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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. i dont care... i spent a few hours looking at bjs remarks... the contributions has been wolfie... and you said it yourself you have no idea what your talking about
  2. Just angery? anyways i thought a funny remark from bj was this " I hope the maf wins, unless Nik is on the maf team" nik is not on the maf team
  3. why muddy the waters with a vote off wagon right now?
  4. well yes.. it makes sense that you and 112 are 1w/1t so we on the right POV
  5. between literally BJ being 0/8 guessing peoples orientation this game Qwags literally being the VIG last game and like 0/9 this game and illunga,BJ and 112 voting for qwags...
  6. still we need the wagons 50/50 ill kill qwags myself last second... cause im fine with that...
  7. what you want Im cuckolded 66% of the time everytime
  8. have you checked your PM? you randed maf... they will let you know
  9. ill gladly die as town... knowing i made my best guess... the math that you are maf is getting very high the 7 people confirmed town 2 alive advocating your death town... all dead... except porscha so thats 6 people with town connections saying you sus... and 1 mafia member harsh defending you... and 1 qwags.... harsh defending you... and attacking all that came near you... if he is town.... and you are town... thats 8...town... which makes 8/16 or 50% which is the odds of either you or qwags is mafia... which means that the odds for resolving the rest of the people alignment in your world is that... 3/8 are mafia... in your world BJ town Qwags town peteyboi town NIK town LL DEEN Illunga Sharpshooter 112 dallsbeep that 3/6 are mafia... Illunga says you are town brother... deen says you are maf brother dallsbeep says you are maf... is this still true didnt see what you saw in deeners logic... Lucky lager says you are? 112 said you were looking maf early but has been a recluse spider lately... sharpie has not made a statement for BJ's alignment all we do now is isolate 1/2 of you or qwags is mafia... its 50% odds the people defending you in the remaining 6 and qwags need to find the other 3 maf of those 6 players ASAP..... in your world
  10. yes... except for connor mcdavid name a team that can operate without offensive defenceman, you only need 1 PP defenceman but you do need them they are the most important person on the PP and for escaping the defensive zone... after the bubble playoffs the media said we could not exit the zone... edler, tanev,Myers,Fantenberg,Hughes,Benn,stetcher we couldnt escape the zone and we got almost less than half the shots vegas got against us... a good mobile defence is key before having a offense... we also recognized that year that the strictly defensive offensive line is obsolete... all the lines need to be able to score... see our 3rd line in 2010-2011 could score torres,maholtra,lapierre had everything... Beagle,Sutter,Motte could not, the best scorer was motte on that line, and every once in a while sutter showed some brilliance but could not playwith others actually offensively that 4th line had zero chemisty...
  11. this was one of the submits... likely this is true... but I know the truth and they likely give a little more leeway notmuch but some... BJS mocking in the last 5 minutes is outside that timeframe...
  12. now will someone find the post about someone talking about how long the 3p get to submit roles...
  13. so mafia...investigated AV and found him... night 2 or night 1... perhaps wasting a night roleblocking is kind of a weird first night strat but would be my second choice... or perhaps they just figured out sv anyways on their own... which is possible. Maf then released the it would be a good idea not to claim because the mafia will just strongarm them... SV was on my wavelength when BJ said these words, SV knows its not a good idea to mention the 3p at all... in this spot with the so called doc. likely i die tommorrow night unless maf is so ballzy they think they can lynch me.. and now likely i can likely make them shoot off of NIK and me until the roleblock comes up... which is either tonight or tommorrow...
  14. ehhhhh.... offense from your defense is 4x important... wingers are the least important part to a good offense, then centers then defenceman run the show in 2024
  15. 1st for noah hanifin, who is struggling with addiction and consistency? its a huge gamble... takeout the addiction issues and sure its likely a fine trade, but not something to brag to your mother about..
  16. and aladeen and illunga to look at it too...
  17. and id really like SS and ballsdeep and to look at this list above
  18. gut town... NIK 112 LL myself
  19. anyways NIK what you think of luckylager and the conversation above... we have a 2 person team now... solving SS and Ballsdeep is key to our victory... did Ballsdeep who found me third and sv finding me right after seem town... as it was brad then porscha then ballsdeep, then SV right after... 3/4 town...
  20. to ballsdeep i really want to know what BJ and qwags think of this coversation
  21. what the heck... BJ know's no one reads any posts but the fact that he predicted the entire outcome of last night... now who is asking how long they have to submit? why you reading the mafia role Unless you mafia or sheriff or doctor... no real reason to do it...
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