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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. Ok i got one to complain about... assassins' creed valhalla PC... the game is riddled with Bugs and crashes all the time, the developer basically says it our issue, but there is many having the same issue even people with 4090's... so Ubi-Soft FU! last time im buying from you... Road 96 is a fun game if you like choose your own adventure games like the telltale games... if you liked those you will probably like this.. every playthrough is different and there is like 30 different story lines... premise is a country run by a dictator named Tyrak, you must choose to fight the tyrant, vote out the tyrant or flee how you react changes how the game ends... im gonna play it right now actually its full of heart felt emotional scenes where you have to make tough moral decisions. I bought the latest Nascar Heat game and the online enviroment was a little disappointing full of people just taking you out, the main game was fun, but got repetitive real quick played maybe 30 hours...
  2. I have created a template for building forum topics specifically related to different chess openings and how you can find out more about them and where to buy books or courses... Maybe someone else enjoys chess and get some use out of it... Share your own work, suggest some resources, and discuss chess... for now i will update a few of these opening threads when i have time... The Sicilian Resource Thread: The Ruy Lopez Resource Thread.
  3. here is the Photo... just click on the photo to open it... then right click and save to maybe on your desktop for ease of finding it again... then you want to click your profile name on the upper right of the site and open your profile page.... there will be a button just below your profile name in upper corner which reads cover photo... click the cover photo button, click the pop up button just below that says choose photo and then hit browse and select the file/photo called 6dxFNbta.jpg and hit go or submit and that should do it... i have attached a couple photos to help you find these buttons...
  4. yes..my views have changed slightly... i still feel they are slightly overrated especially in the neutral zone... but believe they are extremely important in special teams and are as about as important as winning a board battle in 5v5 everywhere else...
  5. LOL, i think so joe. just past week i bought a whole bag of cheese and promised to myself i wouldnt eat it all at once..
  6. not a very important request imo, but having the opportunity to use spoilers is nice, really helps with keeping long posts concise and allow the members to choose the content want to access in the post...
  7. i found the sig... is it not displaying?
  8. the story of Aurora the Goose... 

    Once upon a time, there was a goose named Abyss who lived in a small village. Abyss was no ordinary goose. She had the ability to predict harsh and scary outcomes that would scare people. The villagers were both fascinated and terrified by her gift.

    One day, Abyss predicted that an apocalypse would occur. The villagers were skeptical at first, but they soon realized that Abyss’s predictions were always accurate. They quickly evacuated the village and waited for the apocalypse to pass. Thanks to Abyss’s prediction, everyone was safe.

    Another time, Abyss predicted that an assassin would come to the village. The villagers were skeptical again, but they soon realized that Abyss was right. They prepared themselves for the assassin and managed to fend him off.

    The villagers were terrified of Abyss’s gift and treated her like an outcast. They even built her a special house far away from the village where she could live comfortably.

    From that day on, Abyss continued to predict harsh and scary outcomes to scare people. The villagers feared her predictions and always took them seriously.

  9. question to the mods? will there be an adult discussion room? this time i would accept the invite, just so if i have to get something controversial off my chest (i hope not) i can be in a designated area
  10. chess.com mostly i really like the community there, and the new chess engine is really accurate slowly inflating advantage over the course of its idea instead of just showing the full potential like stockfish 14 does... so it will help you know what computer theory may be good to incorporate into your game so your not chasing a 20 move line before you realize the advantage... i do use lichess for certain things i really like their opening explorer and i often compare engine analysis if im surprised by stockfish 16 evaluation... I plan on sharing some of the chess topics in a thread but will wait till the forum gets spoilers because its a ton of information..
  11. i need a break from all this drama... im going to play chess and get destroyed likely by some 13 year old kid
  12. Wow, Imagine someone just spiraling out of control like that... thats sad...
  13. A Heartfelt Welcome and My Sincere Apology Dear Members of the Unofficial Canucks Forum, I hope this message finds you well. I want to start by expressing my deep gratitude for the opportunity to rejoin this community, and I'd like to offer a warm welcome to both familiar faces and new members. Allow me to introduce myself once again. I was here for many years, but I must admit that during some of those years, I was not the best version of myself on this forum. I engaged in heated debates, trolled discussions, and allowed my emotions to get the best of me. Looking back, I now understand the impact of my actions and how they disrupted the harmony of this community. One thread that stands out in my memory is the one where the topic of free speech was passionately debated. Many of you wisely warned about the consequences of speech, and my own experience in the aftermath of the "smarmy dubious Dubas" thread made me realize the truth in those words. I had created that thread after losing a debate in another discussion. In my attempt to salvage my argument, I resorted to using a straw man (which I didn't recognize as such at the time), and as many of you pointed out the flaws in my reasoning, I spiraled into a dark place where my statements became increasingly nonsensical by the second. I won't list all the ways I was wrong, as it could fill multiple pages, and I'm sure many of you would like the chance to dissect my arguments yourselves—I welcome that. However, I kindly request that any critique be shared privately to avoid disrupting the forum. As a fellow moderator in my own forum, I understand the desire to maintain a respectful and harmonious atmosphere. and i do not want chaos on my first post... I must also apologize if I inadvertently offended anyone during those turbulent weeks, especially considering that some of those threads have since been deleted, and I may not recognize everyone by their new usernames. What have I learned from this experience? Well, I've come to understand that while trolling trolls may be momentarily fun, it can create chaos and discomfort for many. I've also learned that words carry consequences, and that applies to all of us. I've recognized my own tendencies toward narcissism and conceit, often masking my insecurities. But here, I'm looking for a fresh start, a different journey focused solely on hockey. No more inserting my "expert opinions" where they're not needed, just appreciating trade proposals and cheering on our team. I have bigger priorities than playing the role of Eeyore. I sincerely apologize to each of you for the disruption and turmoil I caused. I genuinely hope you can accept my apology, but I also understand if you choose not to. This forum is ultimately for the members, and I respect your decision. As a testament to the positive impact this forum has had on my life, I've become a moderator of a chess club, thanks in large part to the experiences and lessons I gained here. I've created countless forum topics inspired by the Canucks forum, and the members of my club appreciate them immensely. Once again, I apologize, and I promise to do better. I've learned how to be a more responsible and respectful member, and I'm excited to apply these lessons and contribute positively to our shared passion—hockey. Thank you for your time and understanding. Sincerely, Tyler AKA Petey-Boi AKA badboipete
  14. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    those apples sure do look delicious... but im here for hockey... my final post on this topic...
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