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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. got my groceries, brisk2km walk and got my gas for the week, 2 bags should be enough.
  2. you know what time it is... its pretty late... yesterday was great , i worked hard. I had 2 nice walks... i work hard at what i do always have, taking a year and a half off work and not using any EI not a drop... fuck man my chest is killing me though my computer gets really hot... and opens the burns i got when i put out a fire arsonist made in my building last year, its been a year and they are not healing... i dont take pain killers though, i did one time and i must be in a lot of pain because i passed out for 8 hours within 5 minutes...likely has to do with because I spent a good solid 10 years walking about 20km a day MINIMUM 12 hours a (up to 18) bought my first house as a highschool dropout when i was 23... my second one at 23... 2008 was a bitch, lost everything... as a surveyor which i got the job because i worked hard and was smart i got a lucky break because i didnt even know what surveying was when i was 21...drove some dude to the airport from my minumum wage job +2$ from hertz car rental... when i was first made head of the survey department at 22 when i was promoted to party chief... i Broke the record in our company I drove 800km in a day and compoleted a full 2km long cross section (finding pins, making notes and drawings) i called my boss and told them to cancel the hotel as i was on to the next city... at 25 i was offered a position as head of the survey department.." fuck yeah i said".. took it personal and never said i couldnt do it... if i didnt know anything that was asked of me i spent my own time learning and asking friends... a few months the owner and ceo and myself had discussions with the Head of Syncrude survey, their data processor and the boss of the survey department VP of something another... we spent about 3 days discussing and arguing against Syncrude to keep over 4 million dollars $ that the company was trying to reclaim.. we didnt win, but i got a nice compliment from the data processor that i had the most accurate surveys and volumes they have ever seen i think it was 20 MILLION cubic meters at a 9 bucks a pop... 30 I was offered the role of NW area manager of one of the biggest engineering companies in the world and the second biggest in alberta... I turned it down, i was scared and peobably should have done it... my body is beaten, my knees, my back... and I cant do my job anymore physically or mentally... I have Bi Polar and the stress sends me down into mania... The very dangerous survey job cannot be ran by me, 4 years and 4 times ive gone manic while ON the job... yes im conveniently not fired but my position is no longer available... told to get better... the meds do nothing... im one of the few that has no reactions to my meds... or havent found the right ones yet.. Minimum wage cant cover shit... so i spent all my money trying to learn AI... I created a formula in chess to help more players to play fairly no matter their rating.... conveniently it also helps catch cheating... but no one is hiring highschool dropouts in AI... and my survey resume is too impressive... I cant get an assistant role, and when im openly head hunted by recruiters when they are offering me interviews, i decline tell the truth and ask a position as assistant... but they will be in contact soon... seem my luck has run out... my money too... but im chilling...
  3. alls good brother... myvote isnt changing though... @SV. Can i lock in my vote?
  4. no... i am a crackhead you figured me out and a creampuff... have a great day man hopefully you can vme for being such a POS
  5. here you go buddy... Vote Dankmemes187... see you after next night fall
  6. haha got me again... off to get some crack... and heroin friedns,,,
  7. the host... had some rules.. asking us to sign in privately....
  8. wtf... is everyone not following the rules laid out by the host... this is honestly a terrible fucking look... and a big disrespect to the mafia team
  9. i have no idea what you are saying... honestly fluff... your trying to pin all the people in this last tirade? and clear yourself in the same boat.... too me it looks both you and maxbrown are W/W
  10. no worries bud... im sure your string theory is 100% on point...solved!!!!
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