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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    i thought it was my logic is better than your logic day?
  2. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    over bathing is harmful... its much better for your skin and hair to not use soap and deoderant very often
  3. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    I heard this song hundreds of times... very catchy tune... there is literally zero ways to prove god existence or non existence... I havent heard one argument in my life that has convinced me that their "Proof or Logic" that god does or does not... The latest theory i heard came from a brilliant man, that god is in all of us through instinct, kinda programmed in there from birth (laymans terms of course)... kinda like how a kitty knows how to instinctively seek perches to sit on while they look down on us mortal humans... their argument basically nullifies lot of its counterparts "proof or theory" and one of the ways that so many people are able to talk to this god when on hallucinogens or when the brain chemistry collapses under dire stress... we all do have instinct, maybe "god" is all of us? it would explain so many things... the people that all saw jesus walk on water were just trippin balls on mescalin or a schizophrenic that was quite charming that shared his mescalin and they both talked to god through a shared hallucination... um i mean talking to god
  4. i dont know but levy might be up there... whenever i watch him live he's always telling everyone how trash he is and anyone could be a 2700... which is the most mega troll thing to say it trolls everyone that isn't a gm, some people believe him and the ones that know better he is calling us worse than trash... dud'es got issues which is likely why he's so hilarious...
  5. oof... you are not letting me get away from this one... im going to personally respond to every single one of you... oh shit... my parents called me for dinner were having baked beans... my favorite.. always hard climbing through the cellar door these days with my bum knee.. and later ill be busy too i have to stand out side the local 7-11 and remind people not to give their money to any homeless, they will just spend it on bad things like Drugs and Alcohol.. I am also like the storekeepers hero, I help them chase the bad guys away... once they asked someone to leave and I got loud and told them to respect their wishes... they didnt like that and approached me but i knew just what to do... I used my expert knowledge on how to deal with wild and agressive bears... I stepped behind the clerk and made myself look loud, big and tough... and it worked! i think tonight ill wait till closing time before i stand guard that way they might give me some of the expired food they might throw out. I hope they have those little corndogs, i dont even mind when there old stale and hard... (a little tip put the entire thing in your mouth and use your saliva and there good to go) it's not easy doing god's work but someone has to do it... oh where was i? right... i just wanted to thank you for buying my book on debate tactics, im so glad i could make a impact..
  6. fun chess fact of the day... Ben holds the record for being the oldest person to ever achieve grandmaster, Bens great! C4 is explosive!
  7. im not mad for one, im just confused why you need to defend yourself... am i supposed to just idly stand by when i think things are inappropriate? let me tell you people often point out things they dont like on this site... and second off you are being at total a**hat right now. openly mocking me like a arrogant little turd in highschool
  8. this is my opinion i dont like it and im sure others agree with me... im not afraid to say it... but im not going to sit here and let you tell me im wrong about my own opinion
  9. this is not cornhub or NSFW reddit... im just telling you its creepy... if you did that beside me at work id say the same thing... maybe along the lines of keep it in your pants....
  10. no its not... go up to a woman and say mmmmm you look pretty and see how they react, oh and your wife and girlfriend dont count.... better yet go up to a female co-worker and say mmmmm... you look good today... wanna bet you getting a call from hr?
  11. listen... imagine this is a site where women and children may be a part of... now imagine saything that around them in person... mmmmmm.... its just a little bit creepy
  12. i think their would be a more appropriate way to say you thought she looked pretty... ill stand by my statement... this isn't the cornhub.. if you think its appropriate go open up a topic thats titled women that make you go mmmmm... see how long that lasts...
  13. i read somehwere last year about how he can't retire because No one is good enough to fill his laces, i was picking up a little frustration... i actually found the article first try... Jaromir Jagr shares a very sad message about why he is still playing at age 49 - Article - Bardown
  14. if they would have their own topic where they only responded to messages/questions in this topic it would be interesting... but i know for sure they will need rules, someone must discuss and negotiate the rules before they would even consider... likely certain topics would be off limits and they should be respectful, i dont know i just dont see how everyone will remain respectful... its possible we could maybe get them to send us a monthly/quarterly update but the info we receive will be general and washed down... don't see it happening TBH... but stranger things have happened
  15. its a youngs person game for sure... useless fact of the day there is a estimated 10^120 different chess games which is 1.5X more than the estimated atoms in the universe... 10^78 to 10^82 atoms12. Learn more:
  16. so funny story, when i first started chess i noticed the FCDC had a chess club, i went to join and it said 1200 rated or higher... so thats was my determination to improve, I had no teachers or experience as a kid (maybe played 5 games before) I opened the opening explorer and found that the queens gambit and the sicilian were the most winning opening for whiute and black.. so i played those as a beginner rated 300 i memorized the first 5 moves and just played them against everything, worked ok with the white pieces but i got in a lot of trouble playing The Najdorv Dragon... I thought i was smart putting all my pawns on the same color, so basically what im saying is i lost alot and quickly... took me a couple years but i got to 1200 and i requested to join the club only to find out it was defunct
  17. Some of the HFboards fans think this trade is a lot closer to Pearson and a 3rd for DeSmith and Suter, which is a interesting way of thinking for it... many angry over the pick, but some justified that at least we didnt pay to get rid of myers, which would have cost alot more... not used to hfboards fans speaking any sense
  18. yeah but you can have 2 offensive and 2 defensive lines too... lots of ways to skin a cat... likely some of the lines are multi purpose 1A may be the shutdown line but also will get its offensive chances... and 1B may be the real scoring line like petterson last year, he got the easy matchups, but probably didnt need them.. we likely have a 1A 1B, 3 (bordering on 3.5), 4 setup... interesting to see what the lines will be... I think beauvillier should stay with EP40 and Kuz, maximize his trade potential... Beau, EP40 , Kuz Mikheyev, Miller, Boeser/garland Podz, Suter, Hogs/boeser/garland Joshua, Blueger, Pogs/Hogs Giuseppe Hughes,Hronek (I know eggs in one basket but i would like to see it tested) Soucy, Cole (shutdown pairing) Myers/whoever wins the 6th
  19. he seems like a decent goalie and is likely worth a pick especially at that cap hit... too put it into perspective, Goalies that played 10 or more games... he was the 32 ranked Goalie in SV% @.905 and 37th in wins winning 15/31... but is ranked 48th in cap hit... and .905 is his lowest sv% ever and will likely climb a little or hopefully at least stay the same. i think this is a fine trade
  20. poor guy, im not sure he even wants to play anymore, but the young blood is just not cutting the mustard
  21. That is very interesting, seems you got gifted with a natural cheat code, but i dont really thinks its cheating.. if you ever do get the urge to learn more about the game we are always looking for new club members on C.C im sure the people would love to hear the story about your gift... we are about to start a big project testing out a mentor mentee program where our more experienced club members help guide them on their chess journey... and a teamwork program where we teach all our young members how to communicate effectively in the fashion of how companies segregate their employees into groups and let them thrive in their expertise...
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