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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. oh so your going to focus on me for misrepresenting?
  2. ok i was wrong... he was town... it was DM that was doctor without a order.
  3. so a bold faced lie... gotcha he was neutral doctor
  4. notice there will be a war... and it will only be me here defending...
  5. oh really did BJ rand Town last game... wait they didnt right... are you lying or am i misrepresenting again?
  6. 112 allthough not voting has shown that they are inline with aladeen... BJ TL Aladeen SV and Illunga are associate sacks.... all capable for being excellent deep wolf... if you let aladeen influence you with i got a feeling BS with a player like him... you are a potatoe and deserve to lose.
  7. Aladeen... I got a feeling.... TL... SV,BJ vote for qwags really? why idk? ummm cause we should solve him eventually... BJ: Hard claimed a poopy mattress and is forcing my vote on him, his vote on me forces my hand... he really does have a good influence at the right time...
  8. LOL well i guess i am being voted out if Aladeen just voted me,,, for he's lying no one posts like me. and 2 hes lying anyways... dont waste your time. UnVote Vote Bluejay
  9. PeteyBOI

    The AI Thread

    or just dont buy into crap... still your facebook and insta should be private unless your an adult you can make your own choices... I decided to be open with all my online alliances... 1 it makes me accountable for my actions... and people can trust that I have dozens of social media with all the same username. i made the choice when we can no use our pin or third factor authentication... its much harder for your identity to be stolen now then 5 years ago...
  10. LOL poor people dont buy pizza from takeout... your pizza place will do just fine... your just going to have to foot the bill... its middle class who gets hurt with minimum wage increases... a 40 year old that has been in poverty all their life doesnt just satrt spending all the new fancy money... that gets thrown into the savings jar thats been depleted and the finally buy some new socks and underwear and throw out that one pair of pants with the three patches on it... Obviously not many of you have ever had to live in poverty for long periods of time.
  11. well i choose option 2... still much better off as a person with lower income, there is ways to reduce your food bill..... the greater the disparity the easier it is to cut costs... poor people find ways to cut costs all the time... once i fumbled a smoke and dropped it in some pepsi... didnt wet the filter... let it dry for a few days, burned off the sugar and lit er up... I had to put it out several times... it burned like a cigar slowly... I dont buy bread anymore unless as a treat, pierogies are cheaper and has more flavour and taste Pickles and the vinegar it comes in is reused and consumed... Hot sauce and picked vinegar, salt, sugar,pepper, garlic and onions, best bang for your buck for flavoring your food... vegetables i know i wont eat end up in the pickle jar... garlic i have left over ends up in the pickle jar and there is many Brine recipes when you need more liquid...
  12. https://youtu.be/PvsCYQaqJzQ?si=n9jssPk7EHFh5C6c Beaucracy... lots of new jobs in bloating the government... great.... 100M dollars in drugs for addicts (to placate them) this sure teaches these pour souls the way... cutting taxes on people who have Oil heated homes.... hmmm....... LOL...
  13. my mistake, its like a internet rule to just disagree with any statement, if your wrong someone will correct you...
  14. the thumbnail is click bait... but this is live coverage
  15. all grown taking the crown as the Queens of their own heavy metal Genre...
  16. and a theme song fpr the potatoes
  17. this should be the last ten years theme song
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