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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. ok i dont know... you got me... tried to fool you... ahah
  2. Until Trudea reverses these policies, i will Demand and Fight for JT to Immediately resign
  3. and that money crisis is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER... the suicide rate will be so high... i wont even have to do with money... people losing a loved one might just end themselves or losing a marriage... or people will commit suicide justin spite of other people... I have studied psychology, when things are available they get used... give someone an idea and they will think about it... telling the canadian people... "hey lifes rough kill yourself if you want too" is not a fucking good message... no hero has ever said those words before... Justin trudeau is a coward
  4. the government is handing handguns out with one bullet, but only is possible to shoot yourself... when the next money crisis hits we WILL SEE RECORD SUICIDES with this policy in effect
  5. i dont mean to disrespect the dead, but i said those words for a reason... our homeless and addicts are being severely mistreated... and the 100 million dollars invested in the federal plan in the safe drug consumption policy... sure it was needed at the time as a short term solution... but reinvesting 100 million dollars is grossly incompetent... Fix the stem of the issue and create rehabilitation centers.
  6. sorry to disrespect the dead... but we have more important matters at hand... like the incoming murders of thousands of homeless and addicts...
  7. creating infrastructure building 10-20 short term recovery centers with a plan to rehabilitate and return to society... or Literally feeding addicts 100Million dollars in drugs and then offering them death when they realize no one is helping them... like i said this is disgusting
  8. is it? I think drug addicts and homeless people are more disrespected than how the homeless are treated, at least they gave them food and shelter.
  9. becuase people are cowards and kill themselves... Place a 9mm handgun with one bullet in the chamber next to every homeless person and you dont think some are going to end their lives?
  10. i think it could be a good idea, but we are not ready for that. so many addicts are going to off themselves. not to mention when the next housing crisis hits and we will see so much hurt in canada... people will give up. not a good time to be implementing this, not sure there is even a good time... we already have Maid which allows you to have hospitals to aid you in your foreseeable death... this is not good.
  11. yeah hes much worse... literally creating hisown concentration camp of drug addicts and then letting them end there life when they have no way out because they do nothing to stem the problem at the root.
  12. you think i would comment on it if i didnt want a say?
  13. discussing and explaining are two different things my friend. if someone cant figure out why removing donald trump is unconstitutional then me explaining it will either be a waste of my time as they are a lost cause or they a stubborn liberal who is color blind to the world outside thier party... its literally a lose lose.
  14. so i dont know what? no i do know... im just not explaining it to someone that cant figure it out on their own...
  15. you are funny heffy... i dont oppose anything that happens in the states i just mock it, not my country
  16. LOL... if you cant figure it out me explaining it wont help...
  17. abortion argument... wimpy wimpy wimpy vs Assisted suicide argument. Hefty Hefty Hefty
  18. well its happening... Trudeau is polling so bad that he is using dirty tactics to just keep his influence in the swing provinces... and his policies are so bad parliment is crossing the floor because they dont want to get thrown out with the bath water. 2 years of this and how terrible our economy is right now, it does not look good. on a side note i feel that the conservatives are paying US media to mock trudeau and prop up himself. Poillivere and now his youtube channel, with 12% of canadians watching his Personal content day in and day out and a few select youtubers that despise Trudeau and everything he stands for, this is the beginning of the great fall of Justin Trudeau's Liberals... poilievre who is the smartest person on the parliament floor, has shook the liberal party. Trudeau, the Finance Minister, the health and Addictions minister are constantly getting embarassed, and frankly speaking with the inception of medically assisted Suicide and Safe supply is a fricking monster in my eyes... First ruin the economy, they lose their jobs, they get addicted to drugs, they develop mental illness, become homeless, they feed them free drugs, then they kill them
  19. Us canadians know that what happens in US tends to happen here a few years later, so we watch and prepare.its like looking through a crystal ball... and if the result was so terrible in the states we try to alter the future by kyboshing it before it manifests... Canada is trying to elect its own trump, first it was Kevin oleary, now its Jordan B petterson... (as smart as Jordan is, he's two stubborn for me to be a great leader)
  20. I agree... we need to spread the wealth.... you hear it time in and time out... rolling 4 lines... Pretty much thats what we are doing... and there are 2 player from each line that are staples 1 2 14 minutes 3 4 12 minutes Petterson And Miller dont pick up shifts, they are the shifts... there are a few players that pick up regular extra shifts garland Joshua Lafferty Boeser (Surprised to see he is playing more 5v5 than any other player,im guessing he and garland are picking up shifts with EP) Bleuger Suter These are the bench warmers... Aman Kuzmenko PDG Hoglander
  21. as good as our 3rd line is... Boeser has scored more than the entire 3rd line combined.... you do realize there is a reason why our 3rd line is scoring right? they are getting weak match-ups... use your Unagi
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