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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. is it? his 6 points? Hronek has 9 and the same amount of goals... when someone isnt doing there homework, something is wrong... remember Media makes money by getting clicks they purposely tell white lies or even blatant ones just to get clicks... thank you... I will make sure to add Jpatt my list of condemned media to watch.
  2. 6/8 on the road is better than any record of any team. we should be ecstatic not saying you arent... just im kind of confused about people ripping on EP... why??? so they can be right one/two/three years down the line if he underperforms after signing a new deal? Hey look at me guys i told you about petey all the time...
  3. I really hope he figures it out,and figure out when he is on the fourth line its not a punishment its a opportunity to learn. you get to watch what the other players are doing right, AND get the chance to play the system against weaker opponents... the other thing he has to learn is that when on the PP is that he is not "the guy" anymore, he needs to be open and moving with the playersin transition as they all shake up the position... if done correctly he should be motioning behind the net as the guys move clockwise taking JT's Spot and looking for JT/Pete for one timers. he also needs to crash the net when QH walks the line high chance he just rips a shot but if hes crashing he might be open for a slap pass, deflection, or tip...
  4. i really don't think so... Cole has been a proven shut down Dman for years, Myers too... BUT myers has a terrible game vs the elite players and a very good game vs the bottom 9... the reason when Myers and Cole get paired together is specific to shutdown players... Zadorov has never been a shutdown dman, and always a tier 2 PK unit, never top unit. so what that tells me is that if tocchet is wrong so are ALL the other coaches that had Myers, Cole and Zadorov on the team... the thing with players like Cole is that like players Denis Savard, Hakanpaa, Ben Chiarot,Trouba they dont score and provide little offense they are often slow, big and mean. and like the first goal where Cole just got beat in a foot race off the rush,shit like this is gonna happen, but when given the chance to setup in the Dzone they are your best players on the ice... the other option than playing these two players is playing Juulsen more minutes... he is the only other RD, clearly he is not trusted and for a lesser extent zadorov/cole the same.
  5. it doesnt matter if he scores or not.. he is the reason that line is so hot...
  6. its the second time its happened... and its dangerous... this fan base is full of people with IQ less than 100 (not this site but the entire canucks fanbase) when there evil genius leads to them to the bad thoughts with Cherry picked stats and bad takes based off recency Bias. shit can get out of hand fast... i remember the death threats to certain players, GM's family members getting attacked. etc,etc... In a world run by nerds and geeks analytics arent going any where but that doesnt mean we give up... it just means any false prophets must be destroyed (Thomas Drance in particular) harman Dayal is and should be the nerds new messiah, he is the modern day Abe Lincoln, he cannot tell a lie.
  7. so what is this the thomas drance gang? coming to ease in some petey heat to shake off the obvious hate on himself? fully expecting a terrible analysis from thomas drance on how Tocchet Kuzmenko and petterson all need to go... what complete total hogwash for the people that are attacking petterson... really? petterson has always been a streaky player, accept it... learn to roll with the punches, get over it... what a sad day in the canucksFanForum... where people turn to this crap, especially when we just took the 1st overall spot...
  8. you are a ignoramus... if you understood math and statistics you would undestand that cherry picking is more useless than your obvious troll attempts
  9. im just pointing the obvious flaws in your arguments... you know the ones you hand cherry picked to make petterson look the worst... you are either totally clueless towards how hockey teams defend or you are a complete troll... frankly your likely a lost cause either way
  10. thats because theres only two players on the line right now.... you do be crazy
  11. if you stoopid little shits drive petey from this team i swear to god i will rage and get banned
  12. booo.... at 8 million he is one of the best deals in the league.
  13. what i have learned from chess... you cannot take random sample sizes and analyze them as individual trends, the more you do that the more likely you will be wrong... this is why teams base the contracts on a much larger scale like 3 years when making bids... taking petes first 14 games and saying they dont count is silly and more importantly fundamentally wrong when analyzing a players value.
  14. you fail to realize, that the entire 3 on 3 and shootout is a entire waste of time... whining about how bad we are or being proud of how many shootout goals we score means less than nothing towards the playoffs.
  15. my first construction job I bought the biggest most expensive hammer, it worked real well when I Pulled all the nails from the reusable timber... Glad i had that, so when i hauled the 12 "new again"2x4 to the framers when they threw them all over the edge of the roof.
  16. trust the tocchets wisdom folks... this is the only way... yeah its frustrating we lost, but we shouldnt hang our heads. losses like this build character.
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