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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. eh.. you have a point... should i say Joe rogan than?
  2. makes you realize that the difference between a dem and a rep is a lot more trivial than made seem to be...
  3. true... but will PP get national US media for communist behaviour?
  4. define olden... pre epstein?
  5. i do not like the man... PP or JT. I have liked Singh for years... If JT stepped down and offered the leading role to Singh, I would be very happy
  6. we may as well start virtue signalling everything we do... have a pristine check list and where it as a shirt.. that way when we introduce ourselves we know who the good people are
  7. god dang Conservatives and AISH.... how terrible it is that it literally is the most developed assistance for mental illness in all of Canada...
  8. man stoopid conservatives never taking care of their own...
  9. anyways... yup... conservatives just are terrible people... Research, remedy and regulation: the changing dynamics of psychedelic therapy in Alberta | CBC News
  10. conversely i decided not to anser your question... to show you the same respect
  11. more on psychedelics... if lex friedman is talking about them they are important and its 3 years old...its time we invest heavily into these studies from our government... https://youtu.be/ICj8p5jPd3Y?si=pXeGB7fvi45rYJ6G
  12. The debate that changed the course of the fate of our election... is their hideous corruption? what should have been trudeau smooshing PP with the no means no and the dental plan got turned into something nefarious, but for JT... 7/10 People do not trust JT and will likely never regain the trust, we know how trust is harder earned once lost... so we need to find a suitable replacemnet how did we end up losing 60+ million dollars in a well known carousel scam? and why havent we pressed charges depite knowing who and what stoll 60+ million dollars from the government? Many of you left leaning may understand how safe supply works to save lives... but do you think the average canadian does? let me tell you they dont... and they dont care at all... they are scared of homeless and addicts and would rather they just be locked away forever or worse... "Just stop it and save lives" reads to the average canadian "we are going to keep everyone drugged up and our streets scary" unfortunately this is another person that is too far ahead of their time... PP is actually right... first lets have a plan to build the short term treatment centers... we can use this backwards safe supply areas as a last resort... She should resign she will be targetted and will ruin the governments chances in the future. I guarantee here is a treatment center success story... another new study on psyclocybin as treatment for addiction... and mental health... which looks like it should be just fast tracked and green lighted... my sister has been microdosing for over 3 years... and is highly successful... despite being a green party member and millenial in Alberta
  13. a US presedential debate will break or make your election... watch this debate for a few minutes each of them.... and heres what won his term, this was the start of MAGA politics... it was born in these 4 minutes...
  14. the latest i read was that it was some deep underground government blackmail thing... 2 people end up being the president, one of them sets a bill that puts more breaks up more famlies than 3 cheese been dip and the other has one of the most influential and moving feminist march in decades in spite of his actions...
  15. 2023 was a weird year... Poker is coming back? makes sense i guess... one of mr brunsons last games... and poker stars with some classic no limits



  16. ok.. thank god... still not clicking... you can all carry the burden of knowing who is a creeper, but I dont even want to know... ive been around the internet along time and learned the hardway you can never take back what you see, watch and read... TGOC was my first thing i never wish i saw...
  17. please dont post weird stuff... i hope its not weird stuff
  18. yes... the vote was poop... so needed to stir the pot
  19. really need a vote count... guess ill do that...
  20. well does any other town think nik and i should have to vote? rather not...
  21. ok so BJ and aladeensy both tunnled NIK not that means anything... illunga really needs to follow the sheriff orders, because he has no ability to think for themselves... so we should ignore him... for the next few minutes and decide if we should just have a BJ deen wagon.... or a BJ 112 wagon
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