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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. none of you even read my posts
  2. and like losers complain im throwing
  3. im the only one who has attempted solving... then day 2 you all allowed me to be tunneleed
  4. qwags initial list was sus as f... start there all you town people start solving... no one has solved a dang thing
  5. sorry mispoke about porscha idk
  6. so how manay people green voted for BJ? we all green i guess... would have been nice if SV did something... anyways likely porscha is maf... likely BJ is maf... likely qwags is maf likely TL is maf...
  7. likely maf is laughing... and i give up... cause you know what... ive been right... and you didnt listen to me...
  8. not true... they can kill me whenever because i cant save myself
  9. whats the chances i saved porscha?
  10. so far ive been right... its probably pretty easy to find some red checks... but yall went after my town locks
  11. your doing a really good job of saving yourself.
  12. cant wait till i get blamed for brads death somehow...
  13. yes i can be killed at any time... which is why im not saving myself
  14. omg your regarded... i just said Porscha and Brad likliest town... and they die and you want me out ?
  15. i might as well soduko... somehow you all going to vote me out...
  16. think about it... dont just react
  17. took out my only two allies LOL....
  18. i gave you everuything... its someone elses turn to lead im dead..
  19. balaming me for a mislynch is silly.
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