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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. i think its more paranoia then anything... the fact two states are doing this now means they know how the criminal case will shakeout if they lose and are preparing and sending a message... that message is unclear and likely fueled by paranoia
  2. well the electors 'pledge' for who they will vote for... the poular vote for the electors... who vote for their candidate... "once someone tried a trickeroo carpet trick" and the court was allowed to force the elector to vote for their pledge... so the governor removing electors who were deemed competent canditates already seems wild... and likely illegal... so the state better smarten up quick and demand answers from the federal
  3. i really dont have to... im so confident, that is should work this way, that if it doesnt... the US has a bigger problem than a big orange man
  4. whats the estimate number of immigrants in the US? illegal and legal? and i mean it makes sense as silly as the article makes it seem... if a illegal immigrant were to vote likely they would vote Biden
  5. a federal matter is a federal matter... a federal election is a federal election... a state participating in a federal election is a federal matter a state who alters the voting choices without consent from the federal governments... is unconstitutional... A governor who alters the vote unconstitutionally should be trialed for treason no matter what they think is right or wrong. perhaps the orange man is not legal to be elected and sure thats okay, but make the federal make that choice... if they dont you have bigger issues than trump
  6. "uh hey guys turns out you have a real good read on some of our mafia. gun to my head brad is mafia but you will only win the vote with 5 votes... which is unlikely but possible so lets distract you and vote for pete"
  7. or scared... to what lose?... so greedy and narcissitic to assume that you are the hero...
  8. aw muffin cake i love you.... just really hard figuring out how you liked the hosts post on the setup and then porschas post on how the setup makes them want to rand VT and then the subsequent your posts about the VIG. because i cant follow the logic
  9. I really shook sv and thats actually good notewho they are trying to save... one themselves... but who else... we really should just go back to my original 4 and assume i gue 'ehem' 'Nailed' em all...
  10. whenever i come on here, its almost as upsetting when you fuck up your youtube algorithm, getting these vids you really dont want,but your too lazy to fix the issue.
  11. in that case lets just replace JT with...
  12. im pretty sure that rivalry was because of draper and Lemieux... every game between them was a must watch... i watched alot of Philli games... lindros was the best for 3 years hands down... and Lidstrom he was good so was niedermyer, But if i was picking a player between those 3 Id pick Pronger first... why i Put forsberg in there was because he was the first line center and sakic was second line, which is crazy... those pre cap era teams were stacked...Just silly things like adding borque Hasek... Detroit had Hull,Coffey,Federov,Lidstrom,Yzerman,Robitaille,shanahan,Larianov,Chelios,Datsyuk,Hasek,Draper,Duschene,Olausson,Mccarty, and a rookie avery... whats that 11 HOF players and duschene almost made it right? that was all in one year LOL 2001-2002 also adam oated was/is criminally underrated in the same way i see people talk about howerchuk... he was better than Hull IMO, made everyone better including Joe Juneau LOL
  13. what a fluffy post you have gramma wow how middle of the road....
  14. Blue Jay 22 (4) - Zfetch, 112, iambrad,Ballseep Sharpshooter (2) - Naslund, falcon45ca Qwags (1) - zfetch 112 (1) - Aladeen iambrad (1) - MidKnight Ego,LL falcon45ca (1) - Blue Jay 22 No Vote (5) - SV., Time Lord, Ilunga, porscha, Sharpshooter
  15. who are you voting NIK and why isnt it brad?
  16. this is omgus on my part... I really am traumatized from SV and Aladeen...
  17. coffey deserves to be there.. Esposito I like your 90/2000s list... and would add eric Lindros and Peter forsberg... Skill wise they belong here... Eric Lindros WAS the best player for 3 YEARS before his major concussions... I also think chris Pronger was generational People Just went to the Finals when he made the playoffs
  18. LOL sus... its like you gained qwags powers or are mafia... hmmm,,, likely never going to find that out this game... if your right though guess ill have to trust you forever... this is the towniest thing ever I have a full town read from their entrance... brad doesnt????? why... omgus? is falcon supposed to go in the 'special list' or is it me.? sure three great posts in a row, but like a lie too.... like straight up lie... unless are they playing 3rd level.... NO WAY on first day... do you really think of me like that? town LL,BJ,Falcon,TL,Porscha townish SS, but will kill them regardless Illunga, qwags,,DallsBep sus, but also sus sv (a lie...) Zfetch (terrible entrance..) NIK/aladeen(these are a deep wolf candi...) Aladeen is a genius so they can find patterns and make up a story that makes total sense as a wolf... also im still traumatized by Aladeen sticking his hand in my pocket... and them not mentioning brads play is worrisome Brad(just terrible/amazing town or maf),112 (a lie some bad BJ vote) so obviously i may be wrong by both SV and 112... didnt like either of their entrances, but their game improved... i also do not like when i see a lie... 112 either is 2nd or 3rd leveling me on that vig dig... there is no way they didnt read the initial post... but them being sus of me perhaps it was just a test... UnVote Vote Brad...
  19. well.. if im sussing 112...i should quote this as well for mentioning VIG, but the mention of qwags could just be anger from past game even if they no there is no vig at all...
  20. sus... SV is mafioso... trollololol
  21. so lets just vote 112 for lying to me... i know many of you all read it... i be seeing you playing with your upnoodles Unvote Vote 112
  22. qwags playing more... BJ playing less... 112 and SV made some mistakes... deener is no where?
  23. doesnt matter... its a federal matter not a state one... no their decision
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