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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. snake doctors early posts.... he has a theme of mentioning not reading the game and providing his insights anyway
  2. no... im copying all the posts and saving them to my hardrive so i can create a spreadsheet... when you have like 30 quotes it wont let you copy the first quote to the clipboard... i either have to type it by hand or fiddle fuck around moving the top quote down to the bottom of the list and then copying like that... let me tell you it took me like 10 minutes just to figure out those strats...
  3. im only on page 20 because im trying to do a good job and save every vote and time, for maximum wagonomics... anyone know an easy way to copy all the quotes... the first one doesnt like to copy well, and its really slowing me down
  4. i think if we are going to be voting people off due to akward and funny entances they all should be considered tonight... albert Snkaedoctor Lewitelli Callahan dabackback turtle... thoughts?
  5. ok... i hate you... thanks, wish me luck see you all in a couple hours
  6. did you read all of the 90 pages again or is this comment based on your memory....? you might motivate me to read the entire thread
  7. i like that makes sense to me... we can thunderdome these people, add in albert and dabackpack and dallsbeep Unvote vote snakedoctor
  8. hey do you know how hard it is to go though the last 50-60 pages and provide honest feedback and footnotes... i am going to do it, but i need to hydrate first... just need more things to comment on, no ones sleuthing
  9. Brother... go outsidestretch your weary arms and legs... if its raining go feel the pitter patter as the raindrops splash on your face... if its snowing stick out your tongue and let a snowflake land on your tongue...if its sunny wear a tshirt no matter how cold it is, even for just a few moments soak up those rays.. Now, greet and say hello to the first person you meet and comment on what a good day it is to be a kid again.
  10. is that how you read that? might need to add some baileys in your coffee
  11. no issues with that the slanker/player ratio is like 2/1. out of protest i would definitely do this, they likely waiting for the game to reduce to a level thats maneagable for their tie before they start playing... too scared they make a mistake with so many good players and lucky lager still alive solving... Unvote Vote Dankmemes187
  12. nah... i think its dallsbeep this round... look at there posts, i have several times... its fishy... better to get out a wold than a slamker... Unvote Vote DallsBeep
  13. id say dont do it... your likely better off doing a couple lines twice aweek than smoking... its surely cheaper
  14. Macdougall... im from norway... 12 is a walk in the park... some people have been drinking longer more than ohters... Skål , Skå, Skål
  15. all good.. i dont usually let all my reactions out to much later but i got liquid confidence... root of valarium running though my blood and about 12 deep... 12 for my size is a walk in the park, but my inhibitions are a touche lower
  16. i think it was FunnyGurl who made the first remarks... and you replied with "the dalls dont feel so beep" not trying to start a flam war... think you and Funny girl might be on to something... and id watch your bacj with j23
  17. and full of whaite ass crackers... anyone from langley would agree that WG is the shit stain of Langley
  18. well wtf... he literally asked me to respond... reaching my friend noit a good luck -1
  19. no one trusts you fully... we want to trust you but there is too many inconsistencies with Kza and 112 who are ton confirmed at this point... i like your game wether your wolf or town... but i think the girls have something they arent sharing about you IDK why... they havent made the evidence clear..... if you are maf kill one of them im guessing...
  20. I fucking hate that i like you... idkw but.. i have nothing bad to say about you and i feel i should...
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