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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. i say hello to my fed every morning, they cant do shit... they breaking the laws mionitoring without consent
  2. the room is divided on you, your shit posting is a touch to high, IMO... honestly i would cut back the amount of jokes, it seemsa little eishy washy... though i mostlu agreee with what you say i try to avoid aligning with you... and here i am speaking about 2 hours of pure alcholic indduced mess and giving you advice...anyways you suffer from foot in mouth
  3. how about you be yourself... if you dont be yourself the relationship will never last... whatever you do for fun... talk the shit out that... but make sure you give them plenty of time to talk about themselves.... girls and marriages at least succesful ones have women leanding the sho... now if you eant to smaksh... PM me for tipos
  4. lets this be the great day of honesty... come forward and i will tell ou waht the room thinks of you.
  5. your lucky... @kza has more respect than anyone in this game... but im watching you...
  6. but brads been posting since day 1 and you show up. stealing the girls vote.. nah fam.... i dont even trust brad as far as i can throe them, and you, i would trust youflipping my hotdogs at a family get together
  7. sorry but not sorry, for your virgin Beta status... yeah i know your married... you could always join a mens group ...
  8. im fine... im just trying to ass out... i have insomnia, likley to the 2 packs of smoke and 3 energy drinks every 24 hoours... this is one of my most safe benders... been years since i touched the hard stuff. changed how i hanged out to my friend thst peer pressured, mad new friedns new hobbies... 12 hours of me beinga mess on niction booze and a root of valarium is baby shit... i could tell you WILD stories
  9. yeah and i ahve agiant ashtray fulkl of butts,,, likely the same ount of nicotine
  10. seriousl same joke with in 24 hours? how many laughs you get the first time?
  11. my bank card has fraud case, and was terminated.... not until 8am can i get a new one... im doing my best to falll asleep 5 shots 2 beers and a 250mg zopi... 5 beers left... if i take another zopi im scured what would happen... ohim a free lancer.... i do random jobs on the side... big brain not controlled by meds anymore... 2years without meds, best chpice i made... feeling emotions and being slightly erratic or no emotions and miserable
  12. nah governmebt are pussies... i do my taxex very 4 yers or whenever it benefits me best
  13. im 40 years old and living the good life... dont balme me whne i terribky hit on girls... you miss 100 present the shots as you dont take... when i joke about -2... it shows confidence... i ve had probaly more parteners than you and your best 3 friends
  14. not the first time if had to go through withdrawals.. 7.5 more hours..
  15. oh nad balls deep i think hes being friends with everone i wouldnt group tohetgher seriously looka t thie r post... actually Unvote Vote dallsbeep
  16. i think i womn the game tonight.... lewts... macdougall, coming in hot when they shouldnt be... and funnygurl... between them porscha nd J23 has me worried... its like a amish love triangle
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