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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. putting anything on me is sus
  2. im dead... why are you asking me?
  3. i told you this was your time to shine... so.... leave me out of this...
  4. i called 3 people potatoes... 112 BJ and TL... none of you else became potatoe status... i said potatoes because it had CLUES to find me... and 112 couldnt find it..
  5. what can i do... we can go after SS or 112 other than that
  6. when have you been near voted out/ Hmmm i said i was most likely wrong with you and SV but you were stubborn and made me go through hoops
  7. nik trying to find his way to brad riught now
  8. remind you i won the last game even though it was handed to me...
  9. except me right im just crazy?
  10. this is not town behaviour to fight me right now...
  11. why fight this right nwo? huh? i wasnt lying... you made a mistake.. that vig thing... plus those 2 upvotes... not reading the setup? and then saying i just didnt read it... then not giving me a chance to defend myself... you also where onme before i made my 5th post... and nver let up full acceleration... same with 112... try to deny that
  12. no one gave me a chance... i was targetted from day one... and i must play my game or ill be found out anyways... when have i ever not been the most posting person in the game while playing?
  13. hey just cause you came in and wrecked the game for town is on you... if your town... likely should have done your own investigation and saw that you were like the 8th person on me and clued in...
  14. am i why would you try to be finding the sheriff? so you can win?
  15. SS we can vote if you want... but just filling a page full of nonsense.... isnt good here.
  16. this is scummy sheriff searching
  17. there was like 8 people susing me and 3 people not... 1 did not say a word... i really think we dont flip SS you get so much info on who he chosesnot to vote... he wants brad... even brad wants brad.. ok i rescind who i want voted,,, SS... for a person just joing the game was very weird... but they were trying to save BJ and vote brad... Brad,NIK,BJ one to two wolf in here hard to say... TL/112 one wolf in here maybe... 112 found me 4th, i gave you a personal mesage... TL been here all day and just let this nonsense develop? sus... when you have 80% of the votes on one person its clean... Deeners been on me and nik.... so maybe avoid this vote... nik has been pretty solvy but is it TMI? where da gif... deener
  18. why lie right now BJ? nothing was fake... Everything i said would be deemed correct... 100% 112 and SV made mistakes I call them lies because of course if i want to push them i must exagerate the truth a bit... but they were big mistakes or jokes.. that were all very convienent
  19. then vote brad... BJ... they are the most likely to be pocketing me in a bad way... but why he do that? just a regarded town? he definite saw someything from me first... and as much as we played together last game this makes sense... so he a 50/50shot at being town whenever during the game... all town has to do is make sure he always locks BJ and you solve him whenever
  20. really... im pretty sure if i didnt say what i did yesterday id be voted out yesterday
  21. go with you instincts town... that just my opinion...
  22. BRAD is very sussy and need to be flipped no matter what... unless BJ is maf. its safe to say i think that brad is likely a maf but we must resolve nik and BJ now...
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