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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    thats a false cause fallacy.... since a = b and all b = c a must be = c do not pass go do not collect 200$ and go directly to jail...
  2. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    everything living must die... its natural... what springs from the ground will once again return... pain is a good thing... if we lived without pain we would not no when something is wrong, oh and btw pain is 100% in your mind... as you get older you get used to pain, but if you took a painkiller that moment you would be quickly reminded how much pain we suffer... the pain of cancer is different though we recognize it because its abnormal, but its just a fuction to let us know something is wrong
  3. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    so no life existed without bacteria and asexuality right? so this male female design is flawed right? so we should not exist? because its not perfect? oh i guess you would say its not evil though right? but cancer is, but its just a simple cell malfunctioning? i guess god should have been happy with just 1 living thing and 1 planet that was habitual for this 1 living thing... anything else proves god doesnt exist right?
  4. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    its like you want your cake and eat it too... Do you want perfection? Or do you want differences? Cancer. Not evil. Cancer. It's a human cell, malfunctioning. Maybe due to outside causes? Created through imperfections. Or maybe something entirely different? We do not have 100%. Understanding of our human bodies, our brains, or anything else in this world. Some people like to think they do, though.
  5. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    asexuality is perfect because its the basis of all life on earth... cells
  6. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    i already explained why... i said maybe asexuality is perfect design...
  7. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    so we should all live forever? or to a perfect age?
  8. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    well its clear you are not hear to have a real discusiion and only choose to play by you rules... havea good day sir
  9. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    define evil define good
  10. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    weird.. it might involve not having a wife and children
  11. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    oh and define utopia please
  12. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    No, dude. What I'm saying is. The bad things make the good things worth fighting for. And without any bad things. The world would be boring as Frick.
  13. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    define the perfect world... define utopia! define the perfect welcome message... once we have found the definition of everything perfect we can eliminate everything else... Imagine if everything was designed perfectly without flaws... what does that even look like? do black holes exist in utopia? what about males and females? wouldnt it be easier and better if there was no gender? mutation could still occur... your idea that bad things existing proves god deosnt exist is kind of funny to me... because i believe that bad things make the world interesting and make the good things worth fighting for
  14. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    to further my point on how i believe religions are not major factor in starting wars ill explain myself... When you break it down, religions are essentially sets of beliefs, right? It's the people who follow them who make choices. People join religions because they already share the same beliefs. So, if it wasn't religion, it might be something else that brings like-minded people together. Sure, we hear about conflicts where religion seems to be the main reason. But sometimes, religion is just used as a rallying point. The core issue often lies in our instinctual mistrust of outsiders based off rumours of political, economical and territorial motivations... It's not about blaming religion; it's about understanding human behavior. Even if religion disappeared, people might still form groups based on their beliefs. So, it's not religions causing wars, but humans finding reasons to fight, whether it's religion or something else. It's just a theory, but it's intriguing to consider how we humans work.
  15. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    you are not understanding my message... that religious wars were just a vessle... if it not were for religion it would be for something else
  16. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    Religion is not a inherently good or evil thing its a concept created by humans to show worship and prove faith, its the poor judgement by the humans themselves that causes them to act poorly whether they are religious or not.. apparently the bible is co-written by humans and by humans that had god speak to them... all i got to say about that is sometimes people are wrong... and most humans are only able to fully comprehend 60% of any given conversation... i dont know maybe god zapped the full understanding of his message through his almighty powers, but even so many/most of the ancient scriptures are comprehension from man themselves... and as we know the concept of good or evil things can change over time... even the church update their views different than old testament... however i believe alot of what is written in the bible still holds value today especially the 7 deadly sins, but the definition of what those sins mean today are much different than 1000's of years ago... if we just defined what the sin of sloth meant 1000's of years ago nearly all of us would be guilty of that today... so its important to just think about the message instead of getting stuck up on the wording
  17. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    well i agree with alflives... its fine to believe in god and its fine to not believe we make our own beds... but i dont generally agree with people that state religion causes wars, they are just the illusion behind the real manner at hand... if it not were religion it would be something else, if you grow up your family isolated from religion they would still have war amongst themselves...
  18. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    the ironing is delicious, that you chose to came here to argue pedantics... do you not argue for the existence or non existence of god?
  19. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    this is not the topic of discussion either of these things, and my comment was not directed at any of these points... what is your burden of proof that makes you so certain?
  20. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    i chose to delete because maybe a little too far... but what was shown was kid holding a banjo
  21. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    says the guy that speaks complete utter trash arguments with no basis of proof and entirely off of ignorance
  22. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    Ok im out of this thread, before i start replying to everyone... i just really do love pointing out flaws in conceited smarmy know it alls... yes your farts stink...
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