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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. surely there might be a deep wolf in that list...
  2. thats a lie ive had Brad, balls deep, and porscha all defend me...
  3. you have all you need town... you should really be solving... who is mad from the 7 people who have voted for me at some point TL 112 SV BJ Aladeen Illunga SS LL (i think he was just bored though)
  4. well... alright potatoes... its your turn to shine... most of you are town likely 4/7
  5. people should really be listening to me... and voting within the potato sack
  6. doesnt matter im dean anyways
  7. NIK stop being a potato... why would i let myself be lynched... im dead anyways... maf has a strongman votge
  8. oh and NIK is likey town... towniest person in here IMO
  9. well zfetch was clean... but i respect brads game of sticking to a meta and playing the dame... way just like me... frankly i think flipping in my potato crew is the way to go...
  10. anyways... i see that... TL might be maf SV or 112 these were the first to target me.... SV is good cause he never goes full meta... will retract... he is a life saving killy... Brad never voted for me and alwaya had my back... same with porscha... very pockety... but... Ivoted for Brad > Brad voted for BJ.... funny i couldnt get a vote on brad yesterday... and now we mega have hard sus on him... I predicted everything...
  11. it doesnt matter if i get voted out or whatever... either way... I die... just matters we hit maf...
  12. as you can see... i sacrificed myself... surely BJ saw me as a threat even though I said I would sacifice myself for them... even more than a person Locking on them like an idiot... LOL BJ you done goofed
  13. Mohamed Salah ROLE: Town Doctor. Submit one target per day. Your target will survive any standard kill attempt during the night (does not prevent a voted elimination). A mafia strongman kill will overrule your protection. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
  14. i posted in the wrong thread... as i had it open...
  15. you see i sacrificed my self... as i felt it was time... with 7 peopll on me... surely at least 2 or 3 were maf.
  16. Mohamed Salah ROLE: Town Doctor. Submit one target per day. Your target will survive any standard kill attempt during the night (does not prevent a voted elimination). A mafia strongman kill will overrule your protection. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
  17. obviously we should be voting out BJ...
  18. I refuse to believe BJ took this lonhg to find me as town... we always find each other...
  19. they have decided im not worth to kill and will just off me tonight
  20. watch where the votes are going you late entering town
  21. I predicted this entire day would be focused on me... and i was right... no one solved a damn thing.. likely im dead... i cant even dave myself
  22. what are you talking about... go back to the video last night about the wife
  23. i tried not to reveal but... you all hard fucking docused on me
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