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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. SnakeDoctor (6) DM187,MAC,Alison, Kza, NIK, Turtle DaBackPack (4) Beeps,FG555,Brad NIK (2) Porscha,LL,BJ ZFetch (1) Qwags Qwags (1) Zfetch No Votes (Alchemy Time,MR,DM,TimeLord,BackPack,SD
  2. SnakeDoctor (6) DM187,MAC,Alison, Kza, NIK, Turtle DaBackPack (4) Beeps,FG555,Brad, BJ NIK (2) Porscha,LL ZFetch (1) Qwags Qwags (1) Zfetch No Votes (Alchemy Time,MR,DM,TimeLord,BackPack,SD
  3. LOL... i swear i was talking about reentry waivers yesterday... whatever happened to our first round prospect Josh holden, was super excited for them
  4. KHL quality of players must be dropping wouldnt suprise me if the SHL overtakes them as number two league... at this point id avoid drafting russian players...
  5. well be warned im likely claiming whoever comes down the pipeline, not your team specific... but yeah... i dont want to finish this bad...
  6. the TOR Maple Leafs Claim James Hamblin Place Bradley nadeau into the unsigned prospects... @Relyt Krets
  7. sorry... i have been busy... looks like ill have more time here...
  8. that freak of nature? my votes on snakedoctor qwags list is sus as hell, dabackpack is my 3rd sus led some charges with brad w/w maybe? Naslund is my 4th sus and timelord possible w/w early votes... could be slanking maf IamBrad is a turdslinger...
  9. @luckylagerso you think my poe list is out of order? my votes on snakedoctor qwags list is sus as hell, dabackpack is my 3rd sus led some charges with brad w/w maybe? macdougall is my 4th sus and funnygirl possible w/w Naslund is my 5th sus and timelord possible w/w early votes... could be slanking maf
  10. well maybe im confusing with everyone else... some people were saying they were wild at times... especially early, and last night with porschas comments...
  11. its almost the exact same reasons you are worried about Bluejay...
  12. thats actually Vintage... youll hurt their feelings
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