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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    Stanford prison experiment - Wikipedia Watch The Stanford Prison Experiment | Prime Video (amazon.com) i just want yo to think for a second, about these poor children, these people in mental instituitions for sometimes no apparent reason, an old man or woman who or even a prisoner(you may choose to hate how they are bunched in this list, but its not the moral)... now imagine them fighting kicking punching and screaming fighting for their right to be with their loved ones, their freedoms, a frickin chance to stay up and watch the rest of the movie, the right to privacy... and no imagine getting punched kicked screamed at every day and tell me you act perfectly like a saint... tell me all of you, that you are perfect and would never get angered when hit with a chair over the head... every single day? bad shit happens when you hold them against their will and good people turn bad... please watch the video if you do not believe me... if you dont have a prime account ill email you the money to watch it... trust me it will open your eyes
  2. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    so whats the issue? we can all think for ourselves why must you impose yourself?
  3. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    it was the government that stole these children, the church was just tasked with the prison/school ... many who would have been in their position would have likely abused them in some form of manner... i hate to say it but people of power who held people against their will in a prison like area all abuse their captors... this is true of jails, mental instituitions, old folks homes and these old "conversion schools/jails " all of them hold them against their will in some way of form and many people are murdered no matter if they are religious or not...
  4. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    easier to just get areal long extension cord and some black tape...
  5. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    alot of religions suck maybe most... but not all churches/places of worship do and not all members do... do you think all blindly members agree with everything the churches do or the religion preaches? i can assure you they do not... just like any other group of people in the existence of time
  6. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    hits close to home... yes and even in bc... but religion didnt kill these children, man did and their belief they could change people to bend to their will,,, this was around the same time mental hospitals were open and as many patients were also murdered... it just was a time when psychology was new and "geniuses" were testing new idea's... im pretty sure the bible or the man in the shy had anything to do with them...
  7. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    where did you get that? is this true? i find that really hard to believe... anyways as i mentioned earlier When you break it down, religions are essentially sets of beliefs, right? It's the people who follow them who make choices. People join religions because they already share the same beliefs. So, if it wasn't religion, it might be something else that brings like-minded people together. Sure, we hear about conflicts where religion seems to be the main reason. But sometimes, religion is just used as a rallying point. The core issue often lies in our instinctual mistrust of outsiders – something hardwired into us. It's not about blaming religion; it's about understanding human behavior. Even if religion disappeared, people might still form groups based on their beliefs. So, it's not religions causing wars, but humans finding reasons to fight, whether it's religion or something else. It's just a theory, but it's intriguing to consider how we humans work."
  8. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    jester is right this is true... but i didnt mention it because it seems some people are having outside motives to have this discussion... and are trying to create a mockery of some
  9. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    god is an idea a theory... since there is no 100% proof of his existence no one can prove he/they/it exists to you... however many people have felt or experienced god or at least thats how they justify it in their mind, in this way it exists 100% percent in these peoples minds... you can dismiss everything that these people experienced becuse its also not proof, but i assure you they do not see it this way...
  10. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    what drugs are you on? i want some
  11. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    h2s is a naturally ocurring gas that collects and pools in low lying areas in some industries its a byproduct by breaking down and processing the material... its very deadly in high concentrations and can kill you with one breath
  12. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    all i hear about is gods wrath and gods vengeance... gods anger... anger is not a virtue... that is a flaw also have you ever or anyone ever design something in engineering or maybe interior design or build a car? you know why warranties exist right because there is no such thing as perfection.... even if god could make something perfect they certainly wouldn't be humans we about as evil as any species on this planet... heck this could be the bad place with all the eye gouging and burning... be good or go to level 2 basement... listens i dont believe much in what i most ly said in this post , but i dont know why people that dont belive in god would argue against god being flawed... why are you convinced they must be perfect? all the bibles quotes said that human were created in a reflection of himself, that does not mean perfection... frick maybe when he was putting the final touches on us humans he forgot to check the self replicating cells that cancer box was in the off position... alf check yourself... 30 minutes ago you argued how people were stuck in their ways... and then i mention its possible hes/it/they flawed and you outright reject it in the same manner...
  13. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    no... dont put words in my mouth... i said tinkerbell has no meaning on gods existence... and my fart reference is to h2s it was to show hoe in the real world this fallacy is a bad way to argue
  14. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    im not arguing that god is even in human form, why could it be so hard to believe god is flawed though?
  15. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    for further talk on that... i cant see a fart but i can smell it... i cant see or smell high extremes of H2s gas but i assure you it exists
  16. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    i am actually impressed people once treated with respect can have a normal conversation well thats a association fallacy aka non-sequitor which means the conclusion does not follow the two premices... just because he cant prove tinkerbell exists doesnt have any correlation to how god does or does not exist.
  17. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    you are asking the wrong person about scripture im not an expert, no where close... but in my minds eyes "god" is flawed just like us, however they/ it /what have been around forever Im not entirely convinced its a human like being that created this place... but i dont deny its possibility... EP explanation of the afterlife is the most plausible thing i have heard about the subject, but i do not necessarily agree with them either... im sure i could poke holes in it if i tried, but this isnt the afterlife thread its the god thread
  18. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    ok you got me there... although something did create something... one thing must have always existed... i dont know what that is maybe its energy and time i dont spend much time thinking about it this is likely the second longest conversation i had about it... yes maybe im stuck in my ways for wanting to call it god, but i wont call it the big bang, because it makes it sound like this massive universe was created in a second, but thats not how time works... instead i like the most recent discussions of a tear in the 4th dimension which created a black hole whatever the blackhol sucked up was what shot into the universe... ok yeah wild stuff... and if you though EP was drunk for believing a afterlife i must be on drugs, well i am but just nicotine and caffeine... but if you believe this it means that its possible that there is entire universes maybe the size as our own inside each black hole...
  19. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    Yes. It is the biggest mystery. In the entire world. What the ***** going on over here?
  20. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    Something cannot exist from nothing. That's why. Things just don't. Decide to happen. The world hasn't always been here. It too was spawned. But by what, I don't know. A lot of scientists like to call it The Big Bang. Which is nice I guess, but to me that doesn't mean very much because. What caused The Big Bang?
  21. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    This I might be able to believe... well i like what you said, and if you just said that from the beginning instead of going on and on how you can prove god doesnt exist by making up some idea based on your opinion i would have just said cool... i respect people who don't believe in god all the same... it was my feeling that you were acting from a place of malevolence, but i retract that sentiment... i mostly feel that the bible was used in a way to control the masses, there is a long standing history of the government and religious working together... but i dont believe that the governments made up religions and god... they have been here im assuming nearly since we could think and communicate amongst ourselves with self awareness... at first it was the sun we worshipped, but after god took many forms it just depends who tells the story... but what if not god created this universe? something created it. but how and why?
  22. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    It was an ark.it was an ARK!... i believe in god and i do not not want to believe in heaven or hell, because im certainly going to the bad place... i do not understand god like christians do and its much more like how the cree believe in their creator... but im just making shit up like them and everyone else... something created this world this universe might as well call them god everyone else does...
  23. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    who said god was all loving all the time? do you just regurgitate what ever is the hot anti god sentiment without doing your own study? to make your points true? The term omnibenevolence refers to the idea that God is an all-loving being1234. According to Christian teaching, God proved his all-loving nature by sacrificing his only son, Jesus, to make up for humankind’s sins2. The Bible describes God as a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness1. God's loving nature is not merely an attribute, but part of his very makeup3. god admitted to his flaws by sacrificing his only son to teach the ways... so are you an expert on Christianity or do you have another explanation for this? even if the bible was built and religion made to control the population it still doesnt mean god doesnt exist... god didnt mail down the first issue it was written by man however some apparnetly were touched by god in a divine way... i dont know bout you but once i had some mushrooms and im pretty sure i talked to god too... and another time much more personal to me... anyways whats your motive behind spreading the word for god doesnt exist and why do you keep bringing up other religions when you do? are their religions valid? is it just christianity that is invalid?
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