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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. dude... this reads trying waytoo hard... they had anyone other max brown to choose... look who you vioted for that round... J23...
  2. no... but nik has interacted with like 5-6 peopl max this game
  3. Max Brown (6) – MacDougall, Time Lord, Funnygirl555, KZA, dallsbeep, Zfetch Lewitelli (5)- J-23, Naslund, luckylager, Lewitelli [Locked], Max Brown J-23 (5) – Master Radishes, DaBackpack, Dankmemes187, Blue Jay 22 Snake Doctor (3) – Albert, iambrad, Alison Zfetch (1) - 112 Albert (1) – Snake Doctor
  4. im in the same boat as BJ... we are all going off day 1 crap from dabackpack, who arguably had the worst EOD of day 1 himself... day 2... i just dont get how Zfetch would bus uneccessarily... he had 2 other good targets... and could have easliy went to SD too... and still flip a town...
  5. first off can you make a vote list... im very tired and keep screwing it up
  6. @MacDougall @Alison @Naslund @Master Radishes @porscha @DumbassTurtle @Alchemy Time @DarthMelvin @SnakeDoctor @KZA this is not very town behaviour right now... inactivity and no votes on such a critical stage is sus...
  7. snakeDoctor (5) MAC,Alison,NIK, Turtle,DaBackPack DaBackPack (3) Beeps,FG555,Brad,BJ Qwags (3) Zfetch,Dm187,Timelord NIK (2) Porscha,BJ ZFetch (2) Qwags,LL No Votes (Alchemy Time,MR,DM,SD,Kza
  8. nope lone wolf votes early then disapears for eod... i guess they workout
  9. nakeDoctor (5) MAC,Alison,NIK, Turtle,DaBackPack DaBackPack (3) Beeps,FG555,Brad Qwags (3) Zfetch,Dm187,Timelord NIK (2) Porscha,BJ ZFetch (2) Qwags,LL No Votes (Alchemy Time,MR,DM,SD,Kza
  10. SnakeDoctor (5) MAC,Alison, Kza, NIK, Turtle,Dabackpack DaBackPack (3) Beeps,FG555,Brad ZFetch (3) Qwags,TimeLord,Dabackpack NIK (2) Porscha,LL, Qwags (2) Zfetch,BJ No Votes (Alchemy Time,MR,DM,,SD
  11. youve voted together multiple times... and a few EOD wild card vote dabackback landing on your alignment
  12. if backpack is mafia so is brad, there has been too many connections...
  13. i know no one... read my dang wagonomics,,, cause if you did, there is some inconsitencies here... or brad and them both are w/w
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