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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. anyways what can i prove... go back and read my potato message... where i gave clues ealier in the form of a video last night.... and then the gif 3 posts down...
  2. its just a lonely world where the potatoes... say stupid stuff to their wife
  3. i already said where am i going to be saved? no one
  4. anyways... SS your contribution as town... is highly sus
  5. if you cant see im being dacetious... in that maf claim you a maf
  6. it is desperation... its became abundantly clear... i was going to be voted out... and it was the right timeing to reveal... so town doesnt get fucking last minute hiyeaed
  7. ok... what you want as proof?
  8. LOL omg... are you really a potato... i cant explain this
  9. so your willing to vote out the doctor but if town changers the vote you will try to hide so not get caught... cool
  10. anyways... Town... you need to make a descision... BJ brad or SS... thats it...
  11. yeah its to give the maf team a chance to come save me
  12. not true...maf they likely ddint have to do a thing... anyways... im damned if i do and damned if i dont... i played as a town member... what am i supposed to do instead? slank?
  13. of all the people in this game who has done the most solving people on my wagon or me... if you say anyone else other than me you are lying
  14. lets not forget, that both 112 and SV first few posts were to throw shade on me after i enbtered the game... seems pretty obvious that a maf team knew someone would attack me right off the back... i was always going to be made a wagon... from day one...
  15. well yes... im a competitive eater... so iu can win free food, and it also help with taking 12" dildos
  16. your solving is worth half as much as my shit posting
  17. there was 100% truth they lied... both of them... i asssume kza wanted people to read the setup and not play blindly... so they had 4 posts and one of them was a lie... its 0% schance they didnt lie
  18. someone who uses the word flailing is likely maf
  19. not true... ive done more solving than anyone else... you just choose to ignore it
  20. likely... haha oh nik we outed ourselves
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