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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. not very towny of you to be on your lonesome all the time... ill be looking back and seeing when you all start pushing dallsbeep...
  2. Interesting 112 throws sus on both DM and qwags.... falcon throws on DM and porscha. j23 throws sus on porscha and DM and porscha throws sus.. on J23 are they sk or maf... they are sus, and have ties to both... could the island perhaps be a group of DM FunnyGurl and Porscha maybe even Zfetch and them bussing each other?
  3. it would be really nice if some others could do some POE of porscha and funny gurl... i remember them having a good long discussion together and "the dalls dont feel so deep" while i finish the one for qwags
  4. N1 DM votes qwags... calls falcon a pookie... falcon gets shot... qwags votes Naslund, Funnygurl votes falcon all lone wolf votes... Porscha votes... j23... brad votes callahan who is replaced? N2... DM no vote... Qwags No vote... Porscha No vote... Funnygurl 4th one onto... max... in a world where all the other wagons were town.... hmmmm this is wagonomics Tanev was killed... by maf... i dont know any meta here so... someone needs to explain this... N3 DM SnakeDoctor Lone wolf vote... FunnyGurl votes dapackback... Lone wolf vote... Qwags votes Zfetch... with j23 and brad Porscha votes j23 5th on wagon... of 12 darth LL and porscha leading PoE of j23 "Nothing to see here" serial killer killed 112 (DM has ties to maf and sk as 112 @ DM and they gave the sithlord meme and maf killed lewts... N4 Fg 1st in on dabackback... Qwags tunneling on zfetch (dudes had like 8 posts) Porscha No vote.. DM No Vote... serial killed Kza mafia killed Macdougal i dont remember PoE here but maybe someone can look back... Mac was throwing poo at a lot of people... not sure about kza but theyve been pretty vocal...
  5. DM first post responding to zfetch, just a random post proving hes reading back... A random vote on qwags who enters the game a few posts later, who ignores the sus.... DM response to falcon.... anyways how bout falcon getting offed... in response to LL hey hey guys... im a back reader.. oh btw DM hes also fricking town... DM Responding to the dead sharpshooter... who was responding to brad who was giving some sus to 112... i have no idea... did you find anything out? J23 unvotes to Porscha... are they open wolfing? in response to 112 asking where you at.... me and DM flirting thats everything folks... this is sus mcgus... you may want to check who was killed by who... im just saying... susususu
  6. well i would have said all... or leave it out but we have been having the same PoE and simutaneous votes
  7. im not explaining nothing... this is just scum fucking with wuth the hockey fans
  8. yeah im on that too... pretty much my entire town strategy is to do the opposite of what LL says,
  9. that ending is sus... funnygurl is sus... "im just a bad town, let me waddle" BJ for not not leaving dabackpack is sus... like i said... How did not anyone see dabackpack soft claim... and me screaming??? absolutely no one...
  10. what if macs list is so bad... tht maf killed them on purpose... LYLO
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