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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. On a side note lets just not... include me in any games for next 48 hours... they testing me for that in the hospital, and i have way too much time...
  2. This is the first time i read your voice in a aussie accent and it made me smile
  3. @Relyt Krets Hey so to will recall Patrick Brown
  4. he made some statements that i hoped would help me finacially... turns out Trump just ruined all his close ties... Canada and Mexico, the wall thing as kind of weird from MY POV at the time but i gave it a pass as they were not talking about a wall upnorth, which made me realize their was more to the story that what was being made public info
  5. well... maybe the real issues are not argued about... alot of poor people in the states trump wins, with lots of red neck isolation and traditional thinking... slow to react is just common conservative manueveurs... perhaps the dems made some statements that effected their livelihood in a negative way or ignored them in a way that wasnt cool in their POV... Trump was all about that propping up the sensationalized poor average american out side a major city taking your time and making sure you are right is not a bad strategy as a voter...
  6. oh and alot of making weird alliances with all the weird commie dictator regimes and trying to strongarm better results with past free trade regulations... by the time he was strongarming Canada i was off trump
  7. I was more conservative 6-7 years ago... i actually gave trump a chance, his first few weeks he did what he said he was going to and then nothing for 3 years and 48 weeks except lining up the election...
  8. i stand by that statement... the statementr that an entire population is majorly superior than the other in intelligence because of location of birth is highly narcissitic even more so than my grandios narcissism
  9. ive had many umberllas fall apart in my hands because they were cheaply made, maybe trump realized this was one of his products and decided not to take the chance
  10. listen you are all mistaken if you think i support the orange man... sigh... your all so stubborn you cant even see a ally ... a ally can not be blind to the truth... being totally blind to the others arguments makes yours illegitimate as well... when you realize this you will all thank me later
  11. this is reaching... he clealy didnt even attempt to close the umberella... bad choice of insult here... i would have said look at how self important the president is expecting someone to do his work for him... Mans smart... god knows if he struggled with a umberella for more that 0.6 seconds this would have been blown way out proportions... this comment reads as someone who has never had issues with a umberella before...
  12. you told me to read the article nd i did... so what crap are you spewing now...
  13. one in movies... that is all that is needed to get mixed up with reality
  14. yeah did you? how did you think i got the 43000 number...
  15. so your saying that 43000 votes for 3 states wasnt close...?? who is making the lies of dead people voting from the mail... which is a thing that has happened in the past... its total plausible 43000 votes could have been lied cheated or stoled... bying time for a recount should have been the democrats gladly accepting this process if they were so confident...
  16. why do i see the left as the pyschopath, the right is all too real this statement is NAI and is part of my last words... i have no idea why we are allowed them but i hvae been trying to find a place to be funny without giving any game evidence... this was just a comment on the picture, which im sure no matter what way you looked at it meant someone is acting Bi-polar...
  17. throwin hands so quick? please...
  18. why are you being so mean to me WAHHHHHHHHHH
  19. oh boy do i wish to get banned right now
  20. anyways the US politics thread is almost as entertaining as mafia... love me or leave me you are sbout to hear my opinion that is very likely hard to break unless you have some serious evidence au contraire... Grandios Narcissism is my trait.
  21. weather you are a Conservative or a liberal the majority of people would agree having someone in their 50-60's would be better than someone in their 70's... ideally i would vote for someone who has at least one child entering college and one entering the workforce... someone who has a deepconnection tothe struggles of the young adult who will never have a leader take charge.most people under 30 are as grandios and Narcissitic as me...which explains my success in my twenties and my huge fall in my 30's... People got tired of the act
  22. when you realize that the majority of votes come from certain states and their alignment is non indicitive of their IQ, you will realize you are mistaken
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