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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. this is a weird mashup.... teenagers asking for chocolate... you cant make this up...
  2. thuis is the best sone ever made in the world
  3. not my taste... perhaps a mashup? https://www.kapwing.com/videos/659241f6ff5a6fdd0b08befd
  4. the game is really dead and likely we should spend the rest of the night studying how this seemeingly average day on tuesady on russia is 10x better than 90% of all my new years parties combined... i mean there is no food but i dont comne to parties for the food
  5. just dont even say that name... i can understand certain people listenint to that music for a short term... than you have to realize that ur just a inexpeienced little shout in the game... now this is music. welcome to russia suka.
  6. click. absolutely nothing. unclick
  7. pretty sure 112 has a lot of splaining to do
  8. well actually i said i would sacrifice myself for BJ... so yeah Potatoe has just been bumped up... how am i making this personal? anyways you were just a association to the potato sack, but its llok like you really want to be a potatoe... by being very hyper focused on me who has only helped and actually provide real and functional clues into the game... cheer up big guy humour is supposed to be fun and personal and controversial
  9. if these 4/5 ever make a team... it would be a exllent prequel to the Illunga,AV,Aladeen,Porscha team in 2020
  10. sharp said always get the slankers this game, and every other game...
  11. cant be that ez... KZA said they randed the teams...
  12. TBH Porscha and brad might be both Maf... anyways... i mean look at brads baby face he looks like that toothless kid from 'stranger things' no way any "IRL" happened...
  13. not really... its harder when maf... remember when eod i was like whats going on? and last game how with 5 minutes left on day 2 we voted out our own player for no reason...
  14. there a few people that really need to be monitored... and they are one of them... I believe Porscha or Brad is Maf
  15. some are potatoes... they have to be... its really hard... to say... but of the 5 people that had votes on me Illunga shifted last minute from me to zfetch for literal no reason... as the vote was 7-3 and not even close and I know Nik might hate this but he not only broke a tie, but also make the kill on zfetch... BJ sv last minute shift to me... was not a town play...
  16. Anyways with the new year... and before the trade lists become available... ill let everyone know Chtyil has been secretly been shopped around but never officially on the block... if you didnt know about that, well know you know... I will be trading them but i dont have a deadline...
  17. Potato sack members 112 TL BJ people looking to join the gang have applied for membership several times Nik associations to the sack SV Illunga
  18. welcome to the potato sack crew...
  19. they didnt lie... what proof do you have? in a court of law 100% they would be proven a liar... anything else
  20. how bout you potato... care to take a stab for some stickers... and do anything relevant for the game... instead of cockblocking anything i say? @Time Lord the fact how you Potatoes' and SV dont see how Ironic your votes on me for hard focusing is... whats a good word to use here... so you can understand...poopy
  21. ill give you 2 stickers... if you can find anything relevant with last vote BJ NIK and the "Hard claim"
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