Pettersson and Miller. That seems less likely, but I don’t want to discount the possibility, because Beauvillier and Garland are certainly players likely to play higher up in the lineup at some point. A major opportunity for Höglander and Podkolzin Tocchet talked about giving young players a real opportunity to play higher up the lineup than just the third and fourth-line roles that might typically be available. His lines on the first two days of training camp show that wasn’t just talk. Höglander and Podkolzin spent a big chunk of last season in the AHL after seemingly already establishing themselves as NHLers previously. It was an opportunity to press the reset button on their development and get them back on track to becoming impactful players in the NHL. Now, at this year’s training camp, they’re getting a major chance to take hold of top-six spots in the lineup. Höglander has lined up with Pettersson and Kuzmenko on the top line, while Podkolzin has skated with Miller and Boeser on the second line. While the return of the injury-rehabbing Ilya Mikheyev will likely take one of those spots away, this is still a great opportunity for Höglander and Podkolzin to prove that they belong in a top-six role.
  6. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    earlier i mentioned the big bang and how i didnt like how it misrepresents time the way its worded, so i believe how that the cree tell their story how when walking in the clouds they see some lush ground through a tiny dark spec (this is what i interpret as the tear in the wall of the 4th dimension) and as they "slowly walk " (time would be very slow) the lush land gets larger and larger before they finally arrive... i believe the majority of what is taught about spirituality and how we are in charge of our own destinations and responsible for our actions... and that we must find our own way, (trust in yourself) and its best to lead by our own exemplary actions... that we must help people when they are in need or when we have much to share (which is why im upset at billionaires how they choose to take and share only to avoid being admonished) this is not the story i heard as the cree im friends with are from, northern alberta and i believe would be considered a part of the woodland cree... but this is similar
  7. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    my real answer is in the previous posts in the last 24 hours which i mentioned...
  8. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    i have already explained my reasoning for things, but they are not inclusive of all i might believe...another one is that maybe god if they are human form, just designed earth with basic life but had no intentions for the mutations, or maybe gods son was playing with his design and the reason he was sent to earth because he must experience the turmoil he created... do i believe any of this no... but i believe it more than god isnt real cause evil things exist...
  9. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    i think people actually do experience something, and if you dont experience or haven't yet you are lucky, at least if you experienced it the way i have... some people talk about divine intervention... meh... ( one time during a manic phase i was driving to edmonton, it was really bad, the most impacted part of the brain is risk management, anyways as i was driving to the hospital (shows my current judgement at the time driving 400 kms to the hospital) i merged onto the highway and just expected my turbo would kick in, but it failed and i didnt really shoulder check until i was already entering the highway but a semi was there barreling down the freeway, im pretty sure if my turbom kicked in they would have smushed me... very convenient time for the turbo to not kick in, but it turned out that the turbo had nothing wrong with it, it just didnt spool up. is that god stepping to make sure my soul gets the chance to fufill its journey or is it just normal ford behaviour and my dealer is too cheap to fix or find the issue?
  10. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    i cant really respond to this although i disagree with some of what you say and agree with alot of it... but the major thing is im not convinced that "God" is human form and when i experienced god or a spirit in my life it was through intense and sudden emotion changes and clarity of mind while alone and pleading for help.l.. but i have bi-polar so it could just be a mood change caused by parts of my brain misfiring due to chemical imbalance from the stress i was under... which is why i think god as many people experience is a part of our built in instincts, that kick in when needed most... it fits my narrative and helps me believe the things i realized in the moment hold meaning
  11. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    well i dont believe its blatantly false... i believe in god... my interpretation is much different and the most similar definition is how the cree describe the creator... I was not religious and never was despite encouragement from my family... but i have been brought to church many times usually because i was not allowed to be left alone home as a child... i have never read the bible, i have only read the kids bible. my father and his wife are still encouraging me to join the church with every conversation, i always say ill think about it... and i do for maybe 1 second.. the closest thing i ever came to church was when i was younger i joined AA for a few years but i never went through with whole i am powerless to my temptation, because i knew deep down i wasn't... today i drink very little... but i have beer in my fridge and a bottle of whisky in my cupboard... and i mostly give away the beer (skunky beer is gross) because i have no need to feel inebriated when i am home alone... but sometimes i will go out with friends and will join in festivities, but i recognize that when drinking i show poor judgement so i will often head home early... so this pretty much shows i can choose my own path, my own consequences and choose how i want to be viewed in the eyes of others... and i dont need the text to choose how to run my life... i believe in god, but am skeptical of whats written in the bible, i have my own theories of what happened in the past and i like to believe they are somewhat true, using just logical thinking... does the bible have any true events that happened in history? i don't know and i don't really care, i study my own methods mostly modern psychology to help understand why people make the decisions they do, including myself... why? because i have not always been making good decisions and in fact some really stoopid ones...(but armed with knowledge i can forgive myself and others) I have decided how best to run my life and is based on that everyone starts with my respect and even when i get slighted i still will respect you, but my emotions might get clouded and i may sound off... i believe in second and even third chances, humility helps. i don't demand apologies or even want them alot of times, but if someone apologizes i will be grateful... apologizing is one of the hardest thing people can do... I believe in being open minded... and i belive the catholic/christian church community has very good intentions, my limited experiences were all positive, this doesnt prove anything but shows my experience was good... i made some friends from the community and visit them every once in a while and share a laugh and a coke.. so when people bash me over the internet idk, i have a firm belief in my morals, but i will often choose to defend the underdog, even if their views dont fully encompass mine, i choose to only listen if they can offer me advice that's genuine, i can tell pretty quickly when their full of shit.
  12. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    i want to he i want to help, but it seems disengenous i believe... all i can speak is to my belief everything else is just maybe a poorly displayed fashion of interpretation.
  13. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    but you can choose to to not engage, are you trying to change his mind? because he has asked many times for people to provide evidence to do so... if your goal is to change their mind i think you should play by their rules... if you have motives to prove you are right i think its just piling on needlessly... so try another way
  14. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    i dont know... if EP is deserving of all this attention... this is the God Thread, not the bible thread, not the church thread not the religion thread... and certainly not the ask EP anything about his views on his religion thread... quickly turning into torch and pitchforks... im not even religious but feel the need to defend against the needless questions of his choice to believe a personal modified version of how he interprets the book and hot to apply the message in 2023
  15. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    how many translations has the bible had? ever translate something three different times while playing the game telephone... some area may have been misinterpreted poorly...
  16. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    I like this answer, because it points to the fact we are all human and we all have choices to make, and many of them will be bad even if we are faithful... somehow people love to think because some people are religious we do not make mistakes like other humans do... that somehow we should be held above everybody else and if we make a poor decision we should be claimed fake or ingenuine
  17. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    i missed this one ezpz... your argument implies: If A, then B. B is true.(cancer is not evil i already explained this) Therefore, A must be true. In the initial argument: If God exists, then God created cancer. Cancer is considered evil. Therefore, God must not exist. This argument commits the fallacy of affirming the consequent because it assumes that if a certain consequence (cancer being evil) is true, then the initial condition (God exists) must also be true. However, this does not logically follow. (A = B and B = C) does not necessarily mean that A equals C. Try not to use math too much when making arguments as the relationships between concepts can be intricate and not always straightforward. the problem of evil is a complex issue with various perspectives, and it's not as straightforward as equating murderers' actions with the nature of God. ok it took me hours... and i needed help explaining
  18. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    no, this is not necessarily true... when was the last time you took a major pain medication? and if you take them regular this thought experiment won't work... for me i never felt better, i was so relaxed and fell asleep a few minutes later... without the constant pain i would never feel that good i would just feel normal, people get used to normal and they get used to pain... but happiness is something you have to work on everyday to feel good... happiness and joy are measured against each other... if only i had a car like johnson i would be happy... if only i had more money i would be happy... if only my anxiety would go away i would be happy... if i lost ten more pounds i would be happy... but happiness is a short term feeling, our instincts are to be cautious and non trusting why? our instincts predate religion... because if we trusted everything and lived carefree and happy we would die quickly... you might say in a non evil world there would be no poisonous things or animals that attack, but that is not how life works even at the cell level or bacteria level... life must consume other life... so we must not trust other life because it might be wanting to kill us and eat us.. or be poisonous... one of the most amazing instincts we possess is sympathetic vomiting, we learned to trust our tribe members that if they are sick i must be too... its the same as when a friend brings a stranger to your home you will have more trust, but if a random asked you if they could join your party you's tell them to f off... but why cant we trust all humans? because there was a time we had to fight for food, hunting grounds, fishing grounds because they were the only place to feed the clan... so we cant be happy because we cant trust anything because the moment we lose our ability to recognize danger we will die... so we must be sad...
  19. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    no its not a justification, its terrible and never should have happened... all those situations ii explained are terrible... the point of the thought process was to understand and show that good people can make bad mistakes, they do not intend to do this, but eventually they might just suffer enough abuse and crack... members of the church are not inherently bad people... like sexual abuse, all people of authority will be more prone to commit sexual abuse against anyone but especially vunerable people... its a thing of phycology if given the chance to do something you are more likely to make this choice... it is true their are certain sick individual that gravitate to these jobs just to exploit. the job has nothing to do with their actions like religion also does not, its the people making these decisions... it is said that roughly 20% of marriages have at least one partner who commits adultery, why does this happen? are 1-7 people bad people? or do they just make mistakes when they find themselves in bad situations? it has been shown that 50% of people have cheated in a video game and 11- 20% do it habitually.. reasons people cheat #1 reason they think everyone cheats... # 2 they only cheat to punish other cheaters, but they must decide from their infinite wisdom who and who not is a cheater... people just make bad decisions all the time... and it doesnt matter if the decision is serious or not, if you are in a bad situation or believe you are in a bad situation people will act poorly... there was a recent college where 33% of the students got caught for cheating in a certain class... but the teacher did something remarkable, they forgave the class as long as they admitted to their mistake, with zero punishment... but over half the students chose not to confess and were expelled... people make mistakes... think for another moment at this... if i everyday came up to you and said your an a$$hole and i hate you, just kidding... how long before would that piss you off? now imagine i hit you on the arm everyday you got pissed off, and i said lighten up im just kidding... this is nowhere the same but you may consider yourself a person that is a pacifist, but you likely would not stay a pacifist for long... likely you would retaliate. along time ago it was normal to beat children, my parents were beat and their brothers and sisters often, by many adults including school teachers, coaches and many other adults in charge of them including priests and maybe even nuns... i say maybe because i have not heard of nuns beating children... now imagine these children crying for their parents, trying to escape, yelling and getting angry, maybe even plotting against you... what do you do? do you quit? most people wont quit! most people are scared of challenging the authority or quitting for various reasons..... have you heard of the milgrams experiment? anyways end rant... sorry for verbal diarrheas
  20. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    what confuses you about my post @Playoff Beered how they relate to each other? my poor grammar, i know its terrible and it get worse the older i get... i'd like the chance to clarify
  21. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    well if you dont feel that way, i believe you... but i felt that you were, im sorry if i misunderstood your message
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