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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. like i said the posts look similair, i feel deva vu everytime i read there posts
  2. Here are some easy to read but concise instructions on how to use a search bar to isolate specific subjects: To search for an exact phrase or name, use quotation marks around it. For example, “Alberta Health Services” will only show results that have those words in that order. To exclude certain words from your search, use the minus sign before them. For example, Edmonton -Oilers will show results for Edmonton that do not mention the Oilers hockey team. To search for one of several possible words, use OR between them. For example, Alberta OR Saskatchewan will show results that have either of those provinces in them. To search for synonyms or similar words, use the tilde sign before them. For example, ~cold will show results that have words like chilly, freezing, or frosty. To search for a word that you don’t remember or don’t know how to spell, use an asterisk as a wildcard. For example, p*zza will show results that have words like pizza, piazza, or pizzazz.
  3. search button works from here on folks... you can pindown posts pretty quick if you know how to use a search bar correctly
  4. did i day something in the past 200 pages that has you worried?
  5. nah... im ancient now... fucking technology... Drones took like 20% of the surveyors out in one year
  6. there is thousands of surveyors living in edmonton.. kind of the western canada hub, alberta does most of the surveying for BC too... there is like 50 who work IN edmonton
  7. good try... macshitter... pi is 3.14159 as a surveyor i need to have this memorized
  8. not much to say i agree... we really need some plotlines to open up... funnygurl is solving J23 plotlines right now which looks great IMO
  9. Im ging to want some reads from Porscha getting overly defensive here... is that normal town play in their meta?
  10. this game is way too hard. to read back... i tried yeasterday and felt like it just wasnt worth the sauce
  11. yeah i rushed... it because hockey... your posts all read the same... i hardly notice you... sorry
  12. towncore LL trust the pumpkin Lewitelli TV this is very very volatile slot. im watching all talks on them like a hawk 112 great town game Alison i like the confidence and i like the takes town lean Kza perfect game except last vote (lewts death may make this slightly more volatile) MR Opposite of KZA really been impressed with your game moving forward from day 1 BJ your pocket feels gross though... felt you just followed my move FunnyGirl just trust my gut, mostly emotional slot Special Slot you belong in the list below, but i find you funny. in a game this long we need the humour... strong feel sk/vig is in this slot Albert (neutral) IamBrad Darthmelvin says nothing says gifs (realized today that i once mimiced this style) Porscha Macdougall enters here Neutral Daturtle not much to say here... very newby dabackpack (maybe belongs in the list below) started strong, ties to first vote Maf lean Qwags (gut feel maf slanker) Alchemy time (just sus and dissapear... magic fucking pumpkin) dabackpack (ties to funnygurl and J23) strong maf lean NIK sus... strong TMI vibes zfetch likely too sus to make to make the special slot, stronger 3p vibes early. must die j23 LL has me mindmelded Snakedoctor... feels like they always slip away from sudden death Vote snakedoctor
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