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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. he was our worst player by far... he also has no confidence with the puck... reminds me of Juice and his first game where he sent Brendan morrison for a suicide pass
  2. listen... being a millionaire Puts them in the upper echelon of attractiveness for women... its money first for 99% of women then Usually looks but not always, sometimes confidence or intelligence is more important... and besides that they have teeth that you can wear like a retainer all the players do this... I have never heard of an Nhl player complain about pulling chicks/dudes whatever... you got a lot to learn young padiwan
  3. it was either 104 or 107.9mph either way thats impressive there have only been like 8 shots over 100 MPH this season
  4. also... I know he's a Oiler but I love Kane is really turning around his Image... good on him...
  5. it didnt start out great, but we won 3/4 periods and deserved that win Hands down... first in the west!!!!
  6. you are a fool for assuming something... you have no idea why i even complained about your remark... it was unfair.
  7. all though not holding the same quality as gretz... Biz said Hughes is the Best defenceman in the world right now...
  8. ive heard this song and dance before, seems to come from people that enjoy spreading negativity... why do you choose to spread so much negativity? are you neurotic about one bad period? 3 games about another team, (which is really absurd to worry about, their play has NOTHING to do with our game... maybe see a doctor about your anxiety its upsetting most of the people here... it is a problem
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