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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. right on time... what you think about the 60 pages... any other keen insights?
  2. i have been seen LL as Town for awhile i really pay attention to the players i have played with because its all i got... and they havevnt said anything wild or crazy... they made points about j23 that have made perfect sense.
  3. @KZAis town...has to be... @112 i also feel is town @luckylager and @Master Radishes are we forgiving SS thats all im assking you all? they made at least 3 mistakes and the sussy SHADE+ ill match you 20$ post... if no one else is going to pursue this now or in the future i guess i have to let it go...
  4. i really think SS is the vote... based on princible alone... but BJ has gone crazy... have to monitor that...
  5. definite someone to monitor... i feel we are all over the place...
  6. still have townish reads from 6foot... but i dont think there is anything i can do to change that now... quantity over quality i guess.
  7. no i think 6foot has 5...sanke doctors vote not SS... and i also have no votes.
  8. i have to clarify... the first post is misleading... this is Dallbeeps post... and this is @Funnygurl555 response
  9. there was less post than i remembered about @dallsbeep there was some fluff about twin blade which i thought was just the girls bonding.
  10. sorry im pretty bad at multiple quotes, but this seemed like a convincing post from a experienced player...
  11. there was alot of fighting at the moment betwwen @dallsbeep and i cant quite remember, those 2 commented on that, im going to have to dig it back up... but there was like 7??? messages between a few about @ballsdeep
  12. what was it around midnight last night, porscha and funnygurl had a conversation about DallsBeep, how they bot thought he was sus, the conversation did not seem like a rookie to a vet it seemed like a vet talking to a vet... it was a very convincing conversation...
  13. you are right i changed my views, on them its hard to break initial reads... but last nights talks with porscha showed me they were no rookie....
  14. i ten 4 i dont like how little they posted, but they did say they are caught up on the thread, unlike others like Dabackpack mrturtle and qwags... as a slank vote id likely push somewhere else...
  15. actually that ATE was one of my main reasons why im voting SS, poeple that know my first game i made a saimilair guantee in a post that was not too different in my first game and got blasted hard... i would have been okay with it BUT, in the exact same post they throw shade on someone, and in the next sentence they guarantee matching 20$ posts, was a shady move IMO.
  16. ii agree with erhoff likey the worst of the top 4 in terms of 5v5 play.. he kinda reminds me of that old colarado defenceman all offense no defense that retired a couple years ago... john michael Lyles? but he was good because of his deployment all OZ starts and TOP PP1 play... Brown had a better shot for sure even Salo and Edler did. but erhoff was a great playmaker and a above average stickhandler... he was great passing the puck around and pinching because he was fast and was a main reason our PP was so good. when erhoff was Out it was not the same, Salo mostly replaced him but that was often lead to alot of slapshots from the point, instead of puck movement down low to the twins Bieksa was likely just a little too less skilled, shot wasnt the hardest, he wasnt the biggest, he wasnt the fastest, he was just solid but got burned from time to time... bieksa ne
  17. most people have agreed that we arent looking for scum we are looking for friends... i guess i think we should have j23 as a wagon for the other camp like your selves...
  18. ill help you out brother... i call them out they start a flame war after i mention they copping out, oh woe is me how ill i ever read these pages... then leaves without voting likely for last minute chaos, with their new found knowledge 10 minutes before the end of day...
  19. id just like to say there is like 7 people with a vote right now at least
  20. myers is better than all of them... I think your wrong. my guess is by ends year Myers plays more minutes per game than cole by the end of the year... if you look at the trends this is likely true...
  21. Zads can play top 4 in a pinch and has many skills... he's i think just slightly lower hockey iq than a true top 4 dman, often making mistakes like Myers... i thinks its harder when your bigger, one mistake and the smaller forwards use their agility and tighter edges to make you look bad, especially 5v5... id still rather have 2 giant monsters making 3M with slight below IQ, than a top 4 dman like pesce making 6 million..(aka next year) who is less tough
  22. i agree salo was often our best defenceman healthy... they all played about the same 5vs5 what stood them apart was edlers skill on the PK and, Erhoffs skill on the PP and both salo and Hamhuis being rock solid steady 5vs5... But bieksa wasnt too far away, he brought that grit along with rome. Alberts was a beast but just didnt use his size as well as rome or Bieksa... ballard he was exciting i guess likely our number 6 in terms of skill, but just often was out of position and was not the player we were hoping he was hyped up to be.
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