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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. false.... lets not pretend i dont know what i am talking about... I know how fast someone skates and what that means... I know what scoring from a certain area means, just because i dont have the defenders and offensive context doesnt mean much at all... why??? because everything averages out baby... sure yeah some of those goals might be flukes, but not all of them... and hockey is the luckiest sport in the world... so yeah flukes happen... I also really don't give two flying monkey shits what you think about my stat processing... perhaps the average srub is not smart enough to use them correctly... but i am and i know their limitations... pretending a stat is useless is like pretending you dont feel anything when you watch adult rated movis...
  2. I have watched for decades as a fan..... I can tell you three things with 100% certanty about boeser from this little review... He is slow... almost 3.5MPH slower than the top players I bet no one would tell you this stat... He starts on EV on D more that offense... D 34% to 29%O despite that... he puts on average 3% more shots than expected, even though he out shot quite a bit... He is wicked good in close,the type's of shots he scores are all right in the slot or in the crease with 50 shots coming from the slot with 27% S% and 10 shots in the crease @50% S%... 18 total goals from these two spots... and maybe only one of these stats might surprise you, but it doesnt matter... stats are a time machine now... i dont have to watch... cardinal sin or not
  3. @tas OK I KNOW YOU SAID LETS TALK HOCKEY OKAY>>>>> So most of this is just ******** if that's what you wanna ******* know I use this stuff to quantify people that I don't get a chance to watch... Normally I would never do one on my own team players right because I watched them... But if it was coming down to like a nitty gritty fricking thing between trading one player versus another player I might pull out some stats and just ******* pull something out of my *** I mean hat and whip around some numbers and look all magical to my friends or boss or whoever... I compared brock besser to a few players nathan mckinnon and jt miller which was basically the top two players I could find for scoring and and speed and even strength scoring.... Jt and and and brock are like the best shutdown line in the league right now and it would be a shame if jt miller is not recognized for the selke this year... Anyways here's my report brock is good if you want me to explain the stat I don't know they're kind of self-explanatory probably not... Brock Boeser - 2023-24 Season Report Card Summary Offensive Performance: Goals (G): 150 points (5 points each x 30) Assists (A): 66 points (3 points each x 22) Total Offensive Performance Score: 216/250 (87%) Even-Strength Performance: Even-Strength Points (EVP): 180 points (5 points each x 36) Plus/Minus (+/-): +20 points Penalties Drawn: +6 points (2 points each x 3) Penalties Taken: -2 points (-1 point each x 2) Giveaways: -15 points (-1 point each x 15) Takeaways: +20 points (1 point each x 20) Hits: +11 points (0.5 points each x 22) Blocked Shots: +9 points (0.5 points each x 18) Faceoff Wins: +6 points (1 point each x 6) Faceoff Losses: -9 points (-1 point each x 9) Total Even-Strength Performance Score: 226/240 (94%) Speed Performance: 22+ mph Bursts: 2 points (1 point each x 2) 20-22 mph Bursts: 23 points (0.5 points each x 46) 18-20 mph Bursts: 19.6 points (0.1 points each x 196) Max Speed Adjustment: 22 points Total Speed Performance Score: 66.6/479 (14%) Overall Adjustments: Quality of Competition Bonus: +106 points Teammates Penalty: -68 points Final Score: Total Score: 264/300 (88%) Comparison: Compared vs JT Miller for even-strength performance. Notes: Brock's faceoff performance includes a higher percentage in the offensive zone, indicating his role in offensive situations despite defensive responsibilities. Despite a defensive-leaning TOI ratio, Boeser and JT Miller take 3% more shots than expected.
  4. I can... but that takes time and someone to actually belive and unserstand the stats i mention... generally I dont Use WAR... I hate it it because its just a whole bunch of stats combined... its juts like RAWDOG that paul bisonnette uses... I like using TOI and quality of competition/teamates plus most of those other stats like G,A,P S%,shots and their Shot location (go to the net and get rewarded), hitting, blocked shots, PIM drawn/taken (majors are huge positives, minors are defensive positives and offensive negative's), speed bursts over 20 mph giveaway/takeaway ratios... I also have my own metric for measuring faceoffs... and how they add to defense and offense (yes they have significant value, but not nuetral zone wins they have value less than a takeaway) there are more...
  5. I agree... Mikheyev might play a ppg for a while if his knee is holding him back as @Gurn is suggesting, which i dont doubt a second...
  6. yes thats right... let me defend stats... im like the only that will... plus im not fazed about the grilling i will recieve...
  7. ill defend the stats... stats are never wrong its all how you read them... Mikheyev is playing not as good against stronger opponents and Garland is mopping the floor against 3rd liners...
  8. the most positive thing i have seen you posted, not saying you dont post positive things... just saying it looks good on you...
  9. yeah hes 34 more reason to get him... he will play harder in the playoffs...
  10. Fire sale on Tyler Myers for 3rd round pick... 3 million retained...
  11. we have to believe we are a place that people want to play for... 6.5mx6 is not out the question when Vancouver is like the number 1 place to live in the world... we have to destroy the negative nancies that are our media... sure we can have alot of them but no more Thomas drance type's causing a riot among the fans...
  12. if he gets 7.5 million he will be lucky... this is his range IMO 6.5-7.5m add a few hundred thousand to play on any canadian team not Vancouver... Vancouver may be one of the better spots to chose to live long term... if he signs with us im expecting a similiar to kadri deal.... 7x7 and hoping for a 6.5mx6
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