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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. these fellas played well... IMO but i was MVP for them... lmao...
  2. 1. Michael (@SV.) - The Architect of Deception: In the celestial town of Valentina, Michael, the Architect of Deception, emerges from the shadows. Previously known for orchestrating the celestial realms, Michael has taken on a new role as the mastermind behind the Heartbreakers. With a celestial charisma that conceals his true motives, Michael leads the group with cunning precision, manipulating the threads of love and discord to disrupt the harmony of The Good Place. As the architect of this celestial intrigue, Michael weaves a narrative of false love, leaving Valentina in a state of uncertainty and the eternal souls questioning their very existence. 2. Shawn (@Blue Jay 22) - The Enforcer of Chaos: Shawn, the Enforcer of Chaos, steps into the celestial town of Valentina with an aura of malevolence. Formerly a judge in the cosmic realms, Shawn has embraced his darker desires as a Heartbreaker. With a celestial charisma that belies his sinister intentions, Shawn works to sow discord among the eternal souls, disrupting the perfect order of The Good Place. As the enforcer of chaos, Shawn relishes in the fractured connections and shattered bonds left in the wake of the Heartbreakers' schemes, casting a shadow over the once-harmonious Valentina. 3. Bad Janet (@naslund) - The Mischievous Trickster: Bad Janet, the Mischievous Trickster, joins the ranks of the Heartbreakers with an unpredictable aura. Created to be an assistant, Bad Janet has taken a turn towards mischief and deception. With a celestial charisma that masks her true nature, Bad Janet introduces an element of unpredictability to the Heartbreakers' schemes. As the mischievous trickster, Bad Janet revels in the chaos, her presence challenging the norms of the celestial utopia. Valentina is left in suspense as Bad Janet's motives remain shrouded in mystery. These three celestial beings, now turned Heartbreakers, play a pivotal role in the unfolding narrative of love and deception in Valentina. The eternal souls must navigate the intricate dance orchestrated by Michael, Shawn, and Bad Janet to uncover the truth and preserve the essence of The Good Place.
  3. im sorry Illunga... i revealed... the wrong town so the last one was town too... 30 it was technically impossible for town to win... i F'd up...
  4. this hurts the most cause i know its true... but im sure it was because of my chaos
  5. im sorry i just took my sleepy pills too early... insomnia is a fucker and the drugs i take are dreamy...
  6. Official Vote Count. Nik: 1 vote (from BJ) Falcon: 3 votes (from Ilunga, TL, and 112) 112: 1 vote (from SV) DM: 1 vote (from Nik) As tensions rose faster than a helium balloon on a hot day, Sharpshooter found himself in a tight spot, backing away from the mob like a cat on a hot tin roof. Trying to make a swift exit, he grabbed the first thing he could – a trusty garden hose – only to end up in a slip 'n slide disaster. Talk about a party foul! The hose wrapped around his neck faster than cupid's arrow, turning his graceful exit into an untimely demise. RIP, Sharpshooter – you'll be remembered as the life of the party, even in your final moments. Sharpshooter was Town No Role Meanwhile, in the shadows, the Heartbreakers were busy scheming their next diabolical move. But their secret rendezvous didn't go unnoticed, oh no! One of the Heartbreakers spotted an intruder snooping around like a nosy neighbor, and they weren't about to let that slide. With the stealth of a ninja and the precision of cupid's aim, they silenced the snooper with a triple shot to the chest faster than you can say "plot twist." To their surprise, the fallen intruder turned out to be none other than 112, caught red-handed in the wrong place at the wrong time. 112 was the watcher AKA Eleanor In the midst of Valentina's wild Valentine's bash, tucked away in a corner, a poor soul found himself drowning in paperwork, stressed to the max with taxes and a business on the rocks. Feeling more desperate than a toddler at naptime, he looked up to the heavens and muttered a wish, hoping for a miracle to ease his woes. But oh, the gods must've been busy with their celestial happy hour, because instead of sending a helpful hand, they decided to have a bit of mischievous fun. With a cosmic twinkle in their eyes, they lobbed down an arrow from above, but it didn't land where our stressed-out friend intended. Nope, it landed right smack dab on Darth Melvin, giving him a celestial makeover he never asked for. Darth Melivn was Town no role So there he was, poor fella, with a literal "arrow to the head," taking the phrase "taxed to death" to a whole new level! It's like the heavens decided to give him a one-way ticket to the afterlife's VIP lounge, whether he wanted it or not.
  7. Official vote count... 13.. Mins.. Nik (1) BJ SS (1) TL 112 (1) SV DM (2) 112,NIK No votes DM,Falc,SS,Ilunga
  8. i just got really sleepy... and i think my vote count is wrong again
  9. Official vote count... 1 hour remaining till night fall... Nik (3) SV,BJ,Ilunga SS (1) TL No votes 112,Nik,DM,SD,Falc,SS
  10. Boston's Poistra's out means something and iLll Just assume that means we will score 4 and boston will score 2... 4-2 Nucks Hughes winner 2points for petey miller and Hughes
  11. Official vote count... Nik (1) SV,BJ SS (1) 112,TL,Ilunga
  12. you know what they say... even a broken clock is right twice a day
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